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 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
i fell asleep
to your ticking bomb
of a heart
as you run your
cold metal rings
and weak skinny hands
through my hair
drenched with midsummer rain
you warm me with
whispers of
sweet nothings
empty promises of
happy endings
and a summer home
on top of a hill
you ever so lovingly
inject my veins
with a surge of life
enveloping my flesh
heat of your being

in my dream
the bitter cold air
the undying sparks
your skin against mine
enclosed by the safety of
four sand colored walls
thirteen feet tall
and wordless exchanges of
our favourite
three-word sentence
my now empty shell
is bound to crack
the moment i look
into your eyes
my trembling hand
intertwined with yours
i silently scream
my desperate pleas

to God
who is ever so lightly
loaning you borrowed time
when angels only deserve
tomorrows made certain
eternity pronounced
forever promised
the ticking clock
a sound i came to hate
as it serves as
our sailboat
drifting us
away to
withering magnolias
trees becoming bare
on sad empty boulevards
as winter called
upon growing fear of
taking one last breath
and not taking one
at all

my consciousness struck
a runaway train
found its way to my
winding track of a mind
my head still
soundly pressed against
your ticking time bomb of a heart
the ballad of our approaching farewell
its coda drawing near
it brings me to my knees
how a dying soul
can make me feel
so **** alive
"love takes hostages. it gets inside you. it eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness."
you were my rock
my stable being
my beloved
my breath in my lungs
the main reason i was still here

until one day
you left
out of the blue

and i am still here
living in my own sadness
and you still haunt
torture me even
and still seem to speak to me
like a whisper in the wind
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
 Feb 2015 Mike lowe
you asked her to stay
but in return you heard a howl
you looked up and there she was
eternally fleeting
perpetually out of grasp
for you were an anchor and she was a kite
she wouldnt stay but she always came back
for she is the wind
and you the earth.
Do not fall in love with a poet.
She will feed you galaxies
until you fall sick in her brown eyes.
Then, she'll steal the stars from your breaths,
pin them proudly to her chest,
and claim that she's the night.

And soon you'll miss blue skies,
and summer highlights in her curls.
And she'll ramble in her sleep,
say things she doesn't mean,
and write poems about
how she could never be the right girl.

But, when you think you've had enough,
her words will somehow pull you right back.
Because despite her moonlit dreams,
she's just what you need,
to fill up lonely blue lines
about all the things you lack.
 Jan 2015 Mike lowe
The pen is mightier than the sword
- Yes, you can hurt me with a word.

Broken bones
from sticks and stones,

But i fear a broken heart
when unkind words start.
 Jan 2015 Mike lowe
It's time.

I lay the bricks
- to create the path
to lead me to my life.

For so long, directionless.
But now, I can see my own course
and I'm determined to find success.
 Jan 2015 Mike lowe
i    am
  a     mausoleum.
these bones are where
the dead sleep.
i    am
  a     graveyard.
this skin is rotting
and dirt fills my mouth.
i    am
  a     casket.
oak trees and velvet
house lifeless figures.
i    am
  a     funeral.
there is no mourning here
because everyone else is gone.

 Jan 2015 Mike lowe
i write poetry in fifty seconds or less
sometimes the words taste like salt
and sometimes like maraschino cherries

i wonder if my blood is red or if it's purple
because pain no longer feels like the color red,
it feels like numbness, cold unsaturated color.
red is diamond and fire and volcano
and it doesn't seem fair to call myself eruption.
it would be more accurate to say that i'm sand dune
and flood
and hurricane,
something that doesn't burn painfully
but slowly sinks into your skin
like water
until you breathe in what you thought was air,
but really it's not oxygen anymore,
it's me.

this one tasted like salt.

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