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i wonder if you know what it's like to be them
to have to carry your hands on the sides of your body
because keeping them in the pocket of your hoodie would lead to speculation
that you're carrying a weapon you're in no possession of
eyes on you wherever you go
warnings made over the radio
demands from behind you
"hands over your head where i can see them"
the sound of incoming sirens cue a scene they're far too familiar with
as you sit in the audience, row M, popcorn in your hand, watching the star in suspense
“but officer I’m not carrying a weapon, look—“

suspicion is justifiable for a bullet hole in their chest
does that same rule apply to you?

i wonder if you know what it's like to be in the presence of another
and sense the shift in their body as they do their best to distance themselves from you
because apparently there's an imprint across your forehead that screams:
you probably don't
because it is you who shifts uncomfortably
clutching a little tighter to your purse and wallet
who was the first person who told you to stay away?

i wonder if you know what it feels like to have expectations already made for you
they are nothing in comparison to the ones you are assigned at birth
they are nothing like the expectations you are molded into as a child
because unlike them,
you are told you can accomplish anything
you are told you can fight for what you believe in
with no repercussions
you are told you can become whoever you want to be
and you never doubt it
unlike you,
they are the ones placed under the knees of blue in suffocation
another byproduct of history
the expectations placed on them are ones that have been running through the vines of their family tree ever since its seed was planted on this foreign soil
they very same ones that deem them
all attributes used to create a segregation amongst us people
a definitive fine line
that if one oversteps
proclaiming unity and equity among us all
prepare for the raise of a hand
a baton enwrapped by fingers who are supposed to instill peace
they've reigned terror on the same people they're assigned to protect
a contradiction, wouldn't you agree?
"Land of the Free"
then why are so many of our people expected to succumb to oppression and dehumanization
why'll the rest of us reside comfortably in our luxury and privilege?
without worry of an invasion
8 shots released in deep sleep
"wrong house" they said...
but this is america
i wonder if you've lived life being told you'll fall under the same pattern as your ancestors
that there is no way of breaking the chain
i wonder if you know what it feels like to be treated as a token everyone loves displaying for attention
but when the moment comes to fight their truth
that attention ceases to exist
i wonder if you realize your duty in this fight for justice
but if you don't
i congratulate you
you've lived a life safe and sound
away from interrogation
you've lived a life where the color of your skin does not predict your destiny
it's formed a shield
a layer that obliterates
and prejudice in its most destructive form
to be born in this nation as white is the equivalent of getting a head start in the 400m relay we call life
running gracefully with the most opulent shoes for support
jumping over hurdles with an effortless ease
coached by the best of the best
your privilege awards you the golden ticket
tell me
why are you so reluctant in using it for justice?
-c. alejandra
Dave Robertson Jun 2020
kneeling so grit is driven deep
and the sneer and shove
of those robed in a fake love

The smug, paid for fists
of sanctioned thuggery
inflict blows that go beyond
contusion and haematoma
deep into a world soul,
and scar

Solutions are there
if we bring a whetstone
to the keen edge of care
and weaponise kindness

Because something that has
been a mess for generation upon generation
can’t be ignored to fester more

It is time to exercise rights
and excise
Fireflies Jun 2020
Get your hands *****
Dirtier, the need for change is a hurry
Take on this fight
Fight for justice, fight for what is right
Must not let this momentum die
Dying is for cowards, dying is for those who are not an ally
If the country is set in flames
Flames shall it be in, for the ones who died. Say their ******* names
Dont't you dare put that fist down
Down shall those murders go, we must do this to protect our children in the playground.
Change is close and we must fight till we get it
JAATC Jun 2020
my unrest
like good-is-never-good-enough
my fuel to flourish
in unrest I thrive

that unrest
the feeling that enough-is-enough!
an outpour of pain
through unrest we heal

feel unrest
know that you too are enough
love fighting the battle
for unrest means growth.
Lia Jun 2020
Her pale skin knew all the secrets.
When the maze would twist,
and when it would turn,
when it etched a clear path,
and whispered the escape route.

His dark skin was trapped.
The maze unleashed its branches,
tightening the grip around his body,
tangling him up in the mess
that she had created.

It was designed
by her ancestors,
for only one to win.
This maze
is the one they call life.

She needed to forge a new path.
One where he leads, she follows.
One where the branches
only burden the deserved,
and not for the colour of their skin.
I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand with you.
Miriam Jun 2020
Black lives matter
All lives matter
Everyone should be treated the same
Loved the same
I’m George Floyd - say my name
For those who have suffered
We can’t stay silent - or ignore their pain
Now we have spoken out-that’s not enough
We must take action
So this never happens again
How has it taken us so long to respond?
To things that started years ago
Across the pond
Dear injustice- dear racism
You don’t deserve to live in our world
So with our weapons of love
We’ll keep fighting-keep pushing
Till your defeated-
and drowned out by our voices
Black lives matter!
We may never go through what you have
But we support you- we will lift you high
Till you and your names - touch the sky
We will unite in power-in prayer
And in our hearts
For We all bleed the same
Your George floyd -we’ll always remember your name
Such a great loss! But you caused a greater gain
A movement that will change the world
Sad it took something like this
For us all to awake
But all for justice
So no more die in vain
Written to speak out against racism and injustice and stand with those who have suffered because of it ©️Mhawley 2020
Matthew Jun 2020
One month later, will we still be here?
Will my white friends be posting about racial inequality?
Will they 'educate' themselves on the systems that strip us of our identity?
Will they fight the good fight, despite the temptation of a return to normality?
I do not blame you for I would probably do the same.
All I ask is that one month later
Remember I did not choose to engage in this fight.
I was born into it.
I think it is an amazing thing that today people wish to educate themselves more about the struggle that we go through everyday. I do not wish to discourage this in anyway. I just hope people will continue doing the same as this fight for equality does not end in a month's time.
Why did he have to die?
This is a question I'll love to ask that person who once called him self a 'police officer'

Did George **** your wife?
Did George kidnap your child?
Did George rob your house?

I am trying hard to think about another reason for his death and not just because his BLACK.

You killed because of the colour of the skin?
That is messed up.
Am thinking candidates who want to become police officers in the future should screened real hard.

it is going to be more that just protests if this happens again.

there are definitely innocent police officers both white and blacks
Grey Jun 2020
Donate. Vote. Raise awareness. Sign petitions. Protest. Educate yourself and others. Email authorities and those who can make concrete change. Use your voice. Advocate for equal rights. Share ways others can help. Let’s end this madness Now.
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