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The place you are is just a place,
It means no more or less for face.
It doesn't give you status or rank,
All it provides is your own place to think.
Hopefully that place feels like your little home,
But if it's doesn't you'll feel this never ending urge to roam.

Go out,
be curious.

That's the only way you will be able to find,
the place that's always been,
But you never knew,
At the back of your mind.
I miss the way you play with my hair
Even though you know I hate it
I miss the way when I lean on you
You kiss the top of my head
I miss the way you act so strong
But I know exactly when you need to cry

I miss the way you tell me
I'm your favorite daughter
Though I'm your only one
I miss the way you'd fall asleep on the couch
And be impossible to wake up

I miss the way you'd come home late
And blame me for still being up
I miss the way you tell me you love me
And the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh
I miss your horrible sense of humor
And your amazing hugs

I hate being so far away
If I could live with you forever
I would.
But being a grown up is important
You taught me that.
Because underneath the partying and silliness
You are a responsible adult
And an even more amazing mom
I lay here,
Exhausted from the work,
Not knowing why I do it,
But someone along the way said it would be worth it.
I ask what is worth,
Living your life as a silhouette?
They silence me and say, pay your dues, pay your dues.
Sometimes the hardest thing to say,
Everyone else is thinking,
So say it,
And maybe,
We can all stop paying for something that was given to us far before we knew the value of a dollar.
Sweet flower,
As your petals float to the ground around you,
It may look to the outside world you are dying,
But it is when you are left as a shell of what you used to be,
Stripped down,
A stem,
That is when you come to life.

Sweet flower,
You've never looked more beautiful.
After three days of solitude,
I confronted you
in the ruins of the house we tore down together,
We held each other in our broken dreams,
your head was still bleeding from the accident,
you said, I dont want to die here,
and let yr fingers slip down yr throat,
and let the bile come out,
We held again in the pool of tears,
we had been saving in random bottles over the years.
you whispered how everything was changing,
falling apart, all the friends moving on,
all the backgrounds changing,
and how much it hurt,
and how much it was needed,
How we are just kids
trying to find our place,
I said I love you
and you echoed back
He was life
Vibrant, Vivacious, and full
talking miles per minute,craving human contact
The very essence of the human spirit  
bubbled around him like a clear mountain spring
When he was little people would ask him
what he wanted to be when he grew up,
And he would say
And they would laugh because they didn’t understand

He was color
Every shade, every hue, every connotation
On bright days he was sunshine yellow, and petal pink
On dark days he was midnight blue
and the green of deep still water
Yet no matter the day,
He was always fire
orange and red and crackling and quick

He was sound
Loud and boisterous
All the notes and frequencies wrapped around him
Loving him, protecting him,
keeping him safe
And that is why everyone thought that if he were to fall
it would be kicking and screaming
Loud and conspicuous

But when he fell
He went, so quietly and softly  
that no one seemed to notice
And he tumbled down
with no safety net to catch
no helping hand to guide

Because they had forgotten to tell him
That rainbows, while beautiful, are often misunderstood
And busy guardians make absent ones
And others come when you are too old to forgive
And sometimes
growing up alone is hard

So colors turned to grey
Sound became muted
Life lost it's vibrancy
And fire ran, unchecked and unrefined

But darling I promise,
even fire can learn acceptance
Even fire can learn to love itself
Because stars are made of fire
And they are what brings light to darkness
A perfect combination
of midnight blue, sunshine yellow,
And fire
 Apr 2015 Carolina Mendez
Growing up hurts.

It's the time when we discover that there are monsters scarier than those who hid under our bed :

Now, every time I’m in a public place, I am scared.

Scared that there may be a monster in that crowd, one who

And for a person like me, who liked to think that the world is a beautiful place where everyone is, in the deepest of their hearts, a good person...

                                                      ­*it hurts.
I wrote that after I came back home from a bus ride, where a man decided that it was okay to put his hand on my leg. It is not okay.
Your hair catches the clouds, floating shadows of youth
Skin drenched  with beauty, lullabies and raindrops
You're a night swimmer in the sea
A daughter of a poet, with a  morning tongue
As your ribs split into shreds,  shaping the rust along your chest
Your fingertips touch the stars, erasing the nightmares of your scars
 Apr 2015 Carolina Mendez
If your mind awakens
When you're still asleep
Do not leave your Body
or it's theirs to keep...
idk if it makes sense to u guys...
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