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 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
One step at a time
Viewing vistas
Climbing Mountains
Being the very best possible and even better
Doing the right thing
Caring and helpful
If that makes me a Gutsy Woman
Or you a Gutsy man
Than take me to the higher level
Because I am high striving every moment
For a better place and a better world
Simply the best for the better

Weather balloon for a hat
propeller on his back
morning is observably alive

leaving it to atmospheric pressure

he consumes today's newspaper
with the enthusiasm of a bowl
of Corn Flakes

this Heath Robinson contraption
of getting to work first
over enemy lines
is all the rage in his satirical
state of mind

that is until the absurd derailment
of wartime employment

and so he returns home with tubes
and catheters attached to his body
and feeling like one
of the unwieldy machines
he had so often created

full of atmospheric pressure

and apparently thinking it
an undignified fate
he pulls out the tubes
and quietly dies
of his own invention

Soft shoulders

shoreless summer

out of the sinking

and onto the floatation

hunting for mermaid

while taking islands

along the river's mutiny

blue coda dreamwater

but fire in the organism

the hour is thin

the ice is even thinner
Moving beyond the sun
to where our minds
are a fraction behind us,
believing they've found
the other-side.

I am glass shattered by redemption,
and I am now the shadow
of a mirrored divinity,
for somewhere out there
is a god resembling my face,
and its nakedness stares me down.

Raising eyebrows at the moon
as if this is love's culprit,
yet, opening arms and minds welcome
the thereupon lust as if
some devoted era:
bow and arrow shapes
of you and me,
falling out of love without travail,
but of constant ease.

I look better in black and white
than in vulnerability,
my exploitation of
private earth looms casual,
though I'm well aware
of the vibrations it sends.

Manipulators of love and war
were all we really wanted to be,
cheating destiny
by falling for the future.

And from this side of our mind
the sun was always cold,
just a vague old relic in a fresh grave:
a princess ruling among
the ruins of past decisions,
and happily she gives
a stagnant kiss of consequence.

Recommitted wind breaks
through, like turning, burning
pages desperate to speak.

But I'd rather that her white lies
take me now, than a waking grasp
or a skirmishing wave
terrorize me,
as this black [media] plagued sun's
desecrated heart bleeds
and recalls to mind
the coming blasphemy.

I'm not important
I'm not unimportant
I was never imported or unimported
because I never came from anywhere
I can't go anywhere
My value can't be added onto
and it can't be taken away
It can't be changed
by fluctuating markets
purchasing value systems.
Driven by demand for scarcity
rich beyond all currency.
Aged to perfection
Younger than a newborn
and older than the Sun.
Roots so deep
the Earth is a seed.
An aroma so sweet
the five senses can't touch it.
Drunk on Self fermentation.
Puffs of poetry smoke
that evoke and don't choke
The hold of emotions,
can be strong,
or a feeling that turns,
your inside to wrong
Know this
Poetry untwists,
a spine of words
Vertebrae bones stacked
Spinal column,
it is not sombre and solemn
A disc that absorbs the pressure
The gel a cushion well
Stop the bones rubbing,
and let the words,
feel like soft feathers,
and not emotion leathers
Extensor muscle stand up
Now lift the objects and emotions
Standing straight with clear devotions,
and now regulated emotions

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
I dreamed to write
to help the world
To use my voice,
on the paper choice
Where I could express,
thoughts that progress
While supporting others,
to be free from distress

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
When people face grief
remember to provide some relief
Release from anxiety and distress
Help them to individually express
Cast no judgement on their progress

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
Registered blind
The most complex,
medical and physical health,
of any kind
Help me to stay alive,
so I can survive
You gave me a smile,
the sunshine entered my mile
Then nothing else mattered,
but your smile

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
As images float before my eyes,
caressing the Autumn's velvet skies;
With multi-colored sparks they shed,
beyond the window beside my bed.

Gossamer angels of light and life,
teach wondrous tales to ease our strife;
While flying high in such a mystical place,
of constellations covering this saintly space.

The wonders of nature run through my mind,
while the opal moon shimmers like a dime;
I lie awake and watch the starlight fantasies,
which embolden my senses--feeling calm and free.

As I pull the covers toward my face,
yet wondering if reality has taken place;
My eyes close as sleep overcomes every care,
while the stars still twinkle in heaven's lair.
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