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Torontoisart Oct 2018
This empty hole in my chest
Is from the pain your brought in my life
Pain I will never be able to put to rest

The smiles we shared
Will never be able to make up for the tears I shed.

Dreams turned to nightmares when you had left
You had the pleasure of breaking my heart  and had no sympathy when I wept

You are a demon none deserving of grace
You had the darkness inside of you to say the things you said to my face

The sweet sweet lies you hissed in my ear
I never knew demons could walk the earth
For I called one my dear

Now I lay here in a puddle of my own tears
Commencing my self destruction to run away from this feeling
I try not alert the neighbors with my screaming

I will never forget your face
You are the one that has brought me back to this place

A place where this pain will consume every inch of my body
Oh how I wish you would be sorry

You had eyes that could enchant a nation
But I saw the darkness in your eyes when you broke my heart with no hesitation


I , with no doubt deserved the cruelty you inflicted in my life
I deserved to feel the hole in my chest
I deserved to have the tears that soak my vest

I am a foul creature not from this place
I am the evil being not deserving grace.

I hope you all didn’t miss me too much.
Torontoisart Mar 2018
The drugs numb the pain
For a brief moment
I forget that I’m insane

Fists bleeding from self destruction
I cry out to anything listening out there
Yearning for an abduction

Eyes bleeding
Wrist screaming

My soul is tired of living
Slowly becoming unforgiving

She held my heart in her hand
Dropped it on the floor
Made me feel like a one night stand

She hissed so many lies into my ear
I thought it was love I felt
But it was fear

Fear of getting hurt
Fear of being left in the dirt

My heart would ache at night
I would call for you
And you’d be out of sight

The demons comforted me
The told me to sell my soul
If I wanted to be made whole

You were an angel craving chaos
I was a demon seeking peace

But in the end
You become the demon.

A demon dressed in white
Lurking in the night.

I know I’ve been MIA but Toronto is here.
  Feb 2018 Torontoisart
I'm single.
And it has obvious benefits
I don't have to share my food, and i won't be yelled at for occasionally being emotionally
But I'm a mess too, a disaster that no one wants a part of, but i guess that's why I'm apart from most everyone.

I'm single
Because it takes courage to love, courage that i don't have anymore because I've cried too much like a purple dove.
Everyday i see random couples out there in the streets under the spell of love
And being crippled by the hooks of loneliness i look up above and wonder what sin did i commit?
Can i change this sentence with a legal team and a habeus corpus writ?

I'm single
And cynical, growing more everyday.
I can't even appreciate a love song anymore, i know i sound crazed.
But you'd feel the same if everyday
You die just a bit more inside with each affectionate display.

I'm single
Because i can't offer anything but myself
No wealth, mediocre at best looks, and at best average health.
I'm a wreck no one wants to fix... so I'll do it without help.
Man, this is sad.
Torontoisart Jan 2018
When she promised to never leave
She forgot to mention the card she had in her sleeve

When he promised to keep you from your demon
But left you on the floor screaming

When she held your heart in her hand and then threw it to the cold floor
Spat in your face and walked out the door

When he kissed your forehead before you slept
Then out of your bed he crept

When she whispered she loved you in your ear
Then was the reason for a tear

When he held your hand when you walked down the street
Just to leave you at night drowning your bed sheet

When she made you smile day and night
Then she was out of sight

When he noticed the little things about you
Just for you to realise the promises were never true

When she made you trust her completely
Then made you feel like jumping of the balcony

When he looked you in your eyes and said he loved you
Then bid you adieu.

For all the girls and boys that have been heartbroken and lied to by so men they loved dearly. This is for you And I.
Torontoisart Dec 2017
I have no grasp on my feelings anymore
I lost track of them crying on my bed room floor

Ive lost all sanity
All grip on reality

Standing against a tall wall
Knees weak from the journey and about to fall

I stare blankly at the wall with tears at the end of my eyelids
I cry out a scream of helplessness to anyone who would hear
But as always I am left alone to quiver in fear

With my fist tightened I throw it to the wall
A sharp sting grows within my fist and tears begin to fall

I fall to my knees and hold my wrist
With tears in my eyes I shout to the heavens and raise my ****** fist

The heavens shout back with a thunderous roar
And a rod of lighting strikes the soil beside me
At that moment a new feeling was born inside of me

I pull myself up and throw my fists to the wall
Over and over I punish my fists
And as tears fall down my eyelids

I begin to see the wall weakening to my fists
I throw another one and blood begins to pour to the floor
And I begin to realise I am at war

I look down to my ****** fists
I roll them up into a ball for one last try
And try hold the tears in as I cry

I set myself up and throw my fist to the wall
With the impact, the shock of my hands shattering sends me to the ground
And I lay there with no sound

I punch the devil in the face and come back to life to see...

The wall has been broken and I have been set free.

It has been an eventful year full of heartbreak , tears and some joy. Tha k you to all that have taken their time to read my poetry I really appriciate you all. Torontoisart.
Torontoisart Dec 2017
I deserve all this pain and torment
Cut my writs and numb my heart
Use the blood to create your art

Cast the stones
Break my bones

Let me choke on my blood
Agonising but deserving death
Loosing each and every breath

Hold a gun to my heart and pull the trigger
Let the bullet flow through me like fish through water
Let this be my ultimate slaughter

Round my neck with a noose
Tighten it and make sure it is not loose

Tie an anchor to my feet and throw me in the ocean
Let my scream not be heard
And my vision be blurred

Lay me on the road and run me over
Let the tyres crush each and every bone
Let my existance become unknown

Throw me into the fiery pits of hell
Let my flesh burn to ash
Then throw the remains in the trash

Throw me out of a plane
And let my life flash before my eyes
Let me remember all the lies
Let me remember all the forgotten cries
Let me remember all the false allies
And as I look at my final sunrise

Let me say...

I deserve it.

All the pain, the torture that has happened or coming my way. I desereve it.
Torontoisart Dec 2017
It is the season for heartbreak
When youll cry yourself a river
And drown yourself in the lake

You will find serpents dressed in diamonds
Taught to trick and break you
Break your heart into right into two

Falling into temptation is common for humans
You fall knowing that there is a chance you will crash
But then blame the other person for being rash

Humans are fools destined for destruction
Hurting each other like it was an instruction

No antidote can cure the pain inside
No person can tame that emotion
For that demon is wild

Pain is mental suffering or distress
It was that emotion you felt when your head was pressed on my chest

You cover the cuts with your bracelets
Numbing the emotional pain with physical pain
But at the end of the day there will be nothing you will gain

Give me your pain , let me take it away
Ill keep the demons out for as long as youll stay

It is the season of heartbreak
The revealment of all the beings that were fake

Take my hand and I will keep you sane
I will rid you of the pain

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