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Hannah Zedaker Oct 2017
It's been a while since my heart first fluttered for you.
although (I hope) you'll never see these literary lines laid out for sake of my youthful embarrassment being whisked away
I'm here with motives of sincere resolving.
Boxes lined:
|   | beautiful
|   | forgiving
|   | purest heart of red
I assume as usual that my reaches are always non-existent just as any romance thrown my way,
but re-evaluation
and stipulation
are turning my blanks to realizations
        and the pursuit of happiness
your eyes still shine with golden flecks
but the soul embroidered in the lining of your silouhette
shines brighter than most.....
so please stay permanent
and don't let my impulsive writing scare you
Blonde Haired Boy i do adore you.
with open arms of friendship
|x| all of the above
signed sincerely,
lots of love
yeah, it's weird. I honestly don't know what this is besides some of my thoughts thrown at a page. Peace.
Brian Hoffman Sep 2017
There is this girl, blonde hair blue eyes.

Her stunning blue eyes get their color the same way water and the sky get their true rich blue color. They scatter light so that more blue light reflects back out.

Her hair shines so bright, as bright as the sun in the sky. Warming my heart during the daytime.

When I look into her eyes,
I see a beautiful ocean, peaceful and at ease.
I see gentleness and her personality coming free.
It's ever so engaging.

I tell her her beauty and personalities flourish.

She's a flower child.

She's the sweetest hippie bringing me peace and tranquility.

Her words can not describe her smile it's so contagious.
It's no wonder why she leaves me ever so speechless.

If I could be with this girl,
I'd do my all to give her the world in which she deserves.
Falling for this beautiful flower child. For once I've found someone who truly understands me. Our personalities and similarities are so alike. I'm hoping she realizes because we've become good friends I want more than that with her in the end. <3
Twm Gardner May 2017
Blonde ***** for everything I love you
You feed me one molecule of oxygen
and I linger like a drowning man
You hold me and I cannot breathe
as if crushed by Satan's black thighs
And so I rest in your melted cheese *******
tonight and forever
Addison René Feb 2017
i wanna become
entangled in your love
i wanna be
dissolved slowly,
ravaged and devoured wholly

but he said he only likes blondes,
so now my brown hair is gone
he said "this will be forever"
but i guess forever was too long

i wanna become
twisted under your thumb
i wanna be
your one and only
when you're with me
you'll never be lonely

but i guess forever was too long
When you come home
You barely speak
You barely look at me
You started speaking in your sleep
She's been in the back of your mind all freaking week

Her hair is a perfect shade of blonde
She can sing to
Just like you write your songs
The melody you have is pretty strong
The two of you clearly belong

And I'm just here sitting, thinking
''What did I do wrong''
Cause she's perfect
The scent of her perfume smells like flowers and honey
Ugh this is so funny
I might just fall for her to
Look at her
She's perfect and all

But she has you to
Wrapped around her finger
And sticking like glue
Don't let anyone make you feel like your less
David P Carroll Dec 2016
Your truly my beautiful
Blonde princess
I wanna cuddle you
Hold you tightly
Make you smile
Bright feeling
So special
So loved
Held every day
And made
Feel loved
No matter what
In life forever
Your heart
Should always
Beat inside
My heart forever
Our hearts
Become one on life
Knowing that
You could never
Find a better
Man's heart
Two truly love
You in life
Other than mine
My beautiful
Perfect blonde
Loving princess.
All my poetry is copyrighted
To the courts of law
In Republic of Ireland
David P Carroll
Blonde Perfect Princess
David P Carroll Nov 2016
I would passionately romantically kiss you hold you in my arms and feel our hearts beating together in utter harmony knowing that your truly loved and truly protected ever single day in your lifetime beautiful pretty blonde princess.
David P Carroll
Together My Blonde Princess
David P Carroll Nov 2016
If I had you by my side I would truly have everything in life .y perfect life would truly be completed by you by my side your beautiful beauty would truly melt into my beating heart your shining blonde hair would truly make me smile your truly one in a million and I would truly love to hold a beautiful pretty perfect blonde princess like you your truly from above no other women could truly shine bright in life as you your truly beautiful pretty princess.
David P Carroll
A Bright Blonde Princess
David P Carroll Nov 2016
Having you as my
Beautiful baby
Loving you as my
Beautiful blonde baby
Holding you in
My arms making you
Happy in my arms
Kissing you in my arms
Knowing that I could
Never a better
Blonde princess
Thanks you I love you
I truly do.
David P Carroll
David P Carroll
My Blonde Baby
David P Carroll Nov 2016
A young blonde princess like you would keep any ones heart happy seen your magical beauty every morning when I wake up would be a true dream come having a beautiful Angel like you inside my heart would always be the perfect Christmas gift in life your truly beautiful and your truly from above your magical beauty has made my heart smile your beauty is a special gift and its touched my lonely heart
David P Carroll
A Young Blonde
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