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avery Jul 2016
A storm haunts the summer night.
The thunder cracks and makes you shiver,
Making your muscles tight.
Flowers begin to wither.

The thunder cracks and makes you shiver
The lightning takes your breath away.
Flowers begin to wither,
As fear lingers and stays.

The lightning takes your breath away,
Making your muscles tight.
As fear lingers and stays,
A storm haunts the summer night.
avery Jun 2016
What is a rose?
A delicate flower of kaleidoscope proportions
Silent, deadly, susceptible to wind.
What is a human?
A disease flourishing with noble distortions
Lively, healthy, *perfectly bent.
avery Jun 2016
sometimes I just want to run away
my thoughts aren't beautiful
but they're honest
avery Jun 2016
It's Friday
It's pay day
It's time to go get me
Another AR-15
So I can go shoot the breeze
You can't tell me that it's wrong
The 2nd amendment has been around way too long
For you to croon your gun control song

Don't matter what you've got to say
When I've got the NRA on my side
Supporting MY life
But don't worry
If anything, you should be proud
Because the NRA says
No Regulations Allowed!

I don't get why you're so upset
I studied gun safety once
Eight years back
So I got your girl Teresa's back
No, like, I literally just shot her in the back
There's blood everywhere!
Don't scream, I'm telling you because I care

Oh, don't look at me like t h a t
Accidents happen all the time
I'm perfectly capable of handling this gun
You're just out to take me rights
And steal my fun!

Uhm, but forreal could you watch your tone?
I know you care about Teresa
But what about how I feel?
My masculinity isn't set to "criticism permitted" mode
It's on "gun control prohibited" mode
Say anymore and I'll have to go

I'm not gonna lie, the second amendment makes me come alive
Even as other people continue to die
I guess you could say I'm a real guy's guy

Anyways, just because Teresa got hurt
That doesn't mean that gun control would work
Why don't you just consult the CDC
You'll see, they'll side with me
And, no, it's not a funding thing
It's a freedom thing
If anything, you should be proud
Don't be shy, come along now
Support the NRA
No Regulations Allowed!
avery May 2016
Double edged simplicity
I get caught up in your vicinity
Soaking in your misery
But running away is a luxury
Never afforded to people like me.

A blow to the face
Settling new, falling from grace
Where is your innocence?
Strung out, hung up by your recklessness.

The blood, chilled in my veins
I try to keep going
But nothing feels the same
What happened here?
You had my joy
But now I'm only filled with fear.

What happened here?
You had my world
Now, I'm hardened from the tears.
avery May 2016
She was young
And never saw the world
She's been hung up
Left out to dry
But still she picks herself up
And carries on
Even when the tears are falling
She continues on 
Moving through her lives. 

Because without the movement
Comes the failure
And with the failure comes the hatred
She's not just a girl
She's the current sweeping away the pain
The earth moving, unsettling 
A stab here
A chip of the heart there
She keeps on running
But ends up nowhere.

— The End —