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MdAsadullah Nov 2014
I live my life the way I want
and I don't care what others think or chant.
Accept me or reject me.
I am shy, I am humble and I am kind,
but harsh and blunt may my enemies find.
Accept me or reject me.
Many call me bigot and fanatic for passion I show towards my religion
but i don't care, I am ready to defend it in every season and in all condition.
Accept me or reject me.
I am an introvert and live mostly on my own,
that doesn't mean I am unfriendly and to my friends its known and shown.
Accept me or reject me.
I like Dosas, biryani, nehari and chicken fry.
but I am always prepared for salt and roti dry.
Accept me or reject me.
I am no saint, I do mistakes and then I regret,
but I am always ready to forgive and forget.
Accept me or reject me.
I try to speak the truth and sometimes it is very sour
I will continue that way, whether you declare a war, or put me behind bar.
Accept me or reject me.
I keep my distance from disco, cigarette, girls and liquor, that's not my way and that's not my style,
for which my friend's make my fun, but I ignore them all with a smile.
Accept me or reject me.
This is my story and this is my tale
It is for you all, and it is not for sale.
Accept me or reject me.
I love my prophet(pbuh) and I love Allah,
I am Muhammad Asadullah.
Accept me or reject me.
Accept me or reject me.
Kushtrim Thaqi Jan 2017
you chose!
it was your choice all along,
and I accept it!
as an arrow through this thick
skull of mine,
I accept it!
as the soul I never asked for
but I got,
I accept it!
as the talks I do not like–
as the words I speak, but do not write,
I accept it!
as the poem, as poetry I detest
but I do it nevertheless,
I accept it!
as this pain that comes and goes
and feeds on me, feeds me,
I accept it!
as the silence I enjoy–
as the words I do not speak, but write,
I accept it!
as the people I love,
but I do not like,
I accept it!
as the form that my form takes
when I am lost,
I accept it!
as the joy I feel when
when I am immersed in beauty,
I accept it!

…and, I accept!
everything you chose
or might choose to do,
since the moment I decided
that you were worthy!
since my inner self said,
“I accept you!”
Big Virge Sep 2021
So What Do You Accept... ?
And What Do You Reject... ?
Do You Accept Common Sense...
And Reject... IGNORANCE... ?!?
Or Are You Accepting...
of Movements Directing...
Your Life Towards BADNESS...
DARKNESS And Madness... ?!?
Violent Tactics...
And Volatile Antics... ?!?
Are You One Who PANICS...
When Things Become Frantic...  
... Manic And TRAGIC... !?!
Or Do You... ACCEPT...
That When You’re INNOCENT...
That You Need To Stay Calm...
When Policemen Advance...
And NOT Lose Your COOL...
When Police Act The Fool...
And They Choose To ABUSE...
To FUEL ANGER In You... !!!
You See Some Rejections...
Can Stop You From Stressing...
When Sound Thought Collections...
Are Things You’re Accepting...
Like Acceptance of TRUTH... !!!
So Do You Reject...
What We Now Call Falsehoods... ?!?
The Type That Infect...
Like This Corona Flu... ?!?
Which Leads To The Question...
Are You One Accepting...
of... Vaccine Injections...
That Haven’t Been Tested... ?!?
Confirms That They’re Good...
For Humans To Infuse... ?!?
What About Mainstream News...
Do You Accept The Views...
of Those Who Presume...
Especially When...
Their Own Rules THEY ABUSE... ?!?
Or That’s Right YES... REJECT...
Because They Seem Confused...
Are You Quick To Accept...
What Political Groups...
Confirm To Be... “ TRUE “...
Or Do You... Reject...
What They’re Quick To Suggest...
As Being What’s Best...
For You To Protect...
Yourself From Problems...
Due To Experiments...
They Conduct In Secret... ?!?
And Are Secretive Acts...
And Rejection of Facts...
Things You Choose To Accept... ?
Because If You Do...
Your Rejecting CLEAR Views...
As Well As The... TRUTH... !?!
Do You Think That Makes Sense...
To Reject Thoughts That PROVE...  
That It’s Really NOT Shrewd...
To Accept What’s NOT TRUE... ?!?
Rejections... Exceptions...
Like Those Who Break Rules...
Do You Accept Them Too... ???
These Days We’re Accepting...
A Great Deal Rejecting...
What Were Natural Grooves... ?!?
And Now We’re Accepting...
Injections That Could...
Cause Some Long Term Affects...
That May NOT Be So Good... ?!?
Some Things Now Accepted...
May NOT Be Corrective...
If They Are DEFECTIVE... !?!
Wisdom Is Needed...
In Times of Diseases...
And Doctrines And Thesis...
That Hurt Human Beings...
Like Racist Policing...
And Legal Proceedings...
That Leave Folks Accepting...
That Justice Is Heading...
Towards... ODD Directions...

Do You Accept THAT... ?!?
Because  ... It Is SAD...
To See People Sit Back...
And Fall For ANYTHING...
That World Governments Bring...
That Our Leadership STINKS...
of The Type of Business...
That We Need To RESIST... !!!
BEFORE The Ship SINKS... !!!
And Drowns More Than...
... LOOSE Lips... !!!
There Are Things We Accept...
That Are Cool To Reject...
Like All Our HUMAN FLAWS... !!!
But When Systems Are Flawed...
Due To Corporate Boards...
And Those Corrupting Laws...
We Need To Do MORE...
Than To Sit On The Fence...
When It Comes To What We Now...
..... “ Accept And Reject “......
As the poem, suggests, be wise with your choices...
y i k e s Feb 2016
I refuse to accept the fact that my soul was made to endure nothing but sadness.

I refuse to accept the fact that the atoms and cells inside me were created to endure nothing but a feeling of hopelessness

I refuse to accept that fact that my plan here on earth was to become nothing out of everything

I refuse to accept the fact that I will feel nothing but emptiness, a feeling of nothing inside of nothing.

I refuse to accept the fact that I can only hope to act out of the need of hope

I refuse to accept the fact that I can only sit and wait to move

I refuse to accept the fact my body wants so much, but does nothing

I refuse to accept the fact I have no will power to change

I refuse to accept the fact that all I can do is refuse

I refuse to accept the fact that

I refuse to accept the fact

I refuse to accept the

I refuse to accept

I refuse to

I refuse

Ariannah  Oct 2024
Ariannah Oct 2024
I can accept the feeling
Even tho it breaks my heart
I can accept the feeling
But ill never get the answer to why
I am like this when he's with you

I can accept the feeling
Or at least that's what I tell myself
Cause I can't escape tears and the pain they put me through

I can accept the feeling
I'll let it eat me alive
I can accept the feeling
Maybe that's why I feel numb..?

I can accept the feeling
But I would never accept the pain
Cause it turned my sadness into fifty different shades of grey

And I will accept the feeling
Of failing the things I wish the most to come true
And I'll let it devour me
Like I never let anything through
To get to my feelings and to help me keep you

So I will accept the feeling
In order to keep on having you
I learned to accept the feeling
When I most needed to

I learned to accept the feeling
Just to understand what I'm going through
It wasn't nice, it wasn't easy

But I learned to accept the feeling
Even tho it brought me pain
I learned to accept the feeling
Just so I don't lose you
Vinny Chav Nov 2017
You left and I had to accept the fact that you're gone in someone else's arms. I have to accept the fact that there isn't an us anymore. I have to accept the fact that there won't be any family dinners at grandmas on Sundays anymore. I have to accept the fact that I won't be apart of you anymore but you'll always be apart of me. I have to accept the fact that your family isn't mine and mine isn't yours. I have to accept the fact that were not sharing t-shirts anymore. I have to accept the fact that our lips won't touch and the the endless cuddles aren't mine anymore. I have to accept the fact that you're not here to push me to the highest extent. I have to accept the fact that your his and not mine. I have to accept the fact that your absence is suppose to make me stronger...
Jeni  Nov 2015
Jeni Nov 2015
You can do anything darling, if you accept yourself.
Open your heart to possibilities
And accept yourself.
You can do anything darling, if you can accept yourself.

You can do anything darling, if you accept yourself.
Open your eyes to the sky
And accept yourself.
You can do anything darling, if you can accept yourself.

You can do anything darling, if you accept yourself.
So take a deep breath and wipe your tears away.
And smile because you know everything will be okay,
And accept yourself.

You can do anything darling, if you can accept yourself.
This is what's come of me trying to motivate myself... I was sitting in the dark narrating a story, a story that may have been about myself (but I'm not sure), in the company of a candle. I don't know how this word pattern came up... it just did.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2013
Accept this.
Accept that a person leaves when they feel their love isn't been received
Accept this.

Accept that many times you play apart of being alone.
Remember, a home is only a sweet home.
Until the love of your life feels the love is gone.

Then you're questioning why?
When the information is before your eyes.

Accept this.

In our case accept that my love is yours.
Accept this.
Accept that you are love today and forever more.

Accept this.
And acknowledge it.
For the facts are very important.
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
Accept all the things that come your way
Walk into each day with arms wide open ready for whatever may come

Accept the *good

and rejoice when you do
Accept all the love that gravitates towards you
and allow good feelings to flow through each vein in your body
and allow each nerve to be energized with this feeling
Go for that free hug on the street
Eat that molten chocolate lava cake you've been eyeing for weeks
Be good to yourself
Take a break from all your worries
And reflect this good into the world
Because the world is just a big mirror
Everything bouncing back to you

Accept the bad
because what is living without the challenge?
Accept your losses and come back stronger
Accept your bad feelings, for they make you human
Make mistakes and most importantly, learn from them
Accept that you can't be perfect, no matter how hard you try
Embrace that imperfection, you are beautiful
Accept every challenge, hardship and bump you encounter
Approach it with your heart as your armor, ready to conquer it
Accept the bad, and learn to use it in a good way

Accept everything
For they complete you
They make you you
They give you lessons you'll never learn in classrooms
They give you this new perspective on things that makes you understand everything just a tad bit better
And maybe by next year, I would've learned how to accept.

— The End —