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1.9k · Apr 2022
Con Apr 2022
Finally taking what we need at the expense of breaking our hearts.
Maybe you crave loneliness; we know it's your comfortable zone.
Maybe I miss myself; we know she's my first love.
but hey, feelings were true and they will be safe with me.
1.3k · Nov 2021
strawberry shortcake
Con Nov 2021
Rather than a whole cake,
a small slice & black coffee would be nice.
There is top tier enjoyment --
from the limitation, balance, & appreciation.
You might not have it all,
but you can savor every bite.
You might sip the drink’s bitterness,
so you can cherish the sweetness of cake
as if the first time each time.
To be grateful & contented— it’s just lovely.
this makes me happy
Con Sep 2021
I found my favorite part of life:
in all its randomness and uncertainties,
we always find our favorites along the way
and we personalize those for ourselves.

It's lovely; we take our own scraps from everything
-- may it be genre of movies, delicacy, fragrance, people --
piece them together,
then own a wholeness that we are.

Although, wholeness is just a euphoric concept;
Some people may feel it, many may be patiently building theirs.
Being complete is a great feeling but it's ceasing life.
Be quirky and wanting -- this is the beauty of life, after all.

I love listing my favorites as much as waiting for the new ones.
This is inspired by the time in the past that I was told I will always be his favorite girl. That could change, but I so appreciate it.
733 · Dec 2020
Con Dec 2020
oftentimes we think
that just because we’re not swimming,
we’d stopped moving.
overwhelmed by the vastness of the sea
oftentimes we forget
that we are allowed to just float,
be thankful for the skies
and let the wind do its job
to take us to the shore
taking my time
facing the skies
732 · Mar 2022
at twenty
Con Mar 2022
There is a lingering silence, I notice.
Everyone seems to becoming worlds apart.
how come we shy away from making friends as we grow older?
689 · Sep 2022
1/n poems from my notes
Con Sep 2022
I always blame myself for being indecisive.
But would it make me crazy if
I just love being unsure and somewhat lost —
of things, of places to go, or of people?
Aren’t there really anything beautiful about it?
9/16/22 6:13 going to live theater
651 · Nov 2021
in split seconds
Con Nov 2021
we reached an intersection --
a same point within our time.
when I think of the past,
I can only recall bits of it.

we consume so much time
in planning & making a memory,
to enjoy its time lapse version soon enough.
still grateful though for the ones I keep.
they are happening so fast
Con May 2022
When my friend asked me to enumerate reasons why other people shouldn't date him, instead of answering, I paused. Then I replied with the reasons why people should.

Why would I say such ******* to someone I care for? Why would I tell him things that he would most probably overthink later? After all, my thoughts would only be biased to my experiences -- my answer is a very very small piece of the bigger puzzle. However small that piece may be, I would never give him the damaged version of it. That is my precious contribution to him.

I realized that a pause can make everything nicer. Words are powerful; it can either destroy or heal. Why does it feel like saying good things is so underrated and boycotted. That when you simply say, "You are such a gentleman" it can make a man cry for he became extra appreciative of himself.
6:33pm | be kind, and say good things out loud
523 · Sep 2021
Con Sep 2021
I’m cherishing all the feelings.
Whatever happens, they are safe with me.
A heartbreak cannot afford losing them,
for each one is like a classic movie —
timeless & beautifully directed.
midnight 1:14 am
Con Aug 2022
My God, I know this man is great
he makes me don't wanna hate myself
he allows me to be me
most of all, he stays

his words are detailed and they speak poem for me
long and sweet and safe and paired with strong actions, too
I maybe away from him for days or weeks
but I won't actually leave

all these good things,
while I'm being blind and stupid and young.
to experience such wonderful days when someone waits for you,
one ought to be really grateful
431 · Oct 2021
allow them to happen
Con Oct 2021
the power you hold when being quiet;
when you decide to step back;
when you love discreetly;
when you don't care.

as the power piles up, where will you use it for?
I wish you realize that some risks -- the small talks, subtle smiles,
the i love yous, by being vocal and loud and mad --
are fun and worth the power, most of the time.
there are bad days and bad weeks that disable us to have the best memories. do what you want to do when days don't feel bad anymore. hope those times would be sooner :)
361 · May 2020
Come Swim
Con May 2020
Oh how I love
the ambiguity of the word ‘sea’:
It could mean lovely serenity,
otherwise destructive tsunamis;
It embodies both abundance of peace, and/or
luxuriance of lonesomeness;
It deceits us
through its luring crystalline waters
with the deathly depths we’re unaware of.
337 · Aug 2020
Con Aug 2020
at least it’s still the same sun
that touches the both of us,
something to be thankful for
glad to be back here after almost a year of quarantining
336 · May 2020
Con May 2020
The sound of splashing water
as it reunites with the shore,
The scent of freshly-bloomed garden
as the wind revs them,
The taste of sweet, juicy tangerines,
crisp as plucked from its tree
The glimpse of human eyes
as intimate interaction sparks
Oh, to feel these all —
It’s a good day.
320 · Jul 2021
Con Jul 2021
Danger is when  
energies are translated.
They blossom to be
almost palpable.
272 · Jan 2021
poetry is refreshment
Con Jan 2021
making poems.
it’s as if dropping a pale down to a very deep well
far beyond the surface.
finding water to share
263 · May 2020
Hello Poetry
Con May 2020
The great thing about poetry is that:

we relate to the feelings embedded in words and phrases
in which sometimes, even us are unaware of having
I am just happy to have found this site.
234 · May 2020
Con May 2020
What does it take
to not feel temporal —
for happiness to stay,
for love to live?
Every thing is changing. We should keep up.
223 · Apr 2021
Con Apr 2021
I am flawed in many ways—
of how I perceive, how I deliberate.
It feels to be further down from the surface of everything.
But notice that these breakdowns
are earthquakes;
it is as if beneath the faults—
where I found myself helpless, incapable—
are the same cracks
in which the light started to penetrate.
I breathe
its just great to visit here and drop something from myself for myself
173 · Sep 2020
I will be
Con Sep 2020
I dream to be the lady
a personified Tiffany jewelry:
Am-so-sad-might-write-a-poem pt.1
152 · Nov 2023
love in the movies
Con Nov 2023
I’m going to Hongkong.
I’m going to see its cinematic lights
and hear the restless noises—
the overlapping honks & chatters.
I’m gonna let its bustling streets
get hold of my spirit.
The lonely cold air can join me, enough to balance out the warmth of sitting beside the love of my life. Lucky man.
And maybe we get to sip our beers,
or share one piece of thin cigarette.
While he looks at me, I reminisce how my twenties taught me a lot of things.
when i realized how much i love loving, it scared me and tired me. with all the greatness that comes with love, i’m grateful to share the weight with someone who dared to be burdened

11:25 PM | but this was written months ago
4:01 PM | and this was in my drafts since july
147 · Nov 2023
i’ll be 22
Con Nov 2023
I don’t know lots about this life.

But I know I like certain things:
Like sweet oranges my mama buys
And waking up early mornings
I love fresh air and green too
And books I can finish by one sitting
Cats, Women friendships
I love loving
And sometimes not

I hate lazy and boastful guys
At times I hate calm and boring
But reality seems so slow and stagnant
I hate when I hate
I hate that I am impatient
Yet I know myself to be one of the most considerate

I adore that one kind friend
He made me realize how people impact others
And how one can save their fellow
By just good words

Oh God I hate being unkind
what a strange way

— The End —