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 Sep 2018 s
 Sep 2018 s
-Hello Love-

Perhaps it’s been a thousand years,
the rivers have shifted so,
the lakes I swam in, have gone dry
the waterfalls though, overflow.
And so it is, that I have wandered back
tugged furiously throughout days
by this rugged tinkling thread
back to this ancient maze.

Most surely it’s been several weeks
the leaves are rough to touch,
the grass withers where I step
but trees don’t ask for much.
And so it is, that I have rambled on
pulled strangely through the haze,
at last I fall under the rays of morn,
My love, I’m home again.
Lost and found
 Sep 2018 s
Martin Palatický
Summer nights with you
got me feeling like
I have so much to pour out
World seems less cruel
The nights that left you with
a feeling, that we could live once again
and the endless chats felt
like a merging of souls
so baby girl
I really hope
it will swallow us whole.
 Sep 2018 s
Carmella Rose
is it bad that i like you?
when you’re with someone else
it’s a sin when you smile
i fell so much more every single day
oh i hope you’ll know
it hurts like hell
when i could only look at you
from afar
seeing your eyes glisten
my feelings are truly
colored red mixed with yours
then turned purple
and i was like this from the day
can’t i have a place in your heart?
but every time we look at each other
i feel there’s a connection
i feel that you know it too
the blank face
where your eyes only show
but you can’t
cause you’re trapped
in a different heart
and it’s too much to take in
so i’ll blend
in the stars and
just be shining
at least you’ll
see me
every night
looking at me
mesmerizing the shine,
i like you so much
nothing could mend
the pain
it’s sad that i couldn’t even touch you, so i’ll give up forever.
 Feb 2018 s
C David Horton
 Feb 2018 s
C David Horton
lonely is a freedom and I wont be told otherwise
No one around to impress or persuade
Only me and my thoughts
And whatever music I choose to listen too
Ya know there is happiness in that
In the fact that right now at this very moment
Sitting in my bed, alone, listening to classical music
I am more me then I may have ever been
I have been in a constant search for myself
We all have if you think about it
And I search outwardly which is stupid
Because where am I except within myself
Where am I if I’m not right here, just existing
We all, myself included, have this fantasy about life
This fantasy that life is full of lavish love,
Ball room dancing, and big happily ever afters
But what none of us really understand is that
While we’re sitting here wondering where all the
Happily ever afters are our lives are happening
They’re happening right before our eyes
And what are they full of if not love
And surprises
And ups and downs
And problems. But that’s perfectly okay.
 Feb 2018 s
Joe Wilson
Again last night the shadow men called
As I finally dropped into the softness of sleep
Bringing with them the memories of tortured souls
Of those not quite dead who can only weep.

Those who went suddenly and left those who cried
Who then later joined them when they too had died.

I felt like I was falling for a thousand miles
Into a great hole so flooded with their tears
The palpable sorrow that penetrated my soul
That seemed to wash over me for so many years.

I was lost, I am lost, I know not what to do
Amongst all these souls I am searching for you.

Who do these cruel images keep entering my sleep
They go as I wake, but they ever come back
The souls seer their faces right into my heart
And their sorrow brings to me the dog that is black.

I search every time for your beautiful soul
Nothing left now, it’s my life’s only goal.

 Feb 2018 s
 Feb 2018 s
we want to escape
this cold, cruel world
and all that lies within;

the fears, the judging
the hearts we cannot mend.

but how, we ask, how?
how do we get this peace?
and the closest thing to escaping it seems,
is sleep.

- j.m.d.
 Feb 2018 s
ms reluctance
 Feb 2018 s
ms reluctance
Every day now my mind grows weary,
Shards of broken dreams wound me daily.
Caught in a web of endless expectations,
All I can do is quietly daydream;
Plan every step of my grand escape,
Even if I only do it to get through the day.
NaPoWriMo Day #16
Poetry form : Acrostic
 Feb 2018 s
 Feb 2018 s
Those who escape hell,
however, never talk about it,
and nothing much
bothers them after that.

– billiondays
 Feb 2018 s
alex grey
tunnel vision
 Feb 2018 s
alex grey
how come the only light i see
tends to be the blink of blue?
as i wander farther into the dark
and farther in search of you
it is only a stone wall i meet

voices speak of a foreign hope:
the light at the end of the tunnel
i cannot see

the shadow whispers in my ear
to keep going and join them
at the end of the tunnel

'i cannot' i reply, conflicted,
my hand fixed on the cold stone

one by one i see souls go by
all but one, free to reach
the light in the mind's eye

if you stop and ask
why i refuse to leave
i would try to explain,  
but it is hard to believe
in something you cannot see;
and you do not see
the wall in front of me
 Feb 2018 s
Sarah Spang
Sometimes beneath close eyelids
I quest to bring you back
As if you were driftwood floating
Downstream on your back.
I dip my hands beneath the veil
And dry away the death
And from my parting, weeping lips
I give you back your breath-
Just like the rising sunset burning
In the summer sky
Paints and saints the mountaintops
And casts their colors bright.

Unrhymed Notes:

Sometimes I dream I can bring you back
Just as simply as dipping my hands into the water
To retrieve a floating piece of driftwood;
Dry the death from your skin
And breath life back into you
The way the sunrise reanimates
The Dark Mountains
Each and every day.

I see your Ocean eyes open
Embrace you like I'm trying to
Fold you into my skin
Where I can keep you always
And feel your summer peach warm flesh
Tangible against my permafrost fingers.

If the dead could talk
Nothing profound would leave your lips
They'd only quirk into a Cheshire smile
And you'd tell me to let go
Move along and stop standing still
Life is for the Living
Death is for the dead
And dreams are for the foolish.

"You *******."
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