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梅香 Oct 2020
after all these times,
i finally came to a realization
all the while i was given the signs
that loving you isn't my position.

but no, i still love you,
i still think of you;
but maybe, just maybe—
this time it has to be me.

maybe if i finally let go,
it'd be a chance for me to grow.
梅香 Oct 2020
you were my once in a lifetime
my charm sublime.

you didn't say goodbye,
but neither did i;

suddenly we went out of focus,
maybe that was the last of us.
梅香 Oct 2020
maybe we held each other too close
which made us now too loose.

maybe we became too dependent,
that made us now feel indifferent.

we can pretend this is easy,
but how long will we both feel weary?
梅香 Sep 2020
change is painful,
but it is beautiful.

nothing in the world is fixed and arranged,
so you must have your feelings managed.

you can't be too attached,
neither can be too detached;

so know where your heart rests easy,
and let it decide freely.
梅香 Aug 2020
she walks in
with vigor from within.
she upholds her dignity
and she does not settle for mediocrity.

because she is a woman,
with wit as wide as the ocean;
she does more than just exist,
idiocy is what she will resist.
梅香 Aug 2020
in this world an ocean of people,
how i wish i will still be able
to find you amidst all the chaos
of a thousand people's paths across.

perhaps fate made meeting you probable
as well as parting from you is also possible;
but the memory of your stunning aureate eyes,
will be the most beautiful of all my goodbyes.
for our one-time attractions.
— daily poems! ♡
梅香 May 2020
the vagueness in your eyes
tells how much you fed me with lies

the expression on your face
shows you lost love someplace

the tone of your voice
sounds like i'm no longer your choice

the touch of your hand
feels like leaving is what you demand

and the coldness of your heart
explicitly shows we can no longer restart.
what we are right here and now.
— daily poems! ♡
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