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hannah b Oct 2019
we have been blessed with womanhood.
not in a biological sense, nor a societal one,
but a blessing, due to our values.

no man could ever make my blood so darkly crimson
make my heart race, beat
in places within me for which
i should be so condemned.

i live for the subtle pain
of lying down once
you've torn my back to shreds–

it's the ghost of you keeping me on my toes.

i want the wine to hit you like it hits me
like it makes me want you
what it makes me want
to do to you

the way the black and grey lines
make your face in my mind

and the screaming color which
you actually are

and on occasion–i am taken to
that place
where my clinical proudness
(and therefore, reserve)
is gone

and it doesn't matter except
that you are mine and
i simply want to make that
very ******* clear

every time i look at you
i want you to know
that i am thinking about

the most carnal viciousness
and how it might
feel to be wanted
by you
how it might feel to
have you screaming
my name into my neck

how it might feel
sweet god among women
in my bed

let me tear apart the stitches in
your skirt

my dream
is to not have to sacrifice
one for the other–

as in,
you wanting me
for me taking you.
Ethan Titus Nov 2014
Oh, how the mighty art fallen
Lucifer, son of the morning star
Behooved by manner of thy own devices
How pompous thou hadst become to refuse to bend thy knee to man
It was pride that filled thee to burst
Had it not been but a few millenia later
Even your knee would have bent to the King of Glory
Whenst He did stoop down to the level of man
Even you wouldst have cried out "Lord, Lord wouldst thou not take upon thyself my raiment of glory? Clothe yourself as a king, not as a commoner."
Were it so much that us being made of dirt and you of fire that your proudness could render thee blind to our beauty as endowed by our shared Creator?
Though our mediums be different, were the Crafter's hands not the same?
Wouldst thou haft only humbled thyself, a different world we could have
I pity and thank thee, oh fallen one
For showing me how not to be
Be brave.
Be proud.
You're strong and mighty.
Don't let any other human being tell you otherwise.
Be you, why be less?
Show you're proudness through the way you live your life.
Make people wonder how can one be so proud.
Hold on to faith It's self. And hold on to Gods hand, let Him lead you threw the hard times.
You are unique and one of a kind. Hold on to what makes you, you.
Simply be kind to yourself. And motivate others.
Be yourself and be proud to scream out your name.
How  May 2011
I am burnt; lost.
How May 2011
It is 4AM.
I am alone on the city
Illuminated pretty
By the glow of desolate streetlights.

Each building stood tall,
Crowded by its neighbours;
and I am scaring the landscape.

I prowl from street to street
Wondering who I'll meet
Trawling slowly from
one corner to the next.

And I'm alone, lost in this place
Left to search an empty basement
Full of junk I'd rather forget
That clings to me incessant.

This area a purgatory
And I am my own Jesus.
I burn at the stake,
faking proudness.

Not even Judas could appreciate this effort.
Originally had 'crowded' as 'crowdead'. Removed because I don't know how many people it would be lost upon.
I wish you could see my face right now my proudness starting to fade. You feel like beating yourself up and I can't get it through that it's the positive choice you've made.
Written a while back
jeffrey conyers May 2015
Be proud to be white.
Be proud to be black.
Be proud to be Latino.
Not to the point you called a racist.
That's not truly what proudness is about.

Be proud to be Italians, German, really any nationality.
Except not to the point of being called a bigot.
That defeats the purpose of what proud is about?

It's not about a flag  waving to create a disturbance.
Or pump fist with bad intention even if you're claiming it represent being united.

Be proud to be, whatever?
As long as it's serving a principle in life.
Happynessa May 2016
She lies patiently while her babes drink from her body
She is calm after eating the meal delivered by her mate
He sits in front of her protective of her and his young cubs

She bats almost playfully at a blade of irritating grass that
Has been tickling her ear for what seems like a long time
The pups now sleep their tiny months still on her sore teats

She is calmer now for the run is over but inside something
Stirs maybe her female ancestors showing her new patterns
A new way of understanding almost forgotten by the others

She looks at her babies and softly purrs in her proudness
They **** absently in their sleep twitching in new dreams
She is relaxed serene could almost be sleeping herself

But do not be fooled by this white lionessfor she is strong
And she will fight to the death for her family her clan and
Her pride they are her reason for living her reason for being

She gently licks each of her cubs heads being extra careful
To avoid touching them with her huge sharp teeth thinking
Best to leave me and mine alone it's best not to try to hurt us
Maria  Feb 2
Maria Feb 2
Ten –
I loved you much
Nine –
As not anyone before.
Eight –
I forgave you a lot of
Seven –
Falsehood and lots more.
Six –
I threw into whirlpool.
Five –
I suffered meanness.
Four –
When it was cold,
Three –
I gave up proudness.
Two –
I waited for love in return,
One –
But I didn’t wait.
While I was waiting for your love,
My love got lost for late.
andy fardell Jun 2012
You know just from the sound that rain has come your way
a freshness in the air a greyness in the day
it rained on jubilee like never rained all year
a wash down in our street fair
a dampness in the air

I like a bit of rain please say all of in the night
but in the day of celebrate a deluge was our sight
the spirit of the nation took over from the pour
to wish our queen a longer reign and thank her from our hearts

They stood all day and waved away and smiled from ear to ear
they are our family said and all our royals through the years
To stand with honour in anthem sung I waved our nations flag
a proudness in the nation back our wondrous union jacks
we saw her dance and clap in thanks for many hard at work
to celebrate her 60 years.... a life all in life job
a million lined the banks to see a thousand boats in line
this was a day to celebrate our nations joy and pride
jeffrey conyers Sep 2013
Some has been anointed.
Some has been appointed.
Still I doubt they understand the power of God.
Then again, they just might.

Genesis lay out God's plans explicitly.
Just by speaking things THEY came to be.
He created heaven.
He created earth.
He formed it.
He molded it.
And with his Spirit moved upon the waters.

And God said, Let there be light.
Just by mentioning the word, it came to be.

And God said, Let there be firmament in the midst of the waters.
Just the mentioning of words, things came to be.
Of course, there's more to, what he spoke?

Just to know, God said it.
And it appeared shows the power of his strength.

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be placed together.
And it was so.
Just writing a poem about things people heard.
But never read Genesis to truly know.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass and various other things.
And that came to be.
Who doubt God?
Probably doubt many things.

Just by mentioning mere words our earth came into existence.
God deserves to be heard.
And He don't ever seek the attention.
It's there for us to see.

We should magnify God with proudness.
Even if its before an Atheist.

God's not offended, if they don't know.
He have found many amongst them that didn't know.
Glory,be to God.

Copyrighted by Jeffrey T Conyers
Note: It wasn't written to offend anyone. PEACE.
LD Goodwin  Aug 2024
LD Goodwin Aug 2024
And the children said' "that's my teacher."
And the team said, "that's my coach."
And the soldiers said, "that's my sergeant major."
And the wife said, "that's my husband."
And the state said, "that's my governor."
And the district said, "that's my representative".
And the workers said, "that's my protector."
And the LGBTQ said, "that's our champion."
And the lady candidate said, "that's my running mate."

And his son said, "that's my dad."

— The End —