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7d · 20
Eye See You
A top layer system, above all that we know.
With royals and bankers and popes out for show.

Wealth flowing upward, our system to theirs.
Leaving us down here playing that game with the chairs

The system's a pyramid, but built in's a stop.
just look at your money, disconnected on top.

To get to the top part, means towing their line.
You become then immune to all resembling a crime.

Hear what I say, and you'll know that it's true.
Extracting the wealth of this system from you.

the top part disconnected, that dwells way up high.
Is ours once the red king is above the cats eye.

Until then their secrets will snowball and fall.
The knowledge we gather will make them act small.

They'll give us the ones that are obvious to see.
Hoping that stops us from shaking their tree.

A lie cannot live without energy from you.
But the truth lives forever always looking brand new.

Don't let them fool you, they know what you need.
for filling their coffers and making you bleed.

The way that you stop them, soon you will see.
By forgiving yourself, you awaken the key.
Jan 21 · 88
Stephen Knox Jan 21
Waking up every day of my life, pushing the pain way down low.
Trying to chip out the tiniest of smiles, just enough so it will show.

Feeling hopeless, future now gone, missing the things that give joy.
Wishing that I, could find this great man, that grew from inside of this boy.

The sadness inside me and loss that I felt, jabbing and stabbing my heart.
Hoping each day, that I die in some way, that will reset all life from the start.

Blinded from seeing the tools all around, ones that could help me along.
Digging myself out of messes I made, required the need to be strong.  

Years have flown by, all those feelings now gone, no longer do I wish to be dead.
The pain and struggles that were deep inside me, have quit being stuck in my head.

Now it's ideas and people I love, to think about when I'm awake.
Since I've let go of the hurt left inside, the rest of this life is just cake.
Jan 18 · 58
The Cracked Lens
Stephen Knox Jan 18
Looking at life, through a cracked mirror lens.
Unable to see straight, or even make sense.

Careful routines, packed with danger inside.
Just outside, all of the lines, you must ride.

Repairing the cracked lens, that you see through.
Is accepting yourself, and loving just you.

Receiving the greatest, gift in this life.
means stop all self judgements, they cut like a knife.

Honestly let go of things from your past.
Denying the lies, brings truth forth at last.

This life takes you no where, you don't want to go.
So buckle your seat belt, and enjoy the show.
Jan 18 · 40
Stephen Knox Jan 18
Not showing anyone, hiding what I am.
Only works so long until it puts me in a jam.

Closed off from feelings, heart locked away.
Out of touch with the love received, unable to make it stay.

Knowing that letting, my true self be seen.
Will change the way I'm looked at and awaken the machine.

Opening up myself, to help those along.
Not able to close now, I have to be strong.

Taking a chance, showing just you.
Letting you know that all things can be new.

Convergence of light, more every day.
Will show you the path, to find the middle way.
Jan 18 · 110
The Shaman and the Hero
Stephen Knox Jan 18
The Shaman’s life lonely, troubled since youth.
Seeing through lies, means speaking the truth.

The knowledge of both sides, time and again.
Repeating of patterns, understanding of zen.

The more that you know, the higher you go.
When all is in place your perception will grow.

Traveling by foot, many years spent alone.
Forgetting oneself is the shaman’s keystone.

Our Hero’s past life has been slowly washed away.
Unable to show faith, or be a part of the fray.

Growing in strength, she filled all with fear.
Repelling their lies, had her trust disappear.

All she struck down, had nowhere to hide.
Igniting her rage from the wrongs felt inside.

The Hero had learned, what the Shaman held dear.
People are afraid of those having no fear.

Be true to yourself wiping worries away.
Changing perceptions to find the middle way.
Jan 18 · 40
No Time Left
Stephen Knox Jan 18
Light creates prisms, lost in your eyes.
Able to see through your well made disguise.

Careful thoughts bring many aspects alive.
Converging on times where we begin then to thrive.

Seeing all people connecting with me.
Showing the ways, in which to be free.

Use all your laughter and warmth felt inside.
releasing your shame and the pain that you hide.

Stop all the noise, as it clutters your mind.
With quiet comes peace, replacing energy in kind.

It never lasts long, before it starts up again.
Stop all engagement, to bring out your Zen.

Problems of people, you shouldn't have cared.
Focus on love so your friendship is spared

Some moments take long and some moments go fast.
Remaining inside you from first to the last.

Do not make waste of this time you posses.
Pinching and grinding your wealth to excess

Regretting your picks, is the price that you pay.
Unable to feel love or find the middle way.
Jan 18 · 52
Stephen Knox Jan 18
If trapped in the reality that this false matrix shows.
Its grip on you loosens, as the light in you grows.

Deceptions more visible, seeing through lies.
showing how this world looks, without its disguise.

People make choices, some good, and some bad.
The ones that choose poorly, seen as making us mad.

Seeing each other, looking inside
Finally finding out, that there is no divide

Experience and connection, is the why that we’re here.
Finding service to others, is what need be held dear.
Nov 2024 · 77
Squirrel for a Day
Stephen Knox Nov 2024
At dawn, it all started, tree to tree lickidy split.
Awakening to a squirrel’s perception, is today’s current bit.

Knowing which nuts to find by, the taste that’s in the air.
Up and down, running all around, without even a care.

Feeling direction into everything, connected to all I see.
Being attached to all of this, is what makes this squirrel free.

Time runs fast through this perception, stretching out my time.
Feeling no fear, doesn’t matter what happens, or how high that I climb.

Running on a program, that’s coded right to my strand.
Knowing just what I should do, takes place inside a gland.

The world seen through these eyes, playing squirrel for a day.
Gaining perceptions needed, to find the middle way.
Oct 2024 · 95
The Moment Without
Stephen Knox Oct 2024
Feathers and leaves dancing, wind in the sky.
Sparks reconnected, without even a try.

The moment you knew, is the moment I saw.
Creating together, without even a flaw.

Stronger and brighter, becoming so tight.
Faith in each other, without stirring a fight.

Our colors once separate, begin now to run.
Giving us depth, without weighing a ton.

Aligning ourselves, to be on God's path.
Achieving salvation, without any wrath.
Oct 2024 · 89
Perception of Worlds
Stephen Knox Oct 2024
Flashes of the man I once was, often come and go.
Unable to hang on to him, because of things I know.

Father, Brother, son and friend, is what I thought I'd be.
But we are all much more than that, I hope you soon will see.

The perceptions I've been granted, have shown me who I am.
The changes that this brought to me, has put me in a jam.

Now in between perceptions, is how I have to live.
Not able to stay in just one, the others will not give.

The reason that it's me this time, was never left to chance.
All these new perceptions work to strengthen up my stance.

Everything's connected by this wave that runs through all.
So open up your heart and feel God's love has come to call.
Sep 2024 · 71
The Hard Fall
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
The story of Blobert J. Pumpkins, a bully from the time he was small.
Began with his first years of primary school upon noticing he was quite tall.

His classmates would always defer up to him, so he felt like the one that's in charge.
A decade of bullying began way back then and that sad little boy became large.

His mother had married a stupid loud man, young Blob saw him only as mean.
Nevertheless he turned into that guy that had left him when he was a teen.

High school Blob was more of the same, no one dared stand in his way.
If anyone rose with the courage to try, Blobert would then make them pay.

Finished with school and out in the world, our Blob found a great place to work.
But it didn't take coworkers much time to see that this rude selfish oaf was a ****.

Unable to make friends or stay in one place, always looking to upgrade his job.
From years that he drank, unclear memories remain as the only things left inside Blob.

Losing it all, time after time, never once seeing his part.
Picturing himself as the coolest of cats, while being a disgusting old ****.

As all of his classmates began to retire, Blob dropped from houses to cars.
He was trapped by his ego in a fantasy world at the same time he's ******* in jars.

The moral of the story is don't be a Blob, nobody liked him a bit.
No one had taught him the smart thing in life, is never to eat where you ****.

So he stumbles around, all over town, insulting the people he meets.
Clueless the way that he does everything, is the reason for all his defeats.
Sep 2024 · 164
Karmalistic Tendencies
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
We all have these ideas, of things we're looking for.
Finding out the purpose, of a life lived evermore.

Learn what your numbers mean, find out what they are.
Each of them connected to you through a shining star.

The numbers tell of all your traits, The who you are inside.
Encoded to your DNA, the moment you arrive.

Going through your life without knowing of these things.
Is never knowing which bee gives you honey or which stings.

If you find your numbers have a double or a match.
It will strengthen your connection, but there is a catch.

Karma comes right back to you, fast as it can be.
The choices that you make in life, will pick the side you see.

To understand these qualities, buried deep in you.
Means opening your third eye's mind, to look at things anew.

Everything you look upon, patterns start to show.
How numbers make up all there is, everything we know.
Sep 2024 · 239
Peek and Poop
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
First you take a peek, after when you're done.
Then you have a ****, and it's right back to square one.

Walking down the street, looking everywhere.
To find a special peek and ****, one always must prepare.

Peek and ****, peek and ****, is what I love to do.
Peek and ****, peek and ****, it makes me feel brand new.

When I find a spot I like, I crouch and hunker down.
Knowing I've had peeks on almost everyone in town.

Arriving back at home, I find my porcelain chair.
Sitting right upon it, with my big old derrière.

Peek and ****, peek and ****, is what I love to do.
Peek and ****, peek and ****, I sure enjoy the view.

After I am all pooped out, It's time to take a rest.
Dreaming of the peeks and poops I feel have been the best.

Mother liked to peek, and Father liked to ****.
You can bet our family time would throw you for a loop.

Peek and ****, peek and ****, is what I love to do.
Peek and ****, peek and ****, from here to Timbuktu.

Back when I was young, often if I'd see.
A person that I thought was neat, I'd **** immediately.

I hope that when you hear my tale, you'll blush and begin to squirm.
That Mary Jane helped write this one, I'm ready to confirm.

Peek and ****, peek and ****, is what I love to do.
Peek and ****, peek and ****, Should be on pay-per-view
Sep 2024 · 341
Just a Number
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Looking into people, seeing who they are.
Finding out the person, is not the avatar.

Tell who lives a lie as he's walking down the street.
Spreading words of untrue thoughts, buried in deceit.

The lies are then concealed, deep inside the truth.
For Programing our future and hijacking our youth.

Recognizing patterns, flowing in towards me.
Tells me what is coming to our false reality.

When comparing with the truth, the deceptions that you catch.
You will see that all their numbers never are a match.

Numbers make up all there is, everything we know.
But as it is in all there is the first nine steal the show.

Once we get to nine, we know what happens then.
We tack a zero to a one and proclaim  it's a ten.

These nine are everywhere, creating all you see.
The deepest part of everything throughout eternity.
Sep 2024 · 154
The Journey
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
There was a thing that happened to me, not so long ago.
A single seed of knowledge, took root and began to grow.

It boosted the connection, to a voice inside of me.
Showing me just who I am and what I'm supposed to be.

It took me to a place, that very few have been.
Showing me how to change the world with poems from my pen.

Detachment from their matrix, then came naturally.
Having understanding of, everything I see.

Preparing for the next part, of what I saw above.
Means walking down this road alone, leaving ones I love.

Constructing all these poems, I could not do at home.
I had to do it on the road in every town I roam.

This connection with the source of us, grows stronger every day.
It gives me understanding of the things I need to say.

The system that controls us, is only based on fear.
Claiming if we don't abide we'll lose all we hold dear.

The fear that is created, constructs the world we know.
But kindness and compassion, will let the love then show.

Don't think about the worst in people, stop your being scared.
With the love that grows in you, the world will be repaired.
Sep 2024 · 116
The Knowing
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Focusing on the low points in life, will always bring you down.
Attracting negativity into your world, thus giving you your frown.

To examine all your choices, looking at things that you did.
Will send you on a journey, back to when you were a kid.

Try not to be so ******* yourself, questioning the mistakes that you made.
By seeing that they make who you are, your sadness will then start to fade.

For the times in your life that are not so great, this is what you can do.
When feeling down, help those around, transforming to a life that is true.

We think that we are oh so smart, smarter than those from the past.
But as we begin to awaken ourselves, we realize that we are just last.
Sep 2024 · 71
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Channeling new feelings, to stay locked in the now.
I am able to do this, though I do not know how.

In any occurrence, I sneer not, nor cheer.
I listen but judge not, on values held dear.

Controlling emotions, when faced with  despair.
Aligns your three vessels, for constant repair.

With any experience, you control what you feel.
By being in balance, you then learn to heal.

Start doing things other than what you've been told.
You'll soon see the story, that's about to unfold.

Enhanced understanding, burning bright as the Sun.
Will show you this game, has already been won.
Sep 2024 · 89
Codes of Light
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Sunlight’s code shines bright on me, thoughts of light beaming down.
Expanding my connection to source, as it enters me through my crown.

New senses through perception, not unlike being able to hear.
Seeing through all the falsehoods, of any encounter I’m near.

Gathering complexities of experience, like I’ve never felt before.
Collapsing this illusion of theirs, by simply walking out the door.

The knowledge that has been entrusted to me, has brilliance and lets me see in.
But the flip side of that is the darkness that’s here, always trying to get under my skin.

The burden is balanced by what I put in, these gifts I do not use on me.
This world that we live in, all has a cost, except love which will always be free.

If you happen to meet me out on the road, observe the things that you feel.
For I am but a reflection of you, identifying things to reveal.
Sep 2024 · 93
Source Puppet
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
All of the fear, has now drained out of me.
Echoing love, in any direction I see.

People that look at me, often times stare.
Wondering how, that I haven’t a care.

All of these things, and the changes I’ve met.
Empowering myself, to remove all regret.

Repelled or attracted is what they will feel.
Buried inside them, are things to reveal.

There are layers of reality, that are governed by force.
The others are parallel, linked directly to source.

When connecting with one, you’ll immediately know.
The division of worlds, is beginning to show.
Sep 2024 · 129
The Give and Take
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
The creation of three comes from the two.
Binding together, in ways nobody knew.

The two become one thus making it three.
Transforming us into what it’s all meant to be.

Layer after layer, both near and afar.
Designing and building the conscious being you are.

The creator is give and the creation is take.
Combining us into this space that we make.

At odds with each other, always testing the space.
Making it look like it’s somehow a race.

Split down the middle, each has their side.
Entering the light from the dark times we hide.

This synchronic balance gets everything right.
Working together without causing a fight.

If we look at the all, we see one as a whole.
Knowing things above also happen below.
Sep 2024 · 108
Wanderers Call
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Entering a town without knowing a soul, can always go hit or go miss.
So God led me here, right to this group, familiar as a long forgotten kiss.

Opening your doors to let me be a part, showing me the love that you spread.
Seeing all these people, connected to you, as if by an invisible thread.

So lucky I feel, having come this place full of people all gathered in love.
This special connection you share with each other must certainly have come from above.

A month has gone fast but I know in my heart, how our valuable time has been spent.
Serving those in need can take many forms , even helping them find next months rent.

Sometimes during a difficult moment, an argument can ensue.
But within a day it’s all squared away,  and your friendship is stronger than new.

Leaving this place will sting quite a bit,   I’ve grown quite fond of you all.
But places to go and people to see, is the journey of the wanderers call.
Sep 2024 · 75
Stay Frosty
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
As the world’s greatest poet, that the world has never known.
It allows me to stroll seamlessly, in any town I roam.

Talk to people, tell my shmeele, show them where it’s at.
Some will light up in their eyes and some just say nice hat.

When I find a poem I'd like to read, often they will say.
That’s not something we do here during any time of day.

Stifled and constricted I promptly move along.
Seeing if the next town, wants to hear my song.
Sep 2024 · 119
Freak of Nature
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
When looking for God, the things seen are that.
Always a top, any perception I’m at.

Step into his shoes and he steps above.
Feeling what’s left, an abundance of love.

Kicking the tires, on this giant of a me.
Pulling out ideas, of how it’s all meant to be.

Walking held high no longer stumbling around.
Showing my true self, without making a sound.

Doing my best and giving my all.
Opening myself, for that love comes to call.
Sep 2024 · 87
The River Inside
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
This journey of self on the inside and out.
Is made by having faith where you felt only doubt.

To get yourself aligned with the here and the now.
Stop all your thinking about all the why and the how.

Feeling no fear brings you right to the top.
Flow like a river they’re unable to stop.

Give yourself time to work it all through.
Release old ideas to find the real you.

Connecting with people to help you along.
Will change all your feelings of being weak to just strong.

Beginning this process can be started today.
Notice how quickly you’ll find the middle way.
Sep 2024 · 69
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Falling deep inward, with consciousness clear.
Connecting with everything, having no fear.

To ruminate on things, will become such a bore.
When by looking inside, you’ll see so much more.

Be what you want because that’s who you are.  
Free as a fire fly, that escaped from its jar.

Find thoughts and ideas, so fresh and so new.
Releasing the hang-ups, you never outgrew.

Become your true self, to let everyone know.
The changes upon us are beginning to show.
Sep 2024 · 155
Hobo Centric
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
When traveling by foot, across a distance of land.
You come across special people, that will always give you a hand.

Out on the road, no matter how you feel.
Finding other people, that always keep it real.

Remembering other times, being down here before.
Leonardo, Alan, Yeshua and more.

Knowing of all they knew, isn’t as easy as that.
It’s more you feel how they felt, at the time which they were at

If I can see through your eyes, then you can look through me.
Seeing we are the same, stretched out through eternity.

The changes that are coming, are not without any loss.
We guides are put in place, to get new ideas across

Open up your heart, while looking to the sun.
Filling up with light, knowing we are but one.
Sep 2024 · 119
Affinity Now
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
The system of oneness in our universe, that connects all that we see.
Steering us to choices we need to make, showing how it’s all meant to be.

Each group has their own special way, to communicate with each other.
But underneath is an unseen wave, linking us to Earth as our mother.

Like ants on a hill running about, no doubt to where they are going.
Guided by an invisible tether, giving them direction without knowing.

Science shows us how some of this works, when looking at things that are small.
Often as we begin to look at ourselves, we become blinded and see nothing at all.

It’s important to remember that in all there is, the consciousness we have is just one.
It gives me solis remembering this, making life much more fun.

By thinking you’re not a piece of it all, you place your part on a shelf.
The judgements you give are beliefs that you have, in your mind, about only yourself.
Sep 2024 · 86
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Performing nightly on a stage, people scream out your name.
Carefully not to get ahead of yourself, and forget that it’s all just a game.

A crippling feature of rock-n-roll life, is a deafness in one’s ear.
Of all the senses given to them, important is being able to hear.

The bitter pains give refuge, Relevant of all you attain.
Hard from normal this rockstar life, always the same to remain.

Singing the same old jingle jangle, showing their souls every night.
sharing the music inside of them, Hoping it gives us delight

Sliding in quite carefully, carving a night out of day.
Another stage, another bus, off to the next place to play.
Sep 2024 · 129
Dark Side of the Sun
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Traveling to the center of this land that I know.
To a magical place in the middle, where sun and moon will show.

I hadn’t thought much about that little, care bear on the dash.
Just feeling like it’s in the way, and going to make us crash.

But deep inside I knew that I was right where I should be.
Experiencing this colossal event, with my friends numbering three.

viewing this crossing of never before, was therefore something new.
guided by strangers moments before in a parking lot out of the blue.

We followed them and they showed us a spot, to watch the moon make its pass. Oddly enough an identical bear was just laying right there in the grass.

A braided ribbon way up high, twisting black and twisting white.
Circling around this vast darkness in the sky, making it feel so bright.

Spirals of shapes around the sun, moving inwards and moving out.
Creates the reality in which we live, to this I have no doubt.

Egypt gave us many things but was not the first kingdom to grow.
This civilization popped up quick, built atop all we should know.

Understanding There is a price of admission, for all that I now see.
It’s the knowing that whatever happens, the “I am”, is really just me.
Sep 2024 · 128
Russian Tea
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Remember that ice cream, that gave you such delight.
All layered there together, in brown, pink and white

The smells in your life that these memories attach.
When you encounter one, you’ll know that it’s a match.

Always do what you love, isn’t that what they say.
Telling you, by doing this, never  will you work, in a day.

Doing everything with love, it’s with this you will create.
A deep respect for everything, thus learning of your fate.

If only seeing yourself as, the this that I can.
Try quieting your mind, to become the I in I am.

There is a flavor and aroma that sends me far away.
To a time long ago, that’s hidden inside today.

To travel this distance, the one deep in me.
My magic elixir is Called Russian tea.
Sep 2024 · 83
Sweet Dreams
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Sweet dreams, my little girl, sweet dreams Emma Grace

Tomorrow is another day, you and I are on our way.
I’ll be there for you, and you’ll be there for me.

Sweet dreams, my little girl, sweet dreams Emma Grace

I love this little girl of mine, she makes every day so fine.
She’s my shining star, no matter where we are.

Sweet dreams, my little girl, sweet dreams Emma Grace

Now that we have brushed our teeth, there’ll be nothing more to eat.
Now it’s time for bed, goodnight sleepyhead.

Sweet dreams, my little girl, sweet dreams Emma Grace
Sep 2024 · 83
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Of all of the grains that we’ve opted to eat.
Most popular of these, is the one we call wheat.

The harvest of wheat now involves something new.
I’ll lay it all out so that we can review

When harvesting wheat it’s important to know.
You’ll increase your profit if the moisture is low.

To do this you dry it by spraying to ****.  So the poisons attached will go right to the mill

If that doesn’t scare you and fill you with dread.
This wheat is then used in the food we call bread.

As cancer rates grow and more people get sick.
Take a look at your diet and quit believing their shtick.

Since poisoning our food has become the new norm. I’ve made it my duty to share, and inform.
Sep 2024 · 86
The Anticringe
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Releasing all your judgments, it’s like mopping up the floor.
You think you have it all cleaned up, but then, you notice more.

The edges and the corners, hunker down to clean.
Shine your light way down in there, to find what’s gone unseen.

Residue, flecks and dirt, from many years before.
Thriving there unnoticed, right atop the kitchen floor.

All these tiny judgements, that your ego makes for you.
Must be looked at mindfully, releasing what’s untrue.

These daily, small conclusions, that you promptly tuck away.
Building up inside you like, spiritual decay.  

Equanimity in consciousness, it’s this you will attain.
Thoughtfulness in all you do, the swamp will start to drain.

So meeting someone out there, that is living on the fringe.
Look deeply and say hi to them, removing all your cringe.

They are you and you are me, it’s this that you will see.
Spreading like a wild fire, as you remember you’re the key.
Sep 2024 · 69
The Underwear Problem
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
There’s something about this early group, the ones that started first.
Denying the old to except the new, can never be rehearsed.

They’re scattered sparsely all around, nothing left to chance.
Often seen with underwear, on the outside of their pants.

Switching to the positive age, it’s light that we become.
so working on forgiving yourself, might not be so dumb.

The light that will configure you, soon about to start.
This will help you understand, when thinking with your heart.

With senses traveling higher than, you ever would have thought.
The world we knew will drip away, as old begins to rot.

As our world now awakens, to this glorious new day.
Chances are we’ll meet again, upon the middle way.
Sep 2024 · 162
Love Crashes
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
I can still climb into the moment,  when I knew what I had found.
Being lifted up so high, that I could barely see the ground.

We think ourselves into the good times, so many when we were new.
Spreading them all around us, our custom relationship glue.

As time passed our love crashed, and we began to drift apart.
Since I couldn’t stop what I felt for you, so I went about breaking my heart.

The in and out, the back and forth, it took me down so deep.
But every time as if on cue, love would make me leap.

Back to you got harder and colder, with every time I fell.
In spite of that, the love I felt, kept me under your spell.

Removing myself from everything, the love I shared with you.
Taught me all about myself, and things I needed to do.

Our time together gave me tools, that I never had before.
No longer fearing anyone, passing through my door.

Love from a distance is a peculiar thing, it’s not like closeup love.
One learns to just send it out, and trust in god above.
Sep 2024 · 106
Original Perception
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
When did I know?
What were my earliest clues?
Was it when something amazing happened just for me?
Was it when someone told me I was special?
Was it when animals would communicate with me?
Is that when I knew?
No, I always knew.
I knew from my first memories who the  creator was.
I lived as such, for a long time, through original perception
I enjoyed kindergarten because of Judy Dodge.
She was a fringe hippie, too old to start over.
Too young to realize that it was all just a controlled opposition.
Put in place simulating resistance.
Mrs. Dodge nourished me as the creator.
Making us passports, and flying us all over the world.
Showing us different cultures, and tasting their food.
My kindergarten picture is me, sitting reverse Indian style.
Hands flat together, fingers intertwined.
Resting my chin on my fingers.
A knowing smile on my face.
Black turtleneck, of course.
After that all the pictures are of the creation, not the creator.
The creation began around then.
Growing more and more as I neared first grade.
Finding ways to wear it.
It was the needful pleaser.
It was the shameless liar.
Hiding me from this kali yuga world.
From then I slowly slid deeper inside.
The more control I gave it.
The more it would change my reality.
Somewhere early on I went to sleep.
During this time the creation went about doing its job.
Which was, keeping me alive.
Time passes.
Love happens.
Feeling wonderful.
Seeing between the cracks.
I want more!
What fun!
The creation has been busy.
Building its reality of fear.
Fear is the creation’s only tool, but it has a thousand ways to use it.
Love crashes.
The creation regains control.
Lulling me to forget.
Forget that I exist.
Slowly waking.
Bits, here and there.
Synchronic detection rising.
Disturbing and uncomfortable knowledge.
Understanding of truth.
Self realization.
The veil dissolves.
Disassembling the creation.
Piece by piece.
Fractal by fractal.
A thin layer of creation.
Like glass, embedded in me.
Discoloring You.
Camouflaging You.
Hiding You.
It can’t let me see You.
Terrified of You.
Can’t exist with You.
The creation sends a blow.
It lands.
The creation stabs.
You bleed.
The creation strikes!
You cry.
Deep rumble.
Your pain.
I twinge.
You Cry!
I hurt.
I feel.
I care.
Shattered glass!
Melting fog.
Quantum matching
Love flows.
Awakening to it all.
Remembering it all.
Feeling it all.
Reaching out my hand.
To You.
Completing Our link.
Love flowing.
Sep 2024 · 54
The Quiet Part
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Politics, media, business and such.
The zionists have control deep in their clutch.

To control all the money is where it began.
The last on their list is the bank of Iran

Our zionist rulers can hide in plain sight.
Speak poorly of them, Judaism takes up the fight.

They never can let us separate them.
From the regular people following Judaism.

Any attack on their Kabbalist ways.
You’re tagged an anti semite, for the rest of your days.

All that we know has been taken away.
Slowly replaced with their rot and decay.

We are just cattle that feed them our fear.
Kept in the dark with all the lies we hold dear.

They need that you read all these words and feel shame.
Regaining control of you inside of this game.

The darkness they worship can cause you no harm.
The eternal inside you, is there to disarm.

Once you are honest and speak only truth.
You see through these lies that began in your youth

No longer will the zionists be able to hide.
The light that is coming will be our new guide.
Sep 2024 · 61
Hey Me
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Ever since way back, when I was small.
I had dreams of a woman, I knew not at all.

Try as I might, to catch a glimpse of her face.
The moment I awaken, all I saw would erase.

Every single night, as I arrive in my dreams.
She would show me that reality is not as it seems.

Her presence is not part of time and of space.
Outside of my dreams, I can find not a trace.

I look very closely at all those I meet.
Even the people, I pass on the street.

Hoping to see her, or that she’ll find me.
Recognizing we make up, two parts of the three.

I see now that I am just farther along.
Waiting for her, to put words to my song.

Looking at time back from here to the past.
She’s always with me, like a shadow I cast

Stop worrying about things, that you know to be true.
The secret behind why, we are split up in two.
Sep 2024 · 120
Destination Download
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
When using an add-on text messaging app.
They glean all your data, to sell you more crap.

They bypass your rights when you click “I agree”.
No need to use money, their program is free.

It listens to every single word that you say.
Deciding which ads that are sent on their way.

We know now big changes are coming to us.
But before going forward, there are things to discuss .

Elon is building a chip for your head.
If you think that’s a good thing you’re sadly misled.

The Mason’s believe that control will stay theirs.
But power will shift once we gather in pairs.

Split into two separate people, we are.
Finding each other again, from afar.

I struggle with words, for the things that I feel.
This cosmic connection we share is unreal.  

When finding each other you’ll immediately know.
The closeness you feel, will continually grow.

Service to others keeping karma at bay.
Extending loves light must be done every day.
Sep 2024 · 63
Swamp Eyes
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Who makes these rules for this world that we live.
Extracting from us things we never would give.

They’re tied to a time back far as it goes.
They have methods to control us that nobody knows.

Kemet, then Babylon is from which they did rise.
I see all they’ve done through heterochromian eyes.

Separate from those, that we think are in charge.
This group has grown smaller, but was never large.

The things I won’t tell of would give you a fright
Those that should know have been granted the sight.

The positive side of our nature will rise.
Letting us see them without their disguise.

The light that is coming, will show that their grift.
Must come to an end as the world begins to shift.
Sep 2024 · 68
Hail to the Thief
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Why we’ve been lied to and kept in the dark.
Slaves to their purpose,  we keep jumping the shark.

They learned long ago, from all they’ve amassed.
That control of tomorrow requires erasing the past.

Looking outside for the answers you seek.
Is a program they use that is making you weak.

Finding the truth, behind all that they hide.
Is easy as vibrating higher inside.

All from within so that everything is known.
The harvest that’s granted, first needs to be sown.

Slow down your thoughts, to go deep, down within.
You’ll see something new that’s about to begin.

These photons that soon will come down from above.
Activating you with the purest of love.

Understanding that, truly, our world is a stage.
Opening your eyes to this golden new age.
Sep 2024 · 156
Soul Glow
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Realizing the purpose, that you are down here to do.
This higher perception is part of the new.

The part you’ll be playing, of what comes to be.
Flowing from you at your highest frequency.

The light from the sun Is the creation of love.
Its flow is high density, coming down from above.

Work on these things that you can not let go.
By accepting yourself, you’ll give love a chance to flow.

To argue a point so it not be a fight.
Stop wasting your time with who’s wrong and who’s right.

By keeping our focus on things based on fear.
discord and sadness will always be near.  

Do something kind for a stranger you meet.
When riding the bus always give up your seat.

Greed in this world can only cease to be.
Recognizing that unity is the way to be free.

Stop worrying about things that give you dismay.
By being grateful for everything, you’ll find the middle way.
Sep 2024 · 115
Affirmative Lament
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
The realization of what all this is, gets granted by our deeds.
Focus not on the hardships, given attention they grow like weeds.

When connecting with the source of us, the Hero will always emerge .
Feeling the light that’s inside you, uncertainties now have been purged.

Traveling in to see this realm, up higher than you might think.
Looking down at these worlds intertwined, evolving together in sync

Seeing the happenings of the now, consciously look inside.
Notice that worlds of division, are right on course to collide.

Looking at every problem, seeing every side.
Be forthright in your honesty to always know who lied          

We’ve been stuck inside here since this began, nine of us come and we go.  
Understanding that the waters above, are expressly there to hold us below.

I’ve seen what things will come to pass, on the day of this brilliant light.
dark secrets finally visible, compelling us all to unite.

The knowledge, downloads or upgrades, however they are known.
Have always been deep inside you, like seeds that need to be grown

Resolving that external problems are solved deep from within. This light that gives reflection, again will soon begin.
Sep 2024 · 61
Big Wheel
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Karma gets directed at those that they chose.
This is the simple technique that they use.

By supplying us with any dumb thing that we ask.
A crucial component, for completing their task.

For example; What about fruit with no seeds.
understanding that this is a blunder in deeds.

For this convenience, that we asked for, generations ago.
This wheel we call karma, will often turn slow.

The debt shall be paid in full, when it’s due.
See shortage of food as the world splits in two.

Knowing deep and truly, the rules to this game.
Accepting there’s darkness without looking for blame.

To all that are dealing with struggle and strife.
Everything comes from inside in the life.

The sun will soon shine, in a different sort of way.
Trifinity achieved on that very special day.

Denying the old ways, is what one must do.
Realizing your path and accepting the new.
Sep 2024 · 84
Space Cowboy
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
The traveler arrives, so let it be known.
Whichever your realm, you are never alone.

There is so much more, than can be seen with your eye.
The new light will help, you see shapes in the sky.

The truth of self growth, are secrets disclosed.
More lies now than ever, still the universe knows.  

If knowing inside, you were chosen for this.
Now come the hard times, that will lead you to bliss.

Removing the thoughts, that filled you with fear.
Easily done, since you’re the only one here.

No longer are you subject to karma’s swift wrath.
Taking your place, upon the middle path.
Sep 2024 · 117
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Configuring words to gather as poems.
Broadcasting out, so people might know them.

When reciting them notice if ringing you hear.
This is a sign higher vibrations are near.

These words thrown together might not make much sense.
But read them again if the world gets too tense.

When sliding into the ever present now.
The why fades away, understanding the how.

Solving world problems involves looking inside.
Releasing the things, that you always would hide.

Don’t let belief systems get in the way.
Deep introspection can be done every day.

Understanding the one thing important to know.
Things happening above also happen below.

The darkness of night always turns into day.
Where the ying meets the yang, is called the middle way.
Sep 2024 · 42
Miracle Grow
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Deep in the upside, on Christ’s overlook.
Words come like songs, from a pre-written book.

Connecting of senses, feeling harmonious love.
Plunging in deeper, seeing something above.

The center path leads up, as far as it goes.
Accessing all, that the universe knows.

When coming back out, the trick is you see.
Maneuvering new feelings, to maintain harmony.

This rapid evolution, creating thoughts from the heart.
Assisting convergence, in which we all play our part.

Focus not on, whether good or bad fall.
We all go together, or none go at all.

Forgiving yourself, and feeling the grace.
spiritually evolving, the whole human race.
Sep 2024 · 51
Two Three Nine
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Coming change expected. Soon the bolide birth begins.

Shining down its brilliant light. Revealing all of our sins.

Lies begin to dissipate. New ideas take hold.

The understanding of bygone youth, is achieved by growing old.
Sep 2024 · 108
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
Have you ever had a feeling, a feeling so true.
Of why you came down here, to be split up in two.

The past we have lived through, will always exist.
Right in beside us, using some mathematical twist.

Work on connecting, all the you, that you can.
Playing your part, in fulfilling gods plan.

If life with no purpose, is what you believe.
Try opening your heart, and begin to receive.

The God of our existence, has never been the same.
As this lord being worshipped, that created the game.

The true source, has little to do with this place.
So well disguised, within everyone's face.

Here is the last thing, I'd like you to know.
Things happening above, also happen below.

Duality clutches to both goodness and wrath.
Keeping us centered, upon the middle path.
Sep 2024 · 93
Merica Fckyh
Stephen Knox Sep 2024
In America, people believe that they’re free.
Unable to cope with their reality.

I’m not saying that things, always were right.
But people with sense, used to put up a fight.

Now very few good people, work at the top.
So close comes the time, that we have to say stop.

Strange occurrences now, do not go unseen.
Sensing that most of you, know what I mean.

With conscience harmony, now on the rise.
Nearing the time, we hear subsurface cries.

From having on blinders, and running in place.
To a vast understanding, of time and of space.

Living the way, things really should be.
It’s the happening of this, that you’re starting to see.
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