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I don't know what I believe
Just that my heart screams out "no more"

Am I the villain here today
Or victim with my tears unsure

Though I don't know where I play part
I have been weeping from the start

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me

Please help me now, I feel I drown,
I'm lost within the sea
Another fight.
don't hate on me

i have a confession to make

i've never been depressed
or stuck down in the dumps

and i kinda feel ashamed about it,
like i need to keep it quiet.

i've never thought of suicide
or using those X-acto knives

but i kinda wish i had so
i could say
i know what it's like

but to be honest
i just can't.

and that bothers me.

because then i want to think
that somehow i'm superior

that i should be the one to help
because i am so obviously


to those who hurt and struggle
with the pains and fears i don't

please help me to remember,
that my strength is hardly tested
if i haven't walked through nights
when i'm pushing past
fears more dark than when
i just turn off the lights.

help me to remember,
that i still freak out and
lose my mind when everything
comes crashing in

at once

help me to remember
that the reason i am here
the way i am
is not because of what i do
but what he did to die for me.

so there you have it.
maybe this makes me a monster with no heart but i really hope i'm not.
they shine
like angels
fallen from above
to tempt the eyes
of frail men

broken trail of wingless years
eyes betray a lonely heart
and hope to make it full at last

they long
like sirens
calling from afar
to turn a foot
by fatal lyre

faithless fickle hearts of men
leave voids unfilled by unshed tears
and ache to wipe the fears away

they lay
like harlots
waxed and oiled
primped and preened
to light the hearts
of fallen men
tempted, turned,
take them away

to darkness

fill the longing, close the void
break the long and hard divide
but moments pass
the deed is done
and into stupor
all undone
the cracked and broken

so we sit
like demons
teeth spread wide

with a halo on the jaws of hell
I hope this doesn't come across as a mysogynist poem, because it's not. In many ways, we can all be angel-demons to each other, whether a man or a woman. But the heart of this poem is to expose the angel-demon of lust and ****** fantasy by tracing the path of temptation.
rambling about,
a story, a play,
a novel, an essay,
rants and poems alike,
climbing over each other,
an eternal game of
"King of the Mountain"
for which one gets worked on next,
while the others sleep
in separate bedrooms of
this house that has no doors.
nothing escapes,
but lives here forever,
within the walls of a cluttered mind,
a hoarder's paradise of thoughts and expressions,
just waiting to be emptied,
let loose,
explode upon an unsuspecting world
that may or may not be ready for it.
But the way you look at me
Tells me there are tears behind your smile
And a graveside in your mind
Where you sit and wonder
Why he had to leave.

I know I'm not him
But if I can I want to be the
New face of that old love.

The tree that grows up
From the dust of his ashes
To fill the dark void that was
Left by his passing.

Next phase in the old story
Where death begins birth
And new life is a graveyard not yet dug.
We are not ours, and we will have to let us go.

Watch her closely as she holds you,

Let her feed and watch you grow,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let her go.

See him smiling as he swings you,

Hold him tight and cuddle close,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let him go.

Kiss their wrinkles as they hug you,

Take their arms and be their cane,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Hold her hand and let her take you,

To the land of sunset skies,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let her go.

Tell them truly that you love them,

Let them know that you are there,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Kiss her sweet and let her kiss you,

In the altar’s shadow bright,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let her go.

Love them dearly while you hold them,

Tie their hearts like one with yours,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

See them smiling as you swing them,

Hold them tight and cuddle close,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Kiss their wrinkles as you hug them,

Take their hearts and hold them tight,

But forget not at their end,


You will have to let them go.

Watch them hold hands as they tell you,

Of the land of sunset skies,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

See them stand and pledge before you,

In the altar’s shadow kiss,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Hug the children that they bring you,

Let them kiss your wrinkled face,

But forget not in the end,


You will have to let them go.

Tell them all how much you love them,

Hold their gaze and squeeze their hands,

For now that you are at the end,

You will have to let them go.

Hold her tight and let her kiss you,

Though your eyes are dim and sore,

For now that you are at the end,

You have to let her go.

Tell this always as you teach them,

That this life is not all ours,

For in the end, remember,

We will have to let us go.
In my deepest moments
i can feel the fear rushing in
i can feel my pain is rising up
i can feel my doubt
coming in faster than ever
and i can feel the weight
of all the words holding me up
by my throat
Giving me no room to breath
and i can feel the hope
leaving me!
these things that used to make me happy
are the only reason for these tears....
yes, i know how it feels
when youve dug yourself so deep
in regret that you cant see....
.... the joy thats been stripped from your life.....
and see
its only harder when
you dont even listen to .....
a word i say
it doesent make it easier
when you dont EVEN KNOW WHO I AM...
but when i finally hit my limits
i realize,
that theres a hope beyond
this... crazy pain.
that even in the mist
of your devastation
even in the depths
of your pain,
EVEN in the middle
of your fear,
even in the loneliness of your past,
in the loudest
shouting of your crys
in the times
when your pain......
brings your only comfort
...there is yet a hope left uncoverd
i wouldn't know what it's like
to feel the world
staring down my back
trying to find the soul
in all i do

nor do i want to feel
in me
those heartless eyes
look through your actions
like a sneaking spy
with files in the night

tell me when i'm losing you
to pictures in my mind
framing you inside the frail confines
of a dime

to cheapen souls costs money
the worth of knowing facts
cannot repay

its you i'm waiting for
not figures.
you i want to hold
not files
in a file-drawer
with keys to keep the door
we are more than the sum of our parts
when galaxies surround
and gravity's unbound

and I'm floating in the midst
holding tightly to your wrist

and there is wonder in my eyes
because your face has told no lies

I hold you close so I can feel
if your heartbeat's even real

and press my lips against your cheek
because my heart is growing weak

against the love-tide rising
your presence prizing

above all else
Oh, to cast my eyes
On someone as elegant
As she must be

To touch
Something as angelic
As the fingers she dangles
So nonchalantly from the opening
Of the chariot
She rides

Oh sweet beauty
Would that you were mine to hold.

What I would do
For the chance to see that face
The one so many look over
And pass by
Every day

Simple fools they must be
To pass by
The face that must out-shine
Even the stars

On one of those
Lovely fingers
Resides a ring

It symbolizes eternity.
Who was the giver of this gift?
Oh, gods above,
Do not let someone else have stolen
The heart
Of this angel.

Have mercy on me
A peasant
Pining over
This woman.

You should be
The one with a crown
My darling
The one wearing jewels
And many lovely gowns

And yet
You were born a servant
To be overlooked

Though you are more beautiful
Than the sun.

Be still my heart,
My soul

My darling, I beg of you to have me
For I can clearly see
Though your face be veiled
That you, indeed are glorious
In your beauty.
The gist of this poem is a peasant pining away over a servant girl. He can see her hand draped out of the window of the litter as it passes by, but she is wearing a veil, so he can't see her all the way. He imagines what she must look like judging by how beautiful her fingers are.
I've never done a poem like this to my memory, so let me know what you think. :)
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