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 May 2017 Moli Quill
phil roberts
Death patiently files his nails
And smokes a casual cigarette
Grinning and eyeless
He says so calmly
"Catch you later
Brave little dreamer"

Despite such brittle certainty
Men and women build
Despite such small mortality
Every space is filled
In the midst of death's destruction
Men and women build again

Fear, like a cringing bowel
Exudes an acrid stench
And whimpers and whines
Simpers and cries
"Don't you dare
Don't you ever dare"

Despite this clinging dread
Some will need to dare
Despite the bursting head
Dreams insist on birth
In the midst of our stupidities
Something wondrous strives

                                    By Phil Roberts
 May 2017 Moli Quill
Just Melz
It's a blessing and a curse,
    this connection that we share
A balance between the love we feel
        and how much we should care
 May 2017 Moli Quill
Rachel Ace
[You can hear the air moving the 
 l e a v e s  of the    
p     a  l    m          t      r  e  e     s.
Last rays of sun and it’s June 3]

We walk on a  white-washed street and
Forget Me Not flowers on the fences screaming this is your new world.
You are that world, your eyes are Portofino in the middle of a neighborhood of coins.

We are walking and you stop because you look at a window of someone, while I was (I was) fixing the shouts of light on your temple, living the new world.

[All my cracks filled with water]

It’s warm pleasant, we walk, seeing life taking and not just wishing,

   we have excelled    
in the plastic world.

I stood by the **^use with the most beautiful garden, I touched bird in paradise and you say that it’s [our garden]
- Codelandandmore // 9:00 PM ©

The structure is like white-picket-fences
 May 2017 Moli Quill
Valsa George
Not many tensions,
nor any excitement
Life has ever been
a placidly flowing river!

Single and free!

Over differences,
never been any disputes
never had to consult,
nor seek consent

Single and free!

but doesn’t his house
with its cold, mildewed air
reflect his heart?
A house so full of things:
a hoard of well stacked books,
exquisitely carved Victorian furniture,
antique collection of curios,
ornate drapery

Yet so full of nothing!

The prim order of the house
never disturbed by naughty hands
nor shuffled by dusty feet
dirtying the Persian carpets
 or smudging the glistening floor

The well laid bed covers
never get creased
by the body’s desire
and Love’s tight embrace
and never, they bear
the fragrance of female scent!

Sometimes he would shake
from foot to crown
at a question hurled by
an unknown voice;

“Did you squander away your life?”

Then he recognizes….
he has been a lone traveler
ever walking through
a one way lane
that will wind off
with a few more steps!
If, by chance somewhere
a new track
branches out
he would no more be
a solitary *****!
There would be a companion
to hold hands!

Now it is too late!
This is the story of one of my friends who remain a chronic bachelor. In his young days he was too busy with umpteen activities. But now he regrets his decision as he is growing old and feeling lonely!
If much wisdom is much grief then
he who increases his knowledge
increases and his sorrow.
Can i feel it?
Devil curse me i do.
I thought i was beyond this but i am not.
I waited to long and sacrificed to much.
People might not change now.
It would take another thousand years
maybe more to realise that fear
inspires control, over them, over their hearts,
over their way of thinking.
I had hope but now, disappointment for
most do not even try and all they do is making
excuses, hiding behind this ridiculous term
of insecurity. My point of view, they are just
afraid being honest to themselves.
Even i am not crazy enough to believe that
distortion of reality.
 May 2017 Moli Quill
I feel we're living the last days of Versailles
As beauty fades before my eyes
Convinced as I am
The gods owe us time,
I'd destroy this world
To keep what's mine.

My universe is necrotising
As I stumble through ruins
And colour drains away.

I bargain for time...

Throughout the many lives we've lived before knowing only each time we return,
To experience full transfiguration
You have to be willing to burn.
 May 2017 Moli Quill
ghost man
the way clouds swirl
like milk in grey tea
when it rains
 May 2017 Moli Quill
Self appointed prophet
Putting forth prayers and
Pamphlets as you tear
The room asunder --

No regard for mortals,
But you brush it off with
A smile so sweet, a touch
Of the arm and divine influence --
After all, it’s your duty

Hands raise in the air,
You plead us to join you,
To save our souls and
Get redemption in turn
For a half-hearted prayer

If searching souls and
Turning them pure is your
Mission, then dear Susan,
You need to face the mirror
To truly find God
insp. by susan and god (1940_
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