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 Sep 2016 Prabhu Moorthy
Sometimes when I feel very alone,
I want to call you and apologize in every language I know.

And then I remember that you do not miss me, you do not care about me, and you do not deserve an apology from me because I have done nothing wrong.

And then I feel a little bit more alone. And a little bit more okay with it.
The Words you've never spoken

The tears you've never cried

The hopes and fears of all those years

Have finally run dry

How far away you seem now

How vacant is your face

Your body's here beside me

Of you there's not a trace

How long will you keep hiding

Your secret self from me

If only you would let go

And drop yourself on me
the lonely boat, out at sea

seen by all, known by few

wondering how this could be

even though deep down it knew

floating around all day and night
going near shore but not close enough

it looks content but’s really not alright

always missing good company, life is tough

but it keeps going, this lonely boat

far out in the ocean or close to the sand

continuing for now this solo journey afloat
knowing one day it’ll find the place to land
I gaze at you,
in anticipation of words,
but these vacuous conversations are only ones that seem to come.

These salutations and customs- are all too familiar,
a forewarning to hail this semblance,
a bellow to put on my armour of camaraderie,
a display of grandeur,
as I wallow in cursory nods.

all this while, I still await those words,
ones that promise to slit the soul,

for it keeps on cluttering with ghosts of past flaws,
a past I wish that never was.
The inability of words to convey
 Sep 2016 Prabhu Moorthy
I will give to you every piece of my heart
I cling to you while the world falls part
Every blessing, every star, a piece of you
Every child, every wish,
mastered by your hands

I will give to you every song in my soul
I cling to you just to feel whole
Every trial, every thorn, you bore them all
Every heart, every smile, masterfully made

And just when it feels
Like everything is wrong
You lift me up
Make me feel strong
Because you're in my heart
And I'm in your hands
I will follow you
I will follow you
 Sep 2016 Prabhu Moorthy
 Sep 2016 Prabhu Moorthy
I am caught in a between a rock and a hard place
Between my insecurity and my heart
 Sep 2016 Prabhu Moorthy
All of these words
Ever present in my mind
And all of you
A gift my heart cannot contain
For dreams are lucid
And tears fabricated
And my hearts only desire
Is to lay down in your arms
But here I find myself
On the ground
Strewn among the roses
It is not romantic
But it is sweet, and sickly
All at once
To be in your mind
And as I wander
The corridors of your mind
Knocking on doors
Slipping into your thoughts
I cry.
For I know
This is where I belong
And to you I will always return
My thoughts run
Out of my ears
And intertwine into yours
Will we ever end?
I know that we will die
That is for sure
But an end?
To be love we have
Is in foreseeable in my sky
I long to see You
Yes, I've been waiting for so long
To spend eternity with You
My Lover

Everyday my heart aches
For the thought of finally
Spending each second
Uttering words of Love

I desire a time
When I can only hear Your voice
Of great comfort
Of authentic wholeness

All the noise that this world has
Will fade
And Your serenade of Love
Will forever resound

On that day
Nothing will ever be more pleasurable
Than singing songs
For my Lover

And You will
Wipe the tears from my eyes
No more pain
No more heartaches

Or maybe I would cry a lot first
I'll cry for days
Because of total happiness
Caused by Your mere presence

You would tell me
That I am forever beautiful
And You would be forever
In deep Love for me

I will sing my heart out
Caring for nothing
Eyes only on You
My Lover

On that day
I will experience Your passion for me
And we will be united
I will be perfected by Your unending Love

You would ask me to dance
And I will be forever swept away off my feet
Your eyes only on me
Captivated by my beauty
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