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841 · Jan 2018
md Jan 2018
In a four wall room
She feel so small
She feel out of place
Cant walk alone inside and roam

Everytime she's alone
Sitting and prentending is all she can do
She sits like no one's there
Pretending that she is okay

Her mind overthinks oftenly
slowly being eaten by all her insecurities
Insecurities that she is so small
And compare to others that she is too low
778 · Oct 2018
md Oct 2018
Been away from the darkness for a long time
Light and shine embraced me for the meantime
I never thought that darkness will come back
And never thought that it will miss me so much

Monsters inside me are rambling
They are being wild and wanting to come out
These monsters say things to my mind
Which i know will do no good to my life

I want to **** these demons and monsters inside my head
I want the light to shine bright and embrace me once again
I want to escape this darkness that eats me once again
Not just for now but forever of my life time
539 · Feb 2019
md Feb 2019
where is the fire in your heart?
the fire that you ignited when you were a child?
fire that lits you up to do things you love
where is that?
did it already burn you out?
397 · Dec 2016
md Dec 2016
She's right there, sitting alone
Watching how we smile and laugh
She's right there, looking at the posts of her friends
Posts that make her feel the grief and sadness
She feels like a lost star, alone and lonely
Star that stops shining in the night sky
Her emotions are like sparks of an old star, fading
She's a lost star
A dead star.

— The End —