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Life wears me out with its
twists and turns, and
hairpin curves.
I keep waiting for a
long, peaceful stretch
of highway, bathed in
the rising sun.
A golden wheatfield to
to the left, a moss covered
pond with dragonflies to
the right.
The road turns to gravel,
and climbs rapidly uphill.
There are signs along the
way that promise the world.
The road gradually turns
to dirt, and ultimately
If you can no longer bear life's clenched fist, it's random smashing of all your hope, dreams, desires, and passion,
be drunk.

Be drunk on wine, music, poetry by the pages, or, on the agelessness of the silky moss covered pond or the fog thick meadows.

If you would not feel time's ticking brutality, be drunk.
If all memory does is remind you of the losses, the deaths, the divorces, the regrets, the remorse over your high ideals and standards, and your much lower behavior, choices, and antics; when life seems anti-climactic, be drunk.

As loneliness becomes like a rotten tooth, hot flashing pain, and the stain on your heart and hands won't come out, be drunk.

Whether it be *****, poetry, nature or music, be full, filled, consumed.

Until the glare of this cruel world becomes a soft gentle blur, be drunk and entombed.
If you fold up your paper,
turn off your radio and TV,
sit on the steps and sip your tea,
watch the birds and speak no words
as the sun rises yellow and round,
making rainbows on the dewy lawn,
you could fool yourself into thinking
there’s no ****** war going on.
We chased a feeling
not a reality

We both wanted someone
So desperately
that we found each other

Even though no part of

Our pieces didn’t fit together
so we pressed and jammed them
until they were stuck
and stayed that way
we broke

-red flags
 Feb 2023 Jennifer DeLong
The bird in you wants to fly.
So why wait?
Let it soar high.
Soar high in the direction of your dreams
 Feb 2023 Jennifer DeLong
Today everything is dull,
and the raindrops
keep falling.
 Feb 2023 Jennifer DeLong
Oh little butterfly,
by spreading your wings
in the morning glory,
you make my heart and soul fly.
Drunk as a Hummingberd
Beak-deep in Hibiscus

Imbibing your aroma through
Every pore and Feathered follicle
This deep night
Sends tattoos

Dropping on the pane.

Only the Lonely
Discern a rhythm

Only the disconcerted
See full moon
Seep light through

Ocean-full cloud
One eye brimful

One dry as prickle
 Jan 2023 Jennifer DeLong
I saw the inevitable;
A generation destroyed
And I mourned the constellation

I cannot help but look down
At the immoral
And think

Are you not upset?

So I sit
On the galaxy’s edge
And watch the stars combust

Into the black holes
Of the neon dust

Gently it goes - the necessary, the predictable, the fatal
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