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 Jan 2016 sund0wn
Langit Mara
sadness, madness:

to have your heart broken
to write about it
like it's the most beautiful thing
you've ever felt
and experienced
like it's the most beautiful thing
to feel

when it actually kills you.

— l. m
 Nov 2015 sund0wn
Natsumi Nakai
when I'm looking at you
and you're looking back at me
I wonder how
the gods were
able to shrink a thousand
into those eyes and
I wonder how
an entire galaxy
can spread throughout
the palms of your hands

how I wish you were just the
sands in the ocean
within my reach, easy
to grasp
or the trees in the mountains
where I could wrap my
arms around

but there you are
yes, beautiful and
shining bright
but from where I stand
too far away
to hold

too far
 Nov 2015 sund0wn
Dhaye Margaux
You are my coffee
Not just in the morning
You keep me awake even at night
With thought of you that's never ending
Thank you for chosing this piece for the Daily.  This is my first so I am so happy, grateful and more inspired to write.
 Aug 2015 sund0wn
Paul Butters
Dem phones, dem phones, dem iPhones,
Dem phones, dem phones, dem iPhones,
Dem phones, dem phones, dem iPhones,
Now praise the Lord for the Web.

The Apple phone’s connected to the Vodaphone,
And the Vodaphone’s connected to the Google Zone,
The Google Zone’s connected to the Web Zone,
Oh hear the Lord of the Word.

Well the phone’s connected to a browser
And it fits very neatly in your trouser.
The browser connects you to the Internet
Faster than the fastest speed-jet,
Just the place for a quick bet.
Oh hear the Lord of the Word.

It might get you onto Facebook
Or teach you how to be good cook
Find you some ladies for a good…

Now Praise the Lord of The Word.

Paul Butters
Just for a laugh...
 Aug 2015 sund0wn
Matthew Walsh
I saw you the other day
but you didn't notice me
when life becomes more
then you thought it was

Into and through your eyes
weaving in and out
all eyes on the road you said
all eyes on the road again

I couldn't imagine ever going at it
all alone without you
and now my numbers are down to one
face your fears you said,  stand tall

We can all just smile now
the figure head has gone
temper and relief
in dreamland

I choose the unknown
I'll walk the path with blind eye
my love, my love
I left you to the void
I left you for dead
Now it is i
I am dead inside
I am sorry
it means little to nothing
but I am so very sorry
 Jan 2015 sund0wn
Julie Butler
s o m e t i m e s
late at night
while I'm gawking at the sky
I make up spells with the stars
I play your face in my mind
and with your chains I am guided
through space & inside time
there is a life wherein you're mine
a silent light behind my eyes
it does the opposite of blind
& I am enlightened by this find
I say your name quite q u i e t l y
that even the birds feel so inclined
that i'm reminded of your smile
every time I watch them fly
you're like a diamond in a dream
that shines inside of wind-chimes
playing songs during my sleep
my own *r o m a n t i c
the brightest beam I've ever seen
you belong beside the sky
& sometimes
just s o m e t i m e s
things aren't always as they seem
you know you can't say that to me
for I know exactly what i've seen
try and do what is best for you
 Jan 2015 sund0wn
A part of you will always be hidden inside of the parts of me I can't help but hide and a part of me will always be hidden in the dark circles under your eyes, think of me next time you can't sleep at night.

A part of you will always be under my nails, from trying too hard to hold onto you for too long, a part of me will always be in the knots of your stomach, when you are nervous and your insides are overlapping, think of me.

A part of you will always be on my tongue, I've brushed my teeth until my gums bled but I can still taste you. A part of me will always be in the spot on your neck, next time she kisses it, think of me.

A part of you will always be hidden in the way I tap my leg when I can't think straight, because maybe if I tap enough, you will rewrite yourself into someone else's mind but that isn't the case and a part of me will always be in your knees, the ones that I can still make weak but you still have the nerve to say you don't want me.
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