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  Feb 2018 Aerial McAdams
I don’t know how to write

I only know how to feel, how to bleed

The red seeps into the page

Then somehow sentences are formed

Someone finds it, in a dusty wooden chest

In the back of the room

It’s been hidden, untouched, for years, and I didn’t know there was anyone else left

Somehow my heart isn’t the only one beating
  Feb 2018 Aerial McAdams
your words get lost in the
tangled web of my hair
sticky wet from tears and sea
Aerial McAdams Feb 2018
words spark
angry flames
that burn down
into resentful embers
  Oct 2017 Aerial McAdams
Meg B
I've scrapped the first
fifteen versions of a poem
I don't want to write or
maybe I want to write it but I'm
afraid I won't like it or
am I just afraid of what I might
of what my subconscious will

Ink drying up like dried blood
while the blood in my veins
pulsates and my
head throbs as I try to decipher
how much of what has happened
to me is actually because
of me.

Is it me?
Are my experiences mine because
I made them so,
or did I happen to just
stumble into the darkness?

A sour mashup of
self-love and self-loathing,
it's like I have two minds intertwined
double-analyzing double helix
radioactive brain DNA

Am I great? Am I awful?
Am I even worthy of such extremes?
Where are all the adjectives to
describe me?
Can I write about it if
it changes daily?
Is it possible to know yourself perfectly and
also not at all?

Questions generating more
hypothesizing Eye
must seek before
I find.
Aerial McAdams Oct 2017
I'm so tired of your sad eyes
trailing down my body;
a look of disapproval gleaming in your irises
more poisonous than any venom--
one little look and I'm dead

I'm so sick of your thoughtless words
You act as if I have no feelings--
Simply a mindless machine given as a toy
I am not a robot
I have run out of batteries

I'm so fed up with your heavy hands
They squeeze my sides
but feel like they are gripping my throat
You don't know how much weight your actions hold
or how I'm suffocating in silence

I'm so over your polite smile
that has everyone fooled but me
Stop hiding behind a mask of innocence
Show everyone what happens behind closed doors
Let them cast stones until you bleed the truth
Aerial McAdams Nov 2015
Dear ex:
I can't wash away your sins.
I've tried until I'm sore,
But my body won't come clean.
We planned a future around insecurities,
And you cried when I ran away.
You can't expect me to want you
After you took away
The last of my innocence.
I can't put cocoa butter
Over the scars you've left on my heart.
Aerial McAdams Jul 2015
I know we're young,
And that this might be too much to ask,
But I can't imagine anything in this world
That wouldn't look better
With you there by my side.

We have years ahead of us,
And maybe we should be sowing our oats,
But I'd rather be picking flowers
To put in the vase in our kitchen.

The odds are against us,
But you can't play poker alone.
It's been a year, and I'm more in love with you now than ever before.
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