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2.6k · Sep 2013
Dear brother
Rosalie Walker Sep 2013
I've loved you since I first saw you
I know you have felt the same way
You were looking from the other side of the glass window
At that time, I was being born

We used to be so close
We used to take care of eachother,
But now you don't
And I still do

We grew up, changed
And now we're just strangers,
Who live in the same house.

You make me fade away, like the sun in a twilight
I try to be in your world, but you don't want me around
I do every kind of good things for you
But brother,
It hurts when you don't do any of those for me
2.4k · Nov 2014
Rosalie Walker Nov 2014
It's making me insane
Making me not the same
2.2k · Nov 2014
Rosalie Walker Nov 2014
Someone made flowers bloom in my chest,
I'm choking
I wish the flowers were yellow,
Not red.

I felt the silver touch
On my back
As I laid there

You held me tight,
Until I closed my eyes,
I watched the sky,
The last thing on my sight.

Everything went black,
And the last thing I felt
Was a kiss on the forehead.
2.2k · Sep 2013
Cut my wings
Rosalie Walker Sep 2013
I'm sick and tired of society
I wanna fly
But people cut my wings
I wanna scream
But people take my voice away
I wanna write
But people mow my hands
I wanna walk
But people chain me to the wall

Society makes me equal
When I realise
I'm just another brick in the wall
1.7k · Nov 2014
Rosalie Walker Nov 2014
Are you swimming in my eyes?
Is it just a illusion?
Are the eyes just fishbowls?

Are you the angel or the devil?
Hero or villain?
Beautiful or ugly?
Right or wrong?
Soft or hard?
Happy or sad?
Certain or in doubt?

So many unanswered questions,
Who are you?
Can you tell me?
Okay, just one more question:
Are you the friend or the lover?
1.1k · Sep 2013
Rosalie Walker Sep 2013
There is no sense in this world anymore
I feel sore
Seeing people being all the same
It looks like I am to blame

A word that doesn't exists in our dictionaries anymore
Creativity was pruned out
Like the hair on the soldier's head

Money is all they think about
I can't carry out
They are making insane
Making me not the same
997 · Oct 2013
Mind Blown
Rosalie Walker Oct 2013
Why is it like this?
Your world turns upside down
Everything seems to be blue
Not a word you hear can you relate,
You're desperate
And people don't seem to care
But they pretend to help

You look for sanity but it's not there
Living has blown your mind
Where's the sense in everything?
Rosalie Walker Nov 2014
O pó queima o nariz,
O álcool aquece o corpo,
A música acolhe,
O sangue jorra.

A ultima imagem,
O ultimo cheiro,
O último sentimento,

Uma veste de sangue a cobre,
Olhos vermelhos escondem a paranóia,
Um punhal brilhante reflete o medo.

Um soco no espelho,
Um último beijo,
Julieta, Julieta,
Não se vá.

Romeu, Romeu,
Um punhal resolveu,
Piscina escarlate,
Seu sangue é combate.

Veludo frio,
Coração congelado,
Toque caloroso,
Olhar vidrado.

Romeu, Romeu,
Você lembra do dia que ela morreu?
Rosalie Walker Sep 2013
Sou medrosa
Sempre tive um vasto medo de te perder
Com minha simples prosa relembro bons momentos que passei com você

Das noites em que passávamos acordados vendo filmes e tomando sorvete,
Manhãs em que acordavamos cedo para ver desenhos animados,
Quando ia para sua cama no meio da noite pois estava com medo
Até quando me dava ovadas no meu aniversário,
Me diverti contigo.

Na medida em que crescemos,
Mudamos o nosso jeito de ser,
Tomamos rumos diferentes,
Você começou a me deixar em último plano,
Mas o pior de tudo,
Se afastou,
Afastou-se de um jeito inexplicável,
De um jeito doloroso

Pessoas me perguntam até hoje
"Onde está seu irmão? Vocês costumavam ir a todo lugar juntos..."
E eu, olho para os meus pés e relembro como éras
"Está em casa" respondo, quando naverdade, não sei onde está
Digo isso para não revelar o fato de que não me quer mais em seu mundo,
Para não mostrar aos outros que você não me aceita mais.

Estúpidas mudanças!
Por causa delas, você se tornou assim comigo:
Amargo, como o gosto da tristeza em minha boca,
Um desconhecido
E o pior de tudo,
Se tornou a pessoa que prometeras nunca se tornar,
E o meu pior pesadelo acabou acontecendo na vida real:
Te perdi.
488 · Sep 2013
Little lost girl
Rosalie Walker Sep 2013
She had her own little world,
Where she could be herself without being afraid,
Being there was beautiful

People call her a freak,
They say she's a nowhere girl
'Cause she's living out of this world.

She talks to birds she talks to angels
She talks to trees she talks to bees
Talks to the rainbows and to the seas

She lives in the world of imagination,
To hide from the crule reality of this world
315 · Sep 2013
Let me be
Rosalie Walker Sep 2013
Let me dream
Let me smile
Let me imagine
Let me pretend
Let me write
Let me sing
Let me be myself.

— The End —