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 Jun 2017 freya c
Lora Lee
Come to me.
             your inscribed
                slashes of verse
                branded upon
             the juice of
           my tongue
     a specter
    of the ultimate gift
      as we allow
         the magic
              to rise
               and peel off in
         swathed, aching
Each stratum of
  dermis shed
       is a prayer for
         our succulent
                        Each shadow of
                          silky cuttlefish caress
                   a plea for sanctity
            or perhaps simply
            being loved
        into a frenzy
        of sanity
            healing in waves
                    of electric eyes
                          You open me
                    like a holy book
              and I am suddenly
                  filled with light
           as you unlock
the blessings
from my spinal fluid
and I am a priestess
  on her altar
       arms raised,
         love braised
              into slick-lit wonder
               a spiral cone rising from
                            ground to crown
                 chakric palette pulsating
            phosphorescent ripples
on deep-sea creatures
Your ubiety
       slakes my naked,
            somatic anatomy
                   a mere shelter
                          for our souls    
                       a working
       of muscle and skin
    with heart strings pumping
                    the essence within
                     Our brainwaves
                                    sizzle in
                         glandular fire
                        as pheromones
                       envelope us
                   like incense
This goes far beyond the
wet cuntflush of desire
beyond the embellishment
of moistened sword
  It is the sacred dance
         of souls that merge
            before even touching
                      pre-verbal animal
                   first light of mankind
                          in ancient swells
                                 of earth that
                           rise like sparks
                the constellations
           of firework chimes
       in arcs of

Thanks to the poet who gave me this music choice! LOVE it.
 Jun 2017 freya c
 Jun 2017 freya c
oh, but how  I appreciate your differences
from my stubble hard chin to the various
things songs are sung about
the walk talk an octave above
curves that make me lust
eyes deep as any trove treasures gold
no diamonds can not compare
or any wool silk  man made dare
to dream this much
not prepared
for it
above dreams analogies
above the clouds
above the heavens
I sit
 Jun 2017 freya c
Your Way
 Jun 2017 freya c
Have faith in the beauty
of your solitary existence,
immerse in the reality
of love's absence.
Celebrate in the middle
of a starry, lonesome night,
gear up for the battles
only you can fight.
Mourn for the people
who can't cut loose
and tethered to the
toxicity of unwanted abuse.
Embark on a journey
to find yourself,
channel your emotions
to the truest you've felt.
Make amends with
past relationships failed,
start anew but be marvelled
at the mess you've made.
It's a blessed new day
and for the first time,
you're allowed to do it
your own way.
 Jun 2017 freya c
galaxy of myths
Eyes staring longingly,
Lips biting in anticipation.
Fingers caressing lovingly,
Soft music playing in retention.

Hushed whispers and smirks,
Hands raking through hair.
Tension so high, could be sliced with dirks.
Strips off everything, souls are bare.

Heads twisting on pillows,
Like melting opals, staining sheets.
Gasps, tremors, coos and moans.
Raining sweet kisses on petal-soft skin pleats.

 Jun 2017 freya c
 Jun 2017 freya c
"your eyes"
"they look different"
"they look empty"
 Jun 2017 freya c
Clare Veronica
Her fingers caressed the ivories
So very lightly.
The tunes that played
Echoing sweetly.

Nuvole Bianche,
Ludovico Einaudi

The title, she said,
means white clouds.

To her,
this song
captures the feeling of utmost sincerity
that exist in the purest
of her heart.

To be able to stay soft,
even after passing through cruel hands of the world.

To be as kind as you can,
even if the world will not pay you back.

To go out of your way for others,
even if it will never be enough.

To be genuine until the very end,
even when the whole world is against you.

To be soft in this cruel world
might just be the strongest power
a human can possibly possess.
 Jun 2017 freya c
Gabriel burnS
I'm tasting sugar on my eyelids
Syrup on my irises
Sour on my heartstrings
Bitter in my arteries
But we are more than corporeal
Meant to fly
And cross the boundaries
Transcend the frames of nature’s canvas
Spill our colors farther than the physical
We invent what we do not discover
The horizons and the realms of our future
And I am just like you
A mess of senses that
perception blends into
 May 2017 freya c
Aspen S
be sure to read this carefully.
you could be burned by your lightning beating heart.
the worst feeling is when you realize how deep in love you are with her. it consumes you and the only way to escape it is if you decide that it'll only make you feel more ****** than you already do.

what really hurts is the longing; that feeling or wanting to have her all to yourself, but knowing ****** well that's never going to happen.

there's so much pain involved in loving uer. for a split second you think, "i am the light of her life as she is mine," but you're all wrong.

being in love is a drug that can't be cured. you crave that urge to wraps your arms around her waist and say, "i love you much more than infinity." you enjoy gazing into the cosmos known as her alluring eyes and waking up to the smell of her hair. you love to love her.

slowly but surely, you called deeper in love with her; the addiction gets worse and surprisingly enough, you overdosed on her.

however, in the end, there's no longer any love to give and you're left stranded with a broken heart and an empty soul.
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