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 Sep 2016 Merrimae
Commuter Poet
What is love
Without loving
What is life
Without living
What is joy
Without giving

It is hollow

What is hope
Without wishing
What is air
Without breathing
What is art
Without feeling
It is nothing

What is age
Without learning
What is day
Without night
What is voice
Without singing
It is cracked

What am I
Without others
What could I do
Without brothers
How could we live
Without our mothers
We could not
26th September 2016
 Sep 2016 Merrimae
Willow Branche
I'm sitting here listening
To your voice on the machine
Begging and pleading
this all be a dream
She wrapped her arms
around your heart
Tortured and pulled
Til the beating stopped
Now I sit here asking
Will I follow you soon?
Who's next in line?
Can I meet you on the moon?
I'll meet you on the moon, darling
I'll meet you in the stars
I'll meet you on the moon darling
To pull the needle from your arms
I'm sitting here Nikki
Numbing my own pain
Up the nose, there it goes Nikki
We are one in the same
She wrapped that tie
Around your arms
Tighter and tighter
Leaving only her scars
That minute
That hour
Of pure delight
It stopped your breathing
It stopped your fight
Now I'm sitting here Listening
to your voice on the machine
Knowing full well
It's not a bad dream
I sit here and wonder
Will I join you soon?
Can I meet you Nikki?
Can I meet you on the moon?
I'll meet you on the moon, darling
I'll meet you in the stars
I'll meet you on the moon sweetie
To pull that needle from your arms.
My best friend died of a ****** overdose on September 9th... I miss her so much. Her funeral was one of the hardest days of my life. I had to watch her fiancée kiss her goodbye... My heart is broken for him and her family... and I'll never have my best friend back. Please, if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, get help. It's never too late, until it is.
 Sep 2016 Merrimae
 Sep 2016 Merrimae
To someone who is far away from me
who is holding something unsteady
who is trying to find the reason to life

I know you are not even remember me
I am (only) your friend
but you are more than a friend to me

The reason I wrote this at 10.09 pm
is you

I hope someday,
When I wake up to a nightmare
I want you to be the one who will cuddle me
calm me down
and whisper nice things

When you cry in the middle of the night
I promise you
I'll make you a cup of your favorite coffee
I'll kiss you
until you forget the sorrow you've been thought of

From someone who is holding her future
to a lazy *** man
who is trying to be your only friend
when nobody else did
 Sep 2016 Merrimae
brian odongo
When I was two years old
The sun was just ball of fire that in the sky rolled
The full moon was a round stone in the dark sky
I knew mum and dad would never say bye
The kindergarten teacher taught kids were bought
Many of our favorite heroes were mostly cops
Every guy behind bars was a dangerous criminal
And what the minister stood for was biblical
All who went to church had no stain
Friends would never cause us pain
We enjoyed playing with dirt
Many times fell from tree and were hurt
We knew our leaders would bring peace
And our childhood fancies would never cease

Today with radiance I turned twenty and two
Our nearest star was full of radiance too
The spring night was lit with moon rays
Mom and dad could not agree so they parted ways
My friend had a baby girl with his bride
And our cops executed law according to tribe
The civil right activist was wrongfully convicted
The ministers no longer care for those afflicted
My pagan neighbor and parishioners are all the same
And for my latest pains my friends are mostly to blame
The doctor said dirt was the cause of my diseases
And I had to avoid it to reduce my medical fees
Our politicians masterminded our newest wars
And adulthood came early with too many chores
Wrote this on my twenty second birthday. How I view the world had greatly changed how I used to see it when I was just two years old
I choose where my roots grow.
I choose what paths they follow.
"Don't forget your roots."
What if I haven't laid them yet?
"Don't forget your roots."
What if they were dying and broken?

Sometimes we all need a bigger *** to grow in.

"Don't forget your roots."
What if they were slowly creeping around my neck, becoming my noose, could I cut them then?
"Don't forget your roots."
Not all soil is alike, not all soil is fertilized for every plant to grow right.
"Don't forget your roots."
What if they're why I'm like this?
"Don't forget your roots."
Don't you understand they're why I'm choking?
I always longed for you
For you gave me rest from the busy world Assured me with safety and security
   Embraced me with warmth and comfort Caressed me with such gentle hands  
And whispered loving words.
Having you...
Is a good and a sweet dream.

But that was what I thought.
For after you gave me all the love,
And after I let my guard down
You finally showed your other self.
So, I started to avoid you.
For you gave me distress and misery      
Tormented me with everything I feared
Strained me with horror and fear
Choked me with your ice cold hands
Told me dreadful and ghastly things
Having you...
Is a bad and bitter nightmare.

Knowing the other side of you
Made me woke up to reality.
You inflicted me with so much pain
So much fear that I felt my heart drumming against my chest.
So much that I tremble in remembering.
So, I left you.

I never thought that I could be scared,
Of you, that I liked
Of you that I longed for
I never thought that I'd be afraid,
Afraid of falling again,
                                          ­        ...asleep
July 20, 2016
When nightmares inspires you to write a poem. Oh well.
 Sep 2016 Merrimae
It's evening to you
It's morning to me
It's dinner to you
It's breakfast to me
It's still a good day

A half a world apart

It's today to you
It's tomorrow to me
It's starting to you
It's ending to me
It's still a happy day

A half a world anew
Distances may part us but in my heart ... You are in the center...
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