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 Jan 2015 Sanaa
Drowning in Her
 Jan 2015 Sanaa
lips that split like the sea
uttering words that could save a nation
"what a beautiful voice she's got," you think
and you couldn't help but drown
 Jan 2015 Sanaa
Stains (10 w)
 Jan 2015 Sanaa
I regret staining pretty words
with the idea of you.
 Nov 2014 Sanaa
i have seen rivers branching out
in the same way trees flaunt their art by simply being
or veins curving visibly on our wrists
it's not every day that life reminds us of its efforts
to exist in poetry
it's not every day that i realize that falling in love isn't always about him
because nature was there before our encounter
because the way i found my reflection sparkling on the surface of water
is nothing like i could have imagined before
because some days the ocean's waves call me to return to my senses when no one else would
people can be poetry
people can be words
nature, however, has always been medicine
by looking at the sky you know limits can become myths
you see,
i've looked into people's beautiful eyes
but their souls were made of selfishness
while water, fire, air, and earth are divine
it's what we were before we knew that we are
we will return to them
nourishing our home, giving it skin
and breathing the life we own in its core.
just random observations
 Aug 2014 Sanaa
Hell of A Woman
 Aug 2014 Sanaa
He was afraid of the reflections of hell
that could be seen on her fiery red lipstick.

Forgiveness that is unlikely,
her last words to him
burnt him from the inside.

Her heart was a game to him,
and now he'll have to beg for his life
to win it.
 Jul 2014 Sanaa
Miranda Renea
The idle ghosts of innocence
Dance sweetly in a silhouette of sun;
Teasing tiny palms, they shimmer
As tempting gold specs of treasure,
And as he plants these small seeds
I sometimes sense Time seethe --
*Fickle is man if he cannot see,
Of remembrance, dust is currency!
 Jul 2014 Sanaa
you've been sending me
text messages along
with slivers of the heart
you once claimed to own
and i cannot give
you anything of
mine because

there's nothing
i should work on hating you but i mostly hate myself for believing we could've lasted
 Jul 2014 Sanaa
Poetic Artiste
I hate it
I hate liking people
I hate being vulnerable
I hate that I want you

I hate that you have power over me
That I don’t want you to
I hate how beautiful you are
I hate your perfect teeth and clumsiness scars
I hate your weirdness
And your awkwardness too

I hate your sarcasm
I hate your adorable laugh
I hate that your voice is cute

I hate how open I am with you
I hate that you are broken
I hate what you have been through
I hate that every piece of me wishes I could help you

I hate your accent
I hate your perfect hair
I hate your caramel skin tone
I hate your lips
I hate that I still want to kiss you

I hate that you are going to read this
Knowing I am speaking of you
No regrets for what I say
All it is is truth

Most of all,
I hate that I have to pretend
I hate that I have to conceal
I hate that I have to become nonchalant to the fact that I feel for you
So I will continue to hate all the things I like about you.
I really do hate liking people. The words are better said than unsaid.
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