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Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2021
At the tip of your tongue,
o' love, so much I can taste-
      the taste of your love.

My dry lips that call,
  those licks of words.
You come to my mouth,
as it's theme song!

For as you are my darling companion,
    shall I find myself in you,
    as I rest under his strong embrace.
My lover of his brightest eyes,
are like sun kisses to my face.

As gentle as the gazelles,
and all their delicate deer,
   my love for you shall arise.
I will embrace the touch of
     both our wettest skins.

Stuck close to the grips
     of your sweetened lips.
Close to feel the gnashing of
        perfect teeth.

Come away from me-
     my mightiest lover.
Your touch for me is much.
     You are the glee to my heart,
held down by your love-
  on this scented bed spread.
By suchlike a touch so rough.

Your beautiful eyes of their worship,
as with a strong voice of prayer.
I shall plant within you,
  of what more words show.
And shall we together,
be of one flesh, and
       bone of bone.
To our spirits to connect
              of their souls.
Tom Blake Apr 2016
Give us so much...
Let them be
Our teachers.
Àŧùl  May 2015
Go Slow In Oslo
Àŧùl May 2015
Because often there are icy roads,
Icy roads coated with darkest ice,
They can make vehicles slip & crash,
All slip not only out of the icy roads,
But even into each other they collide,
These call for going slow in Oslo,
'Cause reasons suchlike prevail.

Neither snow chains can help much,
Nor being an expert driver help you,
No other thing is going to help you..

Help yourselves & others too,
Just go slow in Oslo...

My HP Poem #865
©Atul Kaushal
SøułSurvivør Apr 2016
made a
castle  in
the sand
□  a cathedral made  □
□     of dust / i  thought    □
□   it great, so very grand   □
□       my motivations just     □
i sculpted flying buttresses / and
placed angels in its wings / there
were stained glass windows / and
other suchlike things / i labored at
it all the day / other duties set aside
but all  my work was carried away

i considered not the tide!

(c) 4/13/2016
Through voracious eyes devotees, peruse writings, clever literature all styled to thoughtful poetic ways
eloquently, exposing wounds of body and soul, discovered distrust, anger much regret, sadly even fear,
thereto shortcomings in life, of people, their actions, loves and lies promulgated in illuminating phrase.
Technology endows contributors with outlets for venting suchlike occasions using artistry is here.

Passionate poignant experiences most well written, some not are duly shared to attracted communal eyes.
declarations of 'I have cared so much I'm wounded mortally', some bask in lost or unrequited loves last kiss,
several employ inner strength 'whatever happened, I don't care, I'm resilient, I survive', shared with poetic pride
concise verses rework obvious reminders, may motivate suggestion that opportunity shouldn't be missed.

Modest words abundantly profound begin remarks that reassures, with the - I'm here for yous'- symbolic embrace,
in support it is written, 'I know what you mean' and from a great distance - empathise, but I have little to say.
Health issues aren't fixed by artistic pennings, only face to face professional advice forms the strongest base,
Writings from the poetic inner self  may become positive steps, for futures not, staring in depressions face.

Much is written with sensitivity oft-times is judged by content, overlooked is why and how it is composed.
For instance suicide  educes fear however. dubiety invites, is it fiction or truly despair?
Writing as an art observes, describes, creates imagery, of sadness and joy, escapism, fictional or no.
Poetic creators who web-wide commune through stories, thoughts, secrets, ideas, dreams, let the poetry be shared .

Poetry www    Michael C Crowder 12th  January 2019 @scorsby
my thoughts about poetry its content and writing skill
Àŧùl Feb 2017
I love myself for who I am,
Because I am suchlike,
Such a wonderfully positive guy.

I am still determined to chase it,
But she has abandoned it,
Such a beautifully difficult dream.
I definitely love challenges much more than she claims that she does.

Now it's a challenge for myself to be well settled as soon as possible and then propose her family for a marriage with K.
Yeah, that's exactly what I am. An undefeatable lover.
I will pursue her till I achieve her.

I know that she is not convinced right now and her ego is bound to the aspect of incompatibility, but I am not the weak guy that she thinks me to be.

I have loved her with all my heart and I will continue the pursuit of my love.

My HP Poem #1455
©Atul Kaushal
thePaigebook Nov 2012
She dreams to stargaze
Like they once had
Lasso the moon
As they believed they could
Kiss - suchlike lovers
And upon every night, rest in his shoulder
when it was every bit as sweet
PJ Poesy Jan 2017
Silence will not do, but does.
Datura are in bloom below
equatorial divide,
or is it above?
Nevertheless, I smell them
just as moon rises.
That is how I know.
"No understanding of this,"
says an upside down bat,
who I've named Plato.
We enjoy our cave dwelling,
clamminess included.
Visitors suchlike the snake and mosquito down here, get eaten
by he and I.
Venturing out isn't required.
Distinction between shadows
and puppets to us are visible.
Our senses are keen.
We can turn our heads around.
Still, we stay in the cave.
For all our nutrition comes to us.
Light unloosens itself. Space slackens.
A figure of a shadow I have conjured before
anonymous eyes. Lapping up the waiflike bleakness
of their elliptical faces.

                               I must teach the trees to let go
of autumn, and relegate spryness to the hearth
of cold without merit, this slow, claiming mutiny
with its face-oval peering through windows multiplying
lovelessly, a crunch of a leaf, suchlike, flourishing
in peerless company. Before me, the sound of footfall
preparing to make sense, a rotunda of bell – that movement
of somebody done for, so ****** the scald welt of ******,
the belch of the world like a pore clearing its squalor.
Or the toppled verdigris of gull.

    Autumn’s greater extension, the abeyance, smilingly
a facsimile of crowds – its roads adorned with laburnum
singeing through the morning’s cauldron, a waft of bald terrain
inflamed, drawing with absence
      a crippled drip of rain back into the world’s dim address.
Àŧùl  Sep 2016
What Happened?
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Tell me what happened,
What happened to the two of us?
What went so wrong,
Tell me if you know.
What you took offence at,
Have I said something so wrong,
Why have we separated both our ways,
Tell me if you happen to know,
What happened to the two of us?

Breaking away everything like this makes no sense,
There was no secret that was let to remain from each other,
Then how come I am silent, how come you are silent,
Why something suchlike happened,
Tell me, come tell me.
Such a trivial issue has blocked our way,
What happened to the two of us?
Why did you - why did I walk away,
Come tell me what happened to both of us?
What secret do you keep in your heart?
Why are we so apart,
Smiling on the surface,
Sinking to the bottom then?

What happened to the habit of telling each other every single thing,
What happened to the attitude of blowing away our differences?
How did such cool attitudes change,
How did such a tiny issue broke us apart?
What became of that positive nature,
Why such small issues bothered us?
What secret do you keep in your heart?
Tell me-tell me, tell me-tell me,
What's wrong between the two of us?

C'mon, now c'mon,
Just tell yourself why you gave up,
Why did you give up?
My HP Poem #1123
©Atul Kaushal
I'm not in figedty and in perplex manner
whenever thine populace aren't in sync
onto bridging in the gaps
  that's not so befitting--
well-intentioned unique individuals
and somehow finding uniformity,
ways to connect, naturally,
--lies into thinking, sweetly,
of the welfare o' others firstly.

whilst entitled to do as
he pleases with himself
so far as it in no wise,
interferes with one's
rights to live at peace
with himself, otherwise!
in haste o' the modern-day- pressures,
is such a waste
in the Truest deepest sense,
we ought not missed eternal ideals
o' t'is' life's difficulties,
whoso, nonconformist,
mine earthly near at hand.
as we all set ourselves to bite a bit
o ' that and apiece
o' life's lion-shares
alongside pie in sky-
biting the hand that feeds us,
[ so to speak...]
for an average joe,
Suchlike give much thought....
Unbeknownst, waiting and longing
As yet benighted throughout the mooning
darknest and cloudest dilemmas
ALAS, lest alone, coincides
with dread o' e'ery dusk
smothering haziness
in love -when-it melts...
AS nightfall subsides
up the ole buttermilk sky- full o' star's twinkling - sighing and tearing apart..
unyielding enough unto my innermost
along with the falseness o' being trick
partly because o' being majestic
practically - realistic
In life's perpetual wisdom I so carry by far. .
Thereby,  we, but learned the storms o' life:
how anyone conducts-as-antagonistics?.
solely wound up to grievous lull,
and wish to conquer undesirable
tendencies and kiss o ' death!
UPPERMOSTLY, vastly regained,
moreover, abreast-again
Oh my good gosh, it's therapuetic!
myself up after I have
been knocked - down-
TO KEEP on when e'erything seems to be against all odds o' the "blame game"...
back into nothing which spells boundlessly..
so can I right away pick up the pieces?

and overcome these unsettling uncertainties
o ' living life from day in and day out.
truth o ' the matter of - fact- of thine ingratitude world!
People in general get entangled
with busy-nest-web
amidst foreboding fretfulness
that unravels fleeting worries
about to and fro-
uproaring ebbs of tides
o ' the seafaring winds - blowing..
just as it is happening nowadays
up to cold-hearted - shoulders
moment full o' melancholies
thus thou,  one don't reach out
nor canst not care out and about
but just be on their own self
DOOMED himself ungrateful spirit!
seen as egotistical maniacs
contrary to my beliefs
and my faithfulness..
LET alone -Thee bestows
unceasingly triumphs
just because it's okay
not to be okay
to say the least
It's un-manly
and play- decoy
moves forward under
INASMUCH,  manipulative PLOY
to mind one's beauty
or disguise chaste morals
for the uttering dews to
injure or harm a'other
in turn to get "square even-steven"
SOWITH holds true with beguilement
think for a moment,
I'll meet that person
halfway between the lines
with patience and its silver linings. .
hasty words that slows any anger
whereforth, oblivion takes over scar!
that's luring to a smiling brood...
Imperfections are what we are made of,
Hey, the noblest prettiest
yeah, at bay with silence
I LOOK within....
First off, God on my side. ..
For He heareth at my bedside..

Within thine foundation
o ' thine goodness
Sure that ne'er fails. .
Hopefully, get rid o' the evil!
While I was dancing with the devil!
So does thereby,
wilst ever bubble up
if thou languish
to each its own rights
to dig his own heels..
and the outright layer of its color, creed,
and value from stern course o ' self-discipline,
such and such a rearrangement o' character
whom stands to live a sane contemplative state o' the mind..
launching anew,
better on higher-end
level o' spiritual
glamouring stance
Bestowing light to others
Sharing - LOVE for others
shouldn't be in rash,
rather, intellectually
with good reasonings,
good judgements
passed thine genial compliments,
WHEREIN, thou soled- loving-heart dwells
insofar as mere,
Mine thy lonesomeness
-the-soul-into - satisfying
at ease the love I deserve
hankering and longingly-
Even tho' forever-waiting
in its stillness-
I'd bewriting it down
and speak my mind
in any shape form,
and done
bewailing free verses,  
soul-lonest-mine swells
at my Fervent HAVEN!
it can be a difficulty
with feelings, indications,
suchlike and endlessly.

climbing the gate
was easy, the walk
slipped the slate

us in wellingtons
and ballet shoes,
decided against
ambition. war time
traps, climbed back
the gate again.

another day will
do for such meanderings.

ATL Sep 2019
i tear into bookshelves
as if i only eat peaches
to crack my teeth on the pit,

yet you have a dog-eared page

stained with scrawled hearts,
folded and flown across the schoolyard
by a boy walking circles
round a swing set.

yes i picked tulips with you when i was young-
when i never went past eskimo kisses
or knew about roots and ****** falls.

every day i carried needles in my stomach...
i wanted to stitch our skin together.

now you’re landlocked in the rustbelt
counting change all day-
i’d buy you a plane ticket if i didn’t look like saint jude.

i suppose i should
treat you suchlike a sweater
i don’t know whether to fold or hang,

plant seeds in foreign gardens
and carve our initials
when they turn into trees

or scatter your ashes on the throughway,
near a city you’ve never seen.

— The End —