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Man Feb 15
Id, cognism, ego.

Mind & thoughts, the vault, the passions & ambitions.

The springs, the streams, the rivers.
The atmosphere, the clouds, the rain.
The ocean, the lakes, the puddles.

Feeding into itself, again & again.

It's difficult to explain,
But easy to conceive of,
If you can imagine.
Anais Vionet Feb 14
They’d fallen in love
as some young people do—
so that lust might rationally increase.

Their bright, valentine-red-blood fairly beat for love.

It’s good that we can name a thing—
describe it and classify it, so it’s out there,
fact-like, in the flimsy, indefinite poetry-verse

It was a day for it, as the sun, that most followed star,
was a carnotite paintball-splotch against a sky stitched of turquoise
and the quality of the light was sentimentally beyond reproach.

Their gallant love seemed to cast a radiance too, a bright, collateral light, which was of greater reassurance than any by-rote, muttered words.

No one denied the ambition of their love, it was both a mess and a revelation. And no one could pretend the moment was ordinary, that the atoms that spun and gripped our world together weren’t woven yet more inseparable by their union.

The greatest, alas, may choose to bless or deny that such a miracle as love, lasts.
Songs for this:
Under Your Spell by Snow Strippers
You Can Have It All by Yo La Tengo
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 02/13/25:
Gallant = very courageous and brave
The heart shaped piggy bank
rolled down the street.
You waited until the door was open
and then rolled right out.
I slid my last dollar in,
building towards something more
something more than paper-thin
a future that includes you,
in some shape or form.

I don’t know how you fell,
or how you got down from the shelf.
Better a dollar bill
than my hand stuck inside you.
I’m glad you didn’t break.
I fed you all my dreams,
all my ambitions.
It’s no wonder you didn’t explode
when you hit the ground,
waiting for something real
I want to write something
that lives beyond me.

Something that brings joy
to someone I'll never see.

Something that has wings
to traverse time and space.

Words of rhyme that kindle love
in a formerly loveless place.

Just a line, or phrase
where someone will say-

to a dear friend,
I read this today.

A poem by some old poet,
I don't recall his name.

But I found it to be beautiful,
and it touched me,
All the same.
What I write now, I hope my son will read when I'm 30 years gone
and remember me. Or maybe even a grandchild
even though I don't have any yet.
Flo Aug 2023
Where to store all of my dreams?
So much desire
Yet lacking the means

Many ambitions
Yet so little time
Precarious conditions
Little chance to shine

In desire to create
Shackles bind my mind
What a truly cruel fate
The constraints of everyday life on the process of pursuing ones dreams, creativity and the urge to create.
Zara rain Jun 2023
If content is king,
clarity is queen.
Are you brave enough
to rule the world?
Passions in the corporate corridors
AE Apr 2022
Somewhere in the tremor of this monsoon rain
Your heart itched in remembrance
And denial took its hands away from your eyes
and so, you cried,
you cried a mountain of tears
Enough to fill the gardening pots
When you watered your roses
With salted despondency
And the flowers began to wilt
You realized to set these dreams free
But even then, they were too far within
Like the arteries in your chest
Keeping you alive
This life is our present challenge,
We should learn something new,
Until the last breath, we take,
Always keep moving, our muscles, and joints,
Or they will become as stiff as boards on a crate,
While keeping our mind active, tinkering with something,
Or a new project to create,
Not sitting every day in the same spot,
As if we are wearing a body cast
We are not living today, if our stories,
Are about, the past,
No active daily plans for the future, no way,
How long will the human mind, and body last,
Look for signs of boredom, that mold your life until you pass,
If you talk about the weather, more than one time a day,
If the only thing you’re worried about coming,
Is the mail every day, or if, remember,
Is the first word, of every sentence that you say.

                                          The Original: Tom Maxwell © 3/13/2022 AD
                                                                           4:20 pm
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