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Can you hear me?
I’m down here...
6 feet under...
Not where I’m suppose to be
You come and visit me
I hear you constantly pray
To talk to me again
Hold my hand
Hug me tight
Well I’m right here
I hear everything you say
I cry with you
I laugh with you
I pray with you
I am always with you
Even from 6 feet under
I pray myself
To heal your pain
Dry your eyes
Help you move on
Don’t forget me
You know where I am
Always in your heart
Forever your friend
I will continue to grow old with you
Until we meet again
When we walk together in the sky
Holding each others hands
For now I stay
6 feet underground
Loving you
Praying with you
Hearing your voice
As I lay in silence
6 feet underground...
Wrote this from the perspective of a person who has passed away and what they see and feel everyday....
 Oct 2018 forestfaith
a M b 3 R
don’t bury your emotions deep down to a place u can no longer find it.
don’t just ignore them
don’t distract yourself away from them.

u know i loved u and it hurts me seeing u like that.
please take care of yourself, im already no longer with u.
no longer being able to share the burden with u.

when u told me u had a mental breakdown, i... i was sad.
even though i’ve already let go of u, i will still care for u.
so don’t make me worry please because now im no longer with u.
i don’t know what’s happening to u, and yes i know i’ve loved u.
but i will always be with u
well hopefully “u” stay strong. sigh
 Oct 2018 forestfaith
a M b 3 R
 Oct 2018 forestfaith
a M b 3 R
the cold wind was blowing against me
it was cold
my body was ice
his fingertips running across it
as if he was melting the coldness of my body
and my body became warmer
he wrapped me in a blanket and in his embrace
he didn’t want me to get sick
i could take care of myself
i... can
if one day he wasn’t around...
i would... still survive
i could.
but i didn’t want him to even go
don’t let go of me
stay here and love me.
this is the her version there’s a him version already posted weee
 Oct 2018 forestfaith
a M b 3 R
As i first saw the beauty, i walked in. The garden flowers so fresh everything seems nice but the horror lays within, i sighed.

Oh the peacefulness as i strolled slow paced, not needing to look back but once i do i’m never coming back.

What happened, why is time passing away so fast, like we are running through a never ending garden filled with thorns.

Scraped my knee as i fell and i screamed for this to stop. Help me, please save me from this maze i can’t seem to figure out this place.  Guide me out or give me a map, i want to come out from this mess.


The rain pours down, i laid on the ground. No one there for me in this lonely town i cried... But no one seems to hear me, i cried... Someone please help me.
 Oct 2018 forestfaith
 Oct 2018 forestfaith
Making moves to be great involves taking risk
Refusal to make moves is also a risk

Not giving up on your idea when people say it's dumb is a risk
Pushing the idea aside is also a risk

Falling in love is a risk
Not falling in love is also a risk

Choosing a life partner is a risk
Not choosing one is also a risk

The choice to be good to people is a risk
The choice not to care is also a risk

So, maybe risks are unavoidable
Therefore, take those that are profitable
 Oct 2018 forestfaith
Hello my friend,
You have been gone for too long.
A hug that was once so warm and comforting has left me hollow and cold.
You have latched yourself back onto me.
Your grip is so strong.
I do not want you here.
So, please, please be gone.
I cannot hold onto you the way I once did.
You are so toxic to me.
It's getting hard to breathe.
I will not let you control my life,
not like you did before.
You do not own me.
Get out of my head.
This temple I have built.
I am stronger now.
I will not be filled with guilt.
You are a small part of my life,
you are not my world.
I refuse to let myself drown
in the darkness that you are.
I will come back on top  
and you can watch from afar.
One day I will be strong enough to not fall back into your arms.
I've hit another depressive episode, it's at it's peak but I am still fighting. Every single day I am getting better at pushing through my depression. I know you can too. Stay strong, everyone.
 Oct 2018 forestfaith
Like an old friend inviting you to come inside.
Familiar. Comforting.
It will grasp you in its arms and hold you close;
And when you're ready to leave, it wont let you go.
You will beg and plead to be happy,
and it will put up a fight.
It will make you think that the only way to escape it is to take your own life.
If you are lucky, you can break free;
and it will sit and watch you from afar.
Calling your name.
Welcoming you back into it's arms.
It will intrude your thoughts.
Make you think you are worthless.
That you're better off dead.
Just keep telling yourself that it's all in your head.
Keep moving. You will get far.
Depression is not who you are.
DISCLAIMER: This is only from my personal point of view and how my battle with depression has been. Even though I am trying to recover, the battle gets very difficult for me sometimes and I have to remind myself that I am not my mental illness. My mental illness does not define me.
A glancing pass
A childish dare
When I was a child
We got the timeout chair

We played outside
Til the street lights come on
If we were allowed
We would have played until dawn

Riding bikes
Playing games (outside)
Nowadays children won’t know how it was
That’s just a shame

Not all, but most kids
Glued to the video games
Television and iPads
No socialization to be had

Growing up when I did
Taught me to be grateful
For what my parents did (for me and my family)

Taught to be humble, strong and kind
Treat everyone with respect
To all of mankind

Taught us to work for the things we wanted
Work hard but also play hard
Was something they instilled in me all the time

Sometimes social media can be a twisted place
It sometimes feel like it’s a waste

Go outside
Catch some fireflies
Look at the stars
In the night sky

Hang with friends
Playing hide and seek
Mother may I and
Kickball, was definitely one to beat

If the children of today
Could go back to our times of how we played
They wouldn’t know how to act
Since a video game was blocking their way

So many things have evolved
Keeping up with the times is great
But social media has somewhat ruined it all....
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