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 May 2014 Sanaa
keep dreaming
 May 2014 Sanaa
i spread my arms
and hands to the winds
willing that their touch
will whisk me away
to a place where i
can start over

but the farthest
it took me,
was to my bed
and as it was
about to fly
out and back
into the depths
of  darkness
it whispered,

*"keep dreaming."
 May 2014 Sanaa
you know,

things could've
worked out for us,


but it didn't,
and that makes me
a little  upset.
i like this poem for some reason.
 May 2014 Sanaa
a galaxy
 May 2014 Sanaa
a girl with black bags
underneath her eyes

hair that had
split ends on every
piece you looked at,

and she might have
gone a little awry,

but that wasn't what
her love looked at;

he looked at her mind
because it was so extraordinary;

*her mind was a galaxy,
waiting to be explored
 May 2014 Sanaa
fierce love
 May 2014 Sanaa
her heart was ice
and his was fire
and together
their love was
as fierce as ever

but as soon as
they were apart,

she turned numb and cold
and he turned to grey ashes
 May 2014 Sanaa
 May 2014 Sanaa
the dream felt so real;

the want and the passion,
the heat and the lust
while my mouth touched yours,

our breaths pacing
our thoughts filled

and all at once,
time moved backwards.
 May 2014 Sanaa
 May 2014 Sanaa
You never talked to me that much,
And we're not even that close,
Yet you have observed me
Like an open book,
And gave me letters.
I still remember the time
When I seemed to be
Going out of my mind,
And things have gone out of hand
I just found a piece of paper
On my desk with;
Words so soothing
Like a cold wash of relief
Words so soft like a cotton
And your name,
Lousily scrawled at the bottom
 May 2014 Sanaa
 May 2014 Sanaa
"i've never been this sad before,"
she cries, the tears burning her cheeks like acid
they say words can never hurt you
but she's never been so hurt in her life
she feels the sorrow overflowing in her brain
her lungs
her heart
the shattered glass lays on her floor
as she weeps underneath the sound of a running bath
knocks on the door pierce through the silence
apologies- which real or not- drift through one ear
and out the other
she doesn't want broken promises and meaningless apologies
she wants happiness
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