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 Apr 2019 sierra gautschi
 Apr 2019 sierra gautschi
i would have loved
to have been your
for everything
She is a poem of his heart
He never disclosed
In front of anyone.
 Apr 2019 sierra gautschi
Not all depressed cut,
Not all sad shed tears,
Not all strong fight,
Not all monsters roar,
Not all young are innocent.
Some just work harder to maintain a mask.
We are here,
And you have reason to fear,
We are the best liars,
We can manipulate the greatest con artist without batting an eyelash.
Watch out we are coming.
This is a dark and serious p poem but that didn't change the fact that In was tempted to put "and we're queer" instead of " And you have reason to fear" ****
Closing the book
wherein I laid
my memories,
I rest the tireless pen
atop the aged leather.

The fire, still roaring,
Looked more alluring.

I nestled by the warmth
of the charred hearth

The flames crept slowly out
to embrace my body
taking me in.

Fuel for the fire
I give myself
to the pyre.
Wrap the bones
of wicked men
and gravel it below

Coat with sand
and dampened soil
nay let a white bestow

Sow a seed
of blossom blood
in center of the ground

Watch it spread
to heaven's eye
'til no grave is to found
Sounds a bit vaguely horrid, huh?
 Apr 2019 sierra gautschi
If it's that fragile
then let it break
I want strong
 Apr 2019 sierra gautschi
thank god i can’t write good poetry
the best poetry comes from pain and hurt if you ask me
so although i can’t write like i used to
at least it means i’m doing alright
hurting is healing
Sometimes heartbreak is like a stroke.
One sudden moment.
You lose half of yourself.

Other times it's like a cancer.
Spreading. Consuming every fibre.
Until you're nothing
but an empty corpse.

I don't know which is worse.
But don't you dare judge me
for not seeing it.
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