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210 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
My love for you burns

Brightly enough that

Shadows avoid me
209 · Jan 2017
My Turn
Inkveined Jan 2017
You were there for me in the only way you knew how

Don't worry, it's my turn now
I will be strong
209 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
I think about him

Far too much for my own good

The boy who broke me
206 · Sep 2017
poetic season
Inkveined Sep 2017
Nature is dying again

But, I call death my friend

Vivid greens fade away

The loveliest palette

I hear the crunch of skeletons

Colorful corpse parade

Another season spun

From mournful serenades.
I like to speak in metaphors from time to time.
206 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
I find myself saying things

About how stupid it all was

But I'd be lying if I said I really believed so
202 · Jan 2017
Too late now
Inkveined Jan 2017
And I am begging you, whatever you do


You looked, didn't you?
202 · Jan 2017
Failing to forget
Inkveined Jan 2017
Sometimes the mind locks things away
Sometimes we hide things from ourselves
But when our demons come to play
We cannot find anything else
201 · Jan 2017
Forgive me
Inkveined Jan 2017
I looked at the love poem and felt a wave of guilt because it wasn't for me, just the person he thought I was.

He is longing for someone that doesn't exist.

I don't have the heart to tell him, but I know that until I do, he will keep dreaming about a version of me that is a far cry from my actual self.

I'm so sorry.

The girl he loves can never return his love for her because..I made her up.

He fell in love with the mask I wore just to please him, I pretended to like all the same songs and to keep quiet when all I wanted to do was speak and I spoke when all I wanted to do was stay silent and he fell in love with everything I'm not.

How am I supposed to explain that I broke his heart trying not to break it?
All I have left is to run away in shame
195 · Jan 2017
I know I'm a writer
Inkveined Jan 2017
When my heart
Life into lines
Emotions into letters
Letters into words
When my soul
Through the English language
Using my vocabulary
As an artist would use his paintbrush
When poems rise
From the mist of my mind
Echoing through my inner chaos
When all is still and silent
For the whispers of wisdom
Slivers and fragments
Of honesty
That slip through
Neurons and nerve endings
When my eyes
Look around and see
Words instead of
When my thoughts
Are all poems
Waiting to be penned.
195 · Jan 2017
The Garden
Inkveined Jan 2017
Oh, but I'm not even a daisy.

I'm just a blade of grass.
Some of you will understand what I'm getting at.
194 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
There is peppermint on my breath
A leftover candy cane from Christmas
That my lips whispered sorrows to
Before crushing it between my teeth
Much like you crushed my heart
193 · Jan 2017
Another Thought
Inkveined Jan 2017
Everything happens for a reason
But sometimes the reason is:

You needed to learn something new


You needed to be reminded of something

And the only way was by getting ripped up into tiny little pieces and wondering if, perhaps, the local crafts store has enough super glue to be able to hold all of your shattered hopes and dreams in place.
Inkveined Jan 2017
Waking up in the early mornings
Just for a few moments of quiet and peace
Trying not to let on that things weren't
Picture perfect, as they say, within myself
Nodding and smiling and playing the part
Using all my practice from over the years
Wiping away stray tears and maintaining
A neutral tone of voice, shifting between
Light hearted and deadly serious
Depending on different cues that
I've learned to notice
Throughout the course of time
I know just when to smile
(When everyone else is smiling)
I know just when to laugh
(When everyone else is laughing)
And I know just when to cry
(When everyone's busy)
And I know just when to sigh
(When I think about how pointless it all is)
191 · Jan 2017
Sometimes I forget
Inkveined Jan 2017
You're just a wish
On a shooting star
*That missed
190 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
You don't really want to be with someone like me, though

And it's true

My heart has been broken too many times

By too many things and too many people

I would try my best to be there for you, but sometimes, I wouldn't be

Sometimes, I'm not even there for myself

There are days when I am filled with dark grey clouds

And others when all I speak is rainbows

You would probably suffer on both kinds of days

Knowing, on the somber ones, that my own thoughts were suffocating me

And then, on the good ones

Knowing that the weather might soon change
I have no choice but to endure the weather of myself.
186 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
I don't want to go on

Without you in my life

Bitter tears fall from my eyes

I was never enough for you

But you were more than enough

For me...
186 · Jan 2017
The Weather
Inkveined Jan 2017
You are my sunshine

You are my rain
185 · Jan 2017
Music box
Inkveined Jan 2017
The sound of the music box
Isn't nearly enough
To drown out
The sound
Of my still breaking heart
183 · Jan 2017
In Retrospect
Inkveined Jan 2017
I knew that I could

Let you go but I wish you

Had fought a bit more
183 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
It's nothing
Like the sound of the rain falling
Like the shriek of a train passing by
Like the wind brushing against your cheek
Like the silent footsteps of a cautious child
Like the last moment I looked away
Inkveined Jan 2017
You don't love us enough
To let us go
182 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
I have poetry in my veins
I write about my dreams
My words cry out across realities
Can you hear what my heart is saying
173 · Jan 2017
This book
Inkveined Jan 2017
I love it to the point I hate it. I hate how it's making me feel things that I've buried and reminding me of myself. I hate how my mouth is curving at the same time my eyes water and my mind takes a trip across the span of my lifetime and reintroduces itself to every person it ever knew.

I hate how it reminds me of you.
170 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
I have to remind my heart not to trust you
164 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
Sadness and fear rise up inside my soul

We're apart and I no longer feel whole

Perhaps the heart can never be controlled

But I'd give anything to be the one

That's by your side when the day is done
Inkveined Jan 2017
But that's not what love is
Smothering someone until they suffocate
I think real love is
Giving someone room to breathe
Just something I feel strongly about
163 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
You find words on my skin
That were never written
What you read, what I bleed
Two things so different
Society hates to tolerate innocence
Wrote this a while ago
162 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
I don't have to look

To know what I will find
161 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
I'm not feeling very poetic
I look at my work, and I loathe it
It's missing something
It always is
161 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
I held my breath as

If I already knew that

Your soul has great depths
159 · Jan 2017
Inkveined Jan 2017
Sometimes my tears don't fall from my eyes
They seep from the ink of a pen
Sometimes, they hit the paper
Instead of leaving clear marks
Hastily written blue or black ones
There's a quote that says tears don't speak
But, I believe that they do
They speak louder than a yes or no
Louder than the most well constructed argument
My tears speak
Whether they are from my eyes or from my hands
Colorful or clear
They speak louder
Than my vocal chords will ever allow me to
Demanding to be acknowledged
Even when hidden
From the rest of the world.
Inkveined Jan 2017
Farewell to the past me

Goodbye to who I used to be

Now I am freer than free
Now.....I can sleep. Goodnight HP!
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