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 May 2014 Sanaa
 May 2014 Sanaa
sometimes i wonder
if the world i live in
is one i made up in my head
that exists only for me

and if that’s true
i don’t mind
because the world i’ve created
is filled with madness
but the best madness i’ve created for myself
is you
 May 2014 Sanaa
H.P. Lovecraft
Little Tiger, burning bright
With a subtle Blakeish light,
Tell what visions have their home
In those eyes of flame and chrome!
Children vex thee - thoughtless, gay -
Holding when thou wouldst away:
What dark lore is that which thou,
Spitting, mixest with thy meow?  
 May 2014 Sanaa
In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my trials and my tribulations
Through our doubts and frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear and my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart.
 May 2014 Sanaa
kristine marie
If I fall from the highest peak of the mountains nearby,
Will you remember me in five years?
Or will I flee from your mind,
Only to return when I'm mentioned,
If I'm ever mentioned again?

If I disappeared for awhile,
Cut all ties and communication,
Never contact you or anyone else again...

Will you worry for me?
Will you wonder where I've been,
Where I'm going,
If I'm alive?

Will you come running for me?
Will you care to, anyway?

If I told you I was nothing, I was no one,
Would you try to convince me otherwise?
If I told you that I hated myself,
Hated who I was and who I am,
Would you agree?

And if I bared my soul to you, would you run and hide?

I would.

But I doubt if you'd ever come running for me.
April 23, 2014.
 May 2014 Sanaa
 May 2014 Sanaa
oh darling,
you must understand
i never meant for it to be like this
never meant for it to be us
locking eyes
and quickly looking away.

oh darling,
you must believe me when i say
you're merely a figment
of my wild imagination
you don't exist
and if you do -
well it's in my mind

but darling,
don't worry
i'll look for you in
the crescent moon eyes
of a real boy
to call my own.

— The End —