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4.1k · Aug 2018
rooprahkleja Aug 2018
being equal
they say
is being equal
but how do we know
how it feels
to be equal
when they say
we are not taken
as equal
3.4k · Aug 2018
rooprahkleja Aug 2018
When i was a little kid
And i looked at the sky
A little cat was running there
And a small dog chasing it
My favorite doll
Waving hello
The softest cloud
Oh how i wanted to
Hop right into it

But you
My dear mate
You stopped
Looked a the sky
Just took picture of it
Never really seeing
Alive it is

And i
I am
So mad at you
Cause there is
A picture of the sky
In the small screen
That I'm holding
In my hands
1.7k · Aug 2018
rooprahkleja Aug 2018
Do you hear the rain?
But are you listening to it?
Are you listening the way it falls
How softly it sounds
How so slowly, so slowly
It awakens the nature
Can you hear how
Flowers are starting to smile
Are you listening to it?
These are the sounds that
Only rain can make
You can hear something similar
Only rain can make it sound the way
The way my corners of mouth
Will raise
How your rain sounds?
619 · Sep 2018
Mu arm
rooprahkleja Sep 2018
Naeratus su silmades,
Suunurgad paitamas kõrvu
On päike minu tedretähnidele

Sa vaikselt avad oma suu
Poetad hingetõmbe
Nii su mõtted juba mu kõrvuni jõudnud
Ilma,et oleksid midagi õelnud

Kas see tunne ongi
See ihatuim
Sest mina ihkan seda veel
Ja kui polegi nii
Vaid neil mõttes mõlgub muu
Siis siiski minul ei
Midagi muud
599 · Oct 2018
rooprahkleja Oct 2018
i picked a sunflower
not because i wanted to
because i had to,
it reminded me of you
now you see?
see what you have done
done to me
I'm trapped in nest
nest made of you
your smile,
your laugh,
made of you.

the sunflower is dead now.
i try to bring it back alive
i really try it
nothing brings it back alive
nothing makes it alive,
maybe aliveish
not alive.
but maybe is that all i can get
maybe that's fair enough
enough alive
444 · Jan 2019
rooprahkleja Jan 2019
do it for YOURSELF
forget the society
remember YOUR dreams
remember YOU
329 · Feb 2019
rooprahkleja Feb 2019
i heard u like bretty girls
so i didn't dress up like one
but you still came back
and acted like i was the only one
only one there, everywhere

so i dressed up like me
and hoped you will feel
that I'm not enough
enough for you
enough to walk next to you

and you still sitting right here
your brown eyes shining back to me
and i still try slip away
hoping you will let me go
let me walk right back home

cause i still have feeling for you
and i can't slip away
away from them
298 · Sep 2018
Own way
rooprahkleja Sep 2018
The way we look at the world
With their own eyes
And ther on ways
Seeing small things
Or feeling big things
On our own way
And one day
You will see that
On your own way
How everybody
Sees everything
On their own way
And then
Accept it
And enjoy you own way
Of seeing world
222 · Aug 2018
deep in my mind
rooprahkleja Aug 2018
I say.
You think,
you listen.
You think.
I think,
I listen.
I think your thoughts,
I listen them.
But you never say
now i'm thinking your thoughts,
and think
if you would ever say.
I would say
when i say
i only think about you.

— The End —