seek what makes you hungry if you are not compelled to act with obsessive vigor if your curiosity does not taunt you with madness then keep on searching for that elusive hunger it is what rips open our chest so our soul may shine
there was a little boy with a broken heart his silent wound refusing to heal that little boy became a man now he massacres innocent hearts extinguishing lovers like spent cigarettes all to mend his still broken heart and the cycle continues . . .
love, the primal energy not a mere emotion we were born out of the eternal grace of love love cannot be found for it is already inside you you only have to remember where you came what you are pure love pure energy
if there is an "after-life" there may be a "before-life" to die and depart this world implies to be born and arrive maybe to learn or to love or to learn to love and maybe, just maybe we have died before and this is an “after-life”