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 May 2016 m i a
can't forget your mouth
how I melted into you
it's a long way home
 May 2016 m i a
She became a secret, never opening up
to anyone, and she wore the years like a diary,
no one ever wanted to read.
 May 2016 m i a
for him~
 May 2016 m i a
missed opportunities
spill from my lips
like forgotten tea roses on a lone winter's day
as i watch you leave without so much as glancing back
i remember that this neglect is brought upon by no one but myself
i dream of love like it's the last remaining shred of worth that i could ever gain
yet i wither away from your foreign gaze as if you could destroy me with just a glance
my open palms can not trace their way North
so they merely end up planted in my pockets with a downtrodden gaze
the unassuming warmth of your eyes, burns
as i avoid you as if one look towards your slender shadow
would render me irreparably broken
~ i hope this makes sense i just feel very weird and emotional and im trying to translate~
 May 2016 m i a
 May 2016 m i a
This feeling...
Like a wreath bearing down my neck.
Every fibre in me seem to be at loggerheads.

My heart...
Each beat is a hammer
sledging away at my saneness.

My breaths...
Premature and short.
I respire full but with punctured lungs.
 May 2016 m i a
Nathan Horkstrom
I wish that I could talk to you,
and beg you not to go.
I wish I asked what you were going through,
but now I'll never know.

I wish that I had some warning
of what you'd do that night,
and that you'd given me a chance to save you,
to help you make things right.

I wish that you could've soldiered on,
and worked through the pain.
If you had, I promise you,
you would've been happy one day.

I wish that the last time I saw you
I didn't rush away.
I wish that I had hugged you harder,
and told you I loved you that day.

I wish that I could bring you back
to see you one last time,
to hug you close, to hear your voice,
and then the world would be fine.

But all these things can't ever happen,
the nightmares are all about you.
There's not one thing I can change,
because these wishes will never come true.
This is for a very important person that was in my life, then she left her own...
 May 2016 m i a
Cody Haag
How dare I meander through the woods,
And touch the trees with my fingers?
Nature wails loudly like a siren,
Yet here among the trees humankind lingers.

The grass crunches under my feet,
It might as well be the skulls of the innocent.
Nature exists as a cruel force but
Compared to people it is benevolent.

Smoke trails from chimneys to the sky,
Like black ink staining bright pages.
Mother Nature’s very tears consist of acid,
Which has accumulated throughout the ages.

Forests are ravaged so that we can have amenities,
Have the desired fabrics, papers, and things of the like.
Humans draw from nature as if it is expendable,
And the environment cannot retaliate nor strike.

When a child is beaten by his parents,
The world is aghast,
For how could one so young
Motivate hatred so vast?

Yet so few weep for nature,
Which in essence is that same crying child.
Unable to raise a hand in defense
Against destruction that is so wild.

Our fingers are stained with Mother Nature’s blood,
Yet we dare to bask in Her beauty.
We have failed to protect her
And we have abandoned our duty.
 May 2016 m i a
The Winter Jester
She exited my life without evening saying goodbye
I try to refrain but tears stream out my eyes and I begin to cry
I shouldn’t but I want to die
I want to grow wings so I can fly
Fly far away but I know that won’t stop the memories
To get her back I’d  pay countless fee’s
She was the queen of amazingness
Now she’s gone and I feel lifeless
She didn’t judge me on my past
Now I fear she’ll be the last
For the rest of my life I’ll wear a cast
Around my heart, until I pass
I wish I could’ve talked to her one last time
Hold her close and call her mine
Now my eyes have lost their shine
I try to forget my sorrows by drinking wine
I’ll settle for feeling fine
Cause right now my heart is dangling on a line
I need her to come and save it
Cause it’s falling apart bit by bit
She’ gone and I’m falling apart
My poor broken heart
Why she had to go
I don’t know, she wouldn’t say
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