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Randi May 2016
All that you said you’d never do,
you did.
All that you said you’d do,
you never did.
I’d never doubt you,
I had once said;
I don’t know what to think.
All I am now is
I doubt it
on legs.
I wrote this last year and posted it on a different blog... since I've been completely uninspired as of late, I thought I'd just put a few of my old poems up to remind people that I'm not dead *insert awkward laughter*
Randi Mar 2016
I was born with the moon at my feet.
Maybe that's why I'm "so hard to reach"–
not impossible, just hard–
I'm always some distance away.
One step,
Two steps,
One giant leap.
note: I really do have a moon-shaped birthmark near my left foot.
Randi Mar 2016
even my thoughts lie to me
i told myself that i was happy
Randi Feb 2016
you could stack up all the bricks
in the world then slap a roof onto
them and it still wouldn't feel
like home.
just a box with a ****** excuse
for a roof.
Home is where the heart is...
and my heart is not in this house
Randi Feb 2016
To be honest,
I'm sad all the time
I'm tired all the time
the good thing is
that I don't have to
pretend I'm happy
all the time
I cry all the time.
Randi Feb 2016
is coming home feeling miserable
and your mother knows just what to do
to fix you up.

is hugging your siblings, and they find it
but you hug them anyway.

is waking up feeling like there's nothing
a good cup of coffee
can't fix.

is walking around
all smiles, just smiles
and you can't explain why.

is what just can't be
explained properly
even if you use the whole dictionary.
Randi Feb 2016
you're letting
every piece of you
scatter to the winds,
and here i am,
picking up every last bit
even though i'm beginning
         *ap a  r   t
you ******* away.
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