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 May 2014 Sanaa
Amitav Radiance
From your love fountain
You offered the charmed drink
Only to be intoxicated
As I slowly drown in you

© Amitav (Radiance)
 May 2014 Sanaa
Falling in love is weird
Because at first you don't expect
Anything except for passion
And romance
And story book perfection
But when you fall head over heels for someone
Someday things are going to move
Beyond kissing, and hot touches
Sometime things are going to move
To laughing openly
And fighting
Using hard words you never thought you would
Farting during the most
Intimate moments
Falling in love is weird
Because when I was younger
I pictured
White weddings, and chapels
I pictured hand holding, and snuggling in bed
I pictured kissing, and romantic candle lit dinners
But when I fell in love
I didn't think of
***** laundry, or morning breath
I never pictured the messy wax residue left from candles
Or the dishes
But I guess there are things
You don't expect
When you fall in love
But when you find them
It's a little bit better
Because I'd rather wash your ***** underwear
Than anyone else's
And that's love
 May 2014 Sanaa
beware when you fall in love
with an artist
be it a painter, a singer, or poet

for the artist will
paint you
with strokes and hues
in shapes of every kind

sing about you
with heartbreak lyrics
and feelings which rhyme

write about you
with the simplest words
and a secret message she wants to say

beware of the artist,
and her love
one wrong move
and you're an artwork in her display
 May 2014 Sanaa
Forgotten Heart
If I can,
I will say
you are
no longer
a part of my life,
that will
definitely mean
I'm finished
for I know
you are
the only
part of my life
     -cute crazy-
I Hope you know this........
 May 2014 Sanaa
Pieces Of You
 May 2014 Sanaa
Softly, softly
we step into your mind
quiet and reverent
in our solemn intent.
- words I wrote for you
- books I have read
- places I have been, both
with and without you
- a drawing of my happiness
- your words, to encompass
my pain
I find all of these
where you reside, and as always,
as you are, so much
more than I will ever understand.
when I step out, pieces of
you, cotton-soft, cling to
everything I touched you with. Though
I would love nothing
more than to have stepped lightly in
and out, to not leave a mark
to not sully the purity
of what was before me, I know
this is not possible. The shreds
will cling to me, and I
will cling to the shreds, because
even though I would rather take
nothing, change nothing, be
as inconsequential as nothing, circumstances
have led me to the great
and terrible beauty
of the honor to carry with me
pieces of you.
GL, thank you.
May 11, 2014
8:22 PM
     edited May 15, 2014
 May 2014 Sanaa
Too late
 May 2014 Sanaa

I offered my hand like a wayward invention
From miles away to a thought we did share
Cradled intentions on soft silken blankets
Awaiting your heart on the scent of the air

Merely a photo and words written freely
Every day when the sun it did rise
Checking the map for my own destination
I didn’t notice the look in your eyes

You asked for trust, which I stood to deliver
Puzzled in pieces that just didn’t fall
Curves on the borders disguised every meaning
Broken, misshapen in spite of it all

Still I believed we could dust off these feelings
Particles float in the light through the door
You looked away as you found it was blinding
Closing your eyes not to see anymore

So here I sit on a chair that is leaning
Off to the side where my heart used to wait
Seeing the sunset in tangerine sorrow
Crying a tear for I know it’s too late
 May 2014 Sanaa
 May 2014 Sanaa
things aren't going so well these days and writing no longer comes easy but i picked up a pen and paper last night and i wrote about you
 May 2014 Sanaa
I was a child
who found beauty
in the symphony of words.

I tried to join sentences
and stack beautiful vocabulary
in my empty glittered journal
but nothing worked.

Years have passed
and I remember the exact moment
when I realised that what I loved
was called Poetry.

I marvelled at the writing of others
thinking of myself
as a streak of faint ink
on a masterpiece of paint.

To me, I was incapable of being an artist
and painting sheets with my emotions
but in the end,
we all have a fire within our hearts
that we want to put out
and we write endlessly
to tell others its story.
I never knew that my love of words would lead me into poetry. I used to tell my friends about how much I loved beautiful words but no one understood me. So I understood my own self first.
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