hatred is just that
a completely useless and shallow emotion that leads to empty anger and wasted energy
hatred is just that
its not a tool, its not even useful for DEALING with those of your enemies
but it does create enemies
hatred behaves much like friction does scientifically, that is, it is the killer of efficiency, it wastes your energy, it creates obstacles, and it stains your life with something so impure and unresponsive that you lose part of what it truly means to be HUMAN
hatred is just that
a lack of humanity, a variable that is not useful for survival at its most basic level, it kills love and creates the foundation of evil
hatred is just that
useless, something that wastes energy, creates obstacles, stains your life, takes away your humanity, kills love, endangers your survival, and lays down the foundation of evil- which in turn can make yourself into an obstacle for others who only love.
And love conquers all
so if you hate
what do you think is going to happen?
some negative emotions can be useful tools, jealousy and sadness can be used in life for some purposes, but hate is absolutely positively a self destructive emotion.