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Torontoisart Nov 2017
I realised I didnt have to live with the pain anymore
I had to let it all go
If I let the pain stay it would forever grow

If I let you stay you were going to destroy me
I had to save myself some pain
Before you turned me insane

You were a good girl trying to be bad
I was a bad boy losing himself

Voices telling me to let you go
Deep down I knew I had to
My heart knew what my mind didnt know

You were a parasite killing me slowly
I was falling so hard I didnt even see it
UntilI hit the very bottom of the pit

I wasnt chasing love, I was chasing my own demise
My heart thought it was love
But my soul was too wise

But how do you forget someone you once knew?
How do you cut her face out of your memories
How do forget someone who brought you to your knees

She never needed me.
The devil was her companion
But art was her passion

Maybe thats what kept me around for so long
But I saw your soul through your art
I saw right through you but the most important part


I had to let you go.

I realised I didn't have to hurt anymore. I just had to let go and maybe I could find true happimes but time will reveal.
Torontoisart Nov 2017
Walking alone in the hallways
Hearing the echoes of your laugh bouncing of the walls
Reminiscing on better days

I dont feel empty anymore.
I am detached from reality, floating in a still state of mind
Trying to hide away in a place no one can find

Brick walls being built
Shutting away the voices
Running away from the guilt

"If we are ment to be. We will come back to each other," you said before you left
You took my heart and never brought it back in one piece
That should be considered as theft

My heartbeat used to beat for you
Now my heart aches beacuse of you

Regretting the moments I believed would last forever
Forcing myself to believe we werent ment to be together

A part of me still holds onto you
Losing hope but reaching out for you
Realising you wont do want I need you to

I never thought the dream would end
When it did my life became a nightmare
Happy moments became rare

You and me we were forbidden lovers
In a story that was eventually going to end in one of us leaving each other
I wished I listened to my mother

She warned me about you.
But addiction got the best of me
Thought that we were ment to be

I was wrong.

You left in peace
But left me in pieces.

When she said she love me. Was she trully in love of me or was she in love with the thought of me?
Torontoisart Oct 2017
Im drowing in my own tears
Needing a helping hand
Needing saving from my own fears

Troubled by my demons I crawl into a ball
I scream out for help
But my voice is blocked out by a wall

My lungs begin to burn from the lack of air
My heart begins to ache from the lack of care

Tears gushing out of me like a waterfall
I begin to ******* own ending
My soul is detaching from my body and is descending

I will meet my tormentor
Look it in the eyes and ask it why it tormented me my whole life
Why it kept me from having kids and a wife

My life was never my own
I was a loner walking amongs demons
Without a place to call home

Reflecting on life in the after life
Seeing myself crying on my bed at night.
I was such a lonely boy who told everyone he was alright

It grabbed my hand and took me to me demise
I would be punished
Burnt with a fire fueld by all the lies

I could feel my skin being eaten away by the flames.
A memory comes to me.
I remember a sweet childhood full of candy and games

I was an innocent infant
Till it found me and consumed me
It was always in me and never let me be

I felt empty yes, but it was drinking from my soul
It was the reason why I felt so empty
It was the reason why I was never happy

I resented my life ever since it found me
I was broken and couldnt be helped
Now I stand in a fire about to melt

The pain seems familiar
Feels like home.

Screaming wouldnt help
Im lost now. With no way of coming back
At least my name would go up on a plaque

I made a difference in a few
I imprinted on the ones who mattered the most
They used me and overdosed

Made me feel even more empty than I already was
How could a being be so deceitful?
So cruel and so evil ?

Is that how you were made ?
Or was it part of the game you played ?

The game of heartbreak and tears
Fake people and smoke and mirrors

I lost that game a long time ago
I came back to reality
And the fire had  burnt me from head to toe

How was I still alive ?

Then I see the burnt flesh peel away
The fire eats my skin away again
Im beginning to go insane

It was my sentance
To burn in the fire forever
But in some way to me it brought pleasure

I was used to the pain
So as the torture repeated again and again
My face just remained plain

I was numb
And I looked up to earth
Looked all the way back to my birth

Maybe if I was born in a different time I would have turned out differently
It wouldnt have found me
I would have been a shut door without a key

Safe from the voices
I would have felt true happiness
My life wouldnt have been a mess

But it was inevitable for the ones I loved to hurt me
I watched them move on, find joy in someone else
To me it never made sense

Was I that bad of a person
I loved all. Cared for all. Sacrificed so much
But actually I destroyed everything by just a touch

Everything I loved , touched , encountered turned to dust
I never brought anyone happiness, just pain
I was a cloud full of it and showered it over everyone like rain

I was chasing love but ended up running away from the pain that came with it
Was love just abstract
I was never going to find it and that was a fact

I was always being played with
I was lied to and shown fake love
Love was just a myth

Or it was just not for me
At least thats what I thought

Until I met her.

A sublime beauty.
I was lovestruck .
And she had my heart .

She had her way with words
She had me wrapped around her fingers
She knew that I was forever going to be hers

I was addicted to her
She kept the pain away
I knew if I wanted to survive I had to make her stay

I wasnt going to let her go
She brought a new feeling
I didnt know I would fall so hard for a human being

Was it fait
Because it felt like she came into my life too late

I was a messed person with no future
But she overlooked all of that at loved me

The voices were still there but they were fading away
It wasnt tormenting as much anymore
Slowly it will close my door

And the key will  be thrown away
Ill be left alone, with her.

I don't always understand my emotions. But poetry helps me put the into words. I hope when you read this you will be able to relate to some of these emotions I went through and that you'll understand you're not alone. Torontoisart.
Torontoisart Sep 2017
I'm in tears
Full of regret , fear and remorse
I sense that the end is drawing near

My heart is slowing down
I'm growing empty
Soon my heart will echo like a ghost town

How will I live with myself
I'm here suffocating
And you are miles away hardly surviving

Leave me now. Before I continue with my destruction
A storm is coming
You should begin running

I can't bare the feeling of you hurting
The image is horrifying
If it becomes reality I will slowly start dying

It's written on the walls
"You will die alone"
It cut me deep right through my bones

I'd walk through fire for you
But I can't keep my heart beating any longer
This pain is growing stronger

Just leave now
When our love is still at its beginnings
I'll come over and take all my belongings

I can't be yours forever
I'm an ending story
With no happy ending

To hurt her would emotionally scar me for the rest of my life.I'll carry the feeling of regret and remorse forever and beat myself up for it over and over. It the little mistakes that cut me deep.
Torontoisart Sep 2017
Run your fingers down my spine
Let our love be bliss
Let us take our time

The world moves too fast
I regret not fulfilling each moment
Its why I regret my past

The chances I've had to be happy are gone
The words left unsaid
Adventures I could have wondered upon

I would stare at your lips imagining their taste
But I would sit there frozen
And that moment would go to waste

I would look back to it and a tear would break
My cheeks would turn pale
And my body would begin to shake

I've turned so cold from the lack of your love
I've become dark and empty
And have been used by plenty

Those moments that never happend have destroyed my character
There is nothing left of me
I've vanished to thin matter

Will you come looking for me?
Or will I be forgotten
Like a apple that rolled under the bed and has turned rotten

Maybe Toronto can have a new beginning, a new beginning with someone new. Torontoisart. Notice me world. Notice me before I am gone. It's all I want.
Torontoisart Sep 2017
I stare at the screen
The words that I see, I dont want to believe it
I'm in so much pain , my soul wants to scream

It is the beginning of an end
Time to say my last words
For in the next day I will ascend

When you wake up. I'll be gone
My body will remain
As I escape from this pain

I'll leave you my heart
It was not mine anyway
It was a toy for the world to play

It was my purpose. To collect data
I was not meant to make any close relations
But try understand humans emotions

My purpose is incomplete
But I have to go
I need to erase my trace,leave a clean sheet

Wipe myself from peoples memories
I never existed, I was only a dream

My footsteps will echo forever in your head
But you will never make out who I was
I've left the world for the stars

I am a star
I shine but not bright enough
I will live long but not long enough

I will die out and explode
It will be a beautiful destruction

But it will be my end.

Torontoisart Aug 2017
Demonic angel with rage in his heart
Keeps himself numb from feeling
Expresses his pain through art

He covers himself with human skin
Walks with a smile on his face
And rejuvenates his thirst with sin

He's learnt their tongue
They hiss like snakes
With venom to **** their own mates

They are a foul species
Without even being conscious of their own demise
They drown in their own lies

How can you be a saviour to a aremegedon
He realises its time to rid of himself of this place
Wash out this sinister taste

They sin like demons
But walk around with halos above their heads
Pray every night beside their beds

He sees potential in a few and tries to keep them close
But he's afraid of a feeling that tells him
They will drink from his soul and overdose

They will leave him dry and lifeless
He must remain cautious and stay on this earth
It may have some worth

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