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Your eyes were too innocent
for me to see the pit of fire burning through them
Your hug was too warm for me to feel the coldness in your heart,
I wasn't prepared for the destruction you planned for me
For I was an easy fragile child in your hand

I am dripping Melanin and honey.
I am black without apology.
There's a story behind my skin
There's a story deeply within.
There's a story behind my eyes,
There's a story that deeply lies.
 Nov 2016 Melinatedmary
Y Rada
Her blond hair is thick and flowing
Like her voice which calms the senses
Her lips are red, pouty and kissable
Her figure is curvy yet proportioned
Her disposition is sweet, polite and kind.

And I am wrong, aren't I?
To let her captivate me even as a woman
Because you noticed what I said earlier
And she glanced back at you and smiled
And I let her take you away from me.

She's beautiful, isn't she?
That's why you made her your wife
And not I...
 Nov 2016 Melinatedmary
Y Rada
I suddenly remember watching you
Sobbed heavily while praying for "him"
"He" - who broke your heart many times
The one who contributed those tears

I remember well the day when you told us
All the "what - ifs" on this earth and life
What would I say if you left him - forever?
I answered silently, "I am now one of them"

Those tears were a testament of pain
Of certain sacrifices a mother did
Clinging to something - complete family
And I never understood everything -

I sadly bathe in that pool of your eyes
Wondering if I would become like you
It was then I realized that dreadful curse
Which embraced you and your sisters -

I detested then - everything I knew
Of softness, of dependency, of letting go
My heart was a rock founded by your tears
I vowed never to surrender to anyone -

I would never ever let another hurt me
And I prayed that my womb be closed
That my heart be locked with no keys
That my body be frigid from any touch

Years passed and I am successful with that
Yet a certain longing creeps unto me -
I wallow in the pit of my own curse
But this ends with me - I am the end!
Dedicated to my mother...
You probably didn't realize that I saw your tears
and I heard your cries.
Thank you for being a wonderful mother
and I don't have the courage to become one.

Reading It Ends with Us by Coleen Hoover brought back certain memories that I wanted to forget.
 Nov 2016 Melinatedmary
Y Rada
My superman, my duke, my demigod!
Ahh your visage was absolute perfection!
"I'm in control, you're in my world now"
I chanted in my thoughts many times -

I approached you with so much confidence
Femininity was my golden armour
Seduction was my double edged sword
Slowly, lustily, hungrily - - - -


****! This dream was my realm
Then why was she here with you?
I gulped down my surprise because
You stared and smiled at me gently

"Oh, my prince charming" I thought
You nodded at me and said respectfully
"My fiance & I would like to order our lunch..."
I didn't hear you because I fell on a black-hole!

I suddenly woke up with tears on my cheeks
I didn't know which was worse actually
My dream last night about you and her or
The reality that you will never be mine - - -
Dedicated to all those who got nightmares like these instead of sweet dreams. Tsk tsk, dreams are supposedly our realms to be with the person we adore. But reality sometimes caught us - even in our dreams.
Trapped in a body
That isn't mine
I don't recognize
Myself, anymore
Long hair- hate it
Make up- dread it
But still I dress up
Go along with the act
I can't tell anyone
Or my life will go
To shreds
Everybody wants to be the greatest
The pressure on the lesser has us aching to be weightless
Some are quit indifferent
They fight until they die
Others go through life never questioning why

Coming down frown the clouds but im not a deity  
let these monkeys of my back they make a mess exceedingly;
He was tryna get ready
They spin ya mind in circles like the fork in the spaghetti;
Leading kids astray nowadays like the piper
Foolish if you feeling condescending cuz your skins lighter

He often dreamed of a place
Where status wasn't governed by your money or your ''race''
Where humans left their gripes in the dirt with the dead
Instead of slicing brothers throats to eat and get ahead
 Nov 2016 Melinatedmary
silent tears resemble a woeful creature
silent tears carries the loudest pain
silent tears brings pursuit of happiness.
#art #life #poetry
#depression #sad #tears

— The End —