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The Honey Bee

Little buzzing Honey Bee,
Honey sweetens me and thee.
Thou art busy all the day;
Busy Bee, thy wings are gay.

Flowers bloom and showers fall;
Spring is springing over all.
Thou shalt work till daylight's end.
Golden Bee, thou art my friend!

The Beekeeper

Little buzzing Honey Bee,
Thou dost make my gold for me.
Labour, Bee, because thy toil
Buys my meat and drink and oil.

Thou art mine: what thou dost make,
Slave! to market I shall take.
Mine the Bee and mine the Earth,
Mine by right of Human birth.
Compare to songs of innocence and experience by Blake and Watts.
Gideon Mar 8
My mother is a spider.
Carefully crafted webs fill my childhood home.
With great care, she weaves day and night,
trapping her family inside.
We struggle but only doom ourselves further.
I am a fly,
buzzing as I wrap myself in her silken strands.
My sister is a butterfly,
flapping her wings as the webbing pulls off her beautiful scales.
My brothers are bees
who once sought bright flowers and hives of others like them.
My father is a moth,
guided to the web’s shimmering light.
Now, we all lie still, drained of life,
slowly being consumed by the weaver.
David P Carroll Dec 2024
A little bee buzzing around me
And he's collecting nectar
Around the colourful flowers
Near me and he's
Collecting nectar all day
In a sweet flowery display
Making honey so perfectly
For me to eat today.
Little Bee 🐝 🐝 🐝
Nick Moore Jan 2013
Who dreams
who alive?

The flower
To the bee,
Inside the hive
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
Beeyond the joke!

Humble met up with his friends after work.
He had a big smile because he was thinking about her;
The bee he had kissed, remembering the bliss.
She said her name was Ever Queen.

As Humble was telling them what happened, Bee-Real said,
You know she’s got a boyfriend don’t ya?  His name is Zed.
Humble’s heart sank and he said, Right!  That’s it!
I’m no longer going out with anyone from this hive!  I quit!

Oh come on Humble, said Blondebee.
I’m sure you’ll meet someone eventually.
Yeah right, I don’t think so, I’ll never bee loved.
You want Tiny Dancer (Blondebee started to blush).

Blondebee and Tiny Dancer hadn’t yet admitted how they felt.
Tiny had broken up with Buzzie, so all was well.
They could be together now if they wanted,
But they would have preferred if Humble hadn’t announced it.

And every girl I like never likes me.
I guess I have to bee a lonely little bee.
Why do I always fancy the wrong ones?
I’ve had enough of this place.  I want to be gone…

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2024

The third date was ok, Humble thought.
At least this time Blondebee didn’t look so bored.
She was up to her elbows in shopping bags.
Humble paid for the dinner and they had a laugh.

They ended the night on a triple date.Bee-Real and Love-Bee and Tiny Dancer’s date was late,
So Tiny ended up talking to Blondebee until Buzzie arrived.
They all had fun and then they said their goodbyes.

Humble walked Blondebee home and wanted a kiss goodnight,
But she said “Er, excuse me, not tonight.”
She was his friend, so why couldn’t he love her?
Humble’s confusion reigned, love was hard; oh brother!

Humble wasn’t happy, but he’d been single long enough,
And last night they all had a lot of fun.
He thought it worked well when they were all with each other,
But the two of them alone were far from lovers.

Humble remembered what The Queen had said.
Jeez, it’s like she’s in my head.
Did she see this all before me?
The psychic foresaw this eventuality.

Humble talked to Bee-Real about his situation.
Sorry Bruv, I only know real love, and not infatuation.
You like her, and she likes you.
Where’s the problem?  What you gonna do?

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
Bee Happy

With Blondebee Humble was always searching,
Forever looking for the answers;
But with Bee Bee it was easy learning,
He already knew she was his enchantress.

At last Humble knew what it was to bee loved.
Bee Bee, he knew, was truly good.
Life seemed so easy now with her heart.
He couldn’t beelieve the struggle had been so hard.

Every day they grew with each other.
First came the kiss and now they were lovers.
Forever bound to love eternal.
Epics would bee written in endless journals.

Humble wrote poetry; Bee Bee wrote stories.
Each of them spoke of despair and glories.
They loved to tell tales and in each other found home.
They were two parts of one heart; no longer alone.

Their journey together had just beegun,
But already had passed many moon’s and sun’s,
And at the end of each day they lay together.
They fell asleep holding hands, like his father and mother.

Humble thought back to when he had first thought about love.
Never beelieving it could bee so good,
But at last he had found what his parents had.
In Bee Bee he had found a love that he knew would last.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Odd Odyssey Poet Aug 2024
Busy as much; busy as a bee
serving sweet remarks to a Queen
The hours are long, and we’re always
swarming with activity

Everyday business is always so sweet, and
even given a pet named— the retirement
package for it though, kind of stings

Every colleague of mine seems to know
what’s the buzz; and our clientele do carry a
good scent- something like flowers

…just another day for the life of a bee
David P Carroll Jul 2024
Golden sweet honey
Bees work tirelessly
Just for me and there
Truly nature's precious
Gift to life.
Bees 🐝🐝🐝
David P Carroll Jul 2024
Little bee buzzing
All around me and
I'm watching the
Flowers blooming
And nature's canvas
Sweet nectar is waiting
For the little busy bee.
Little Bee 🐝🍯
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