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Megitta Ignacia Jul 2019
Ah muncul lagi
Lelaki benalu kesayanganku
mengendap-endap masuk ke pikiran kosong

Di hitamnya langit
kutemukan selintas retrospeksi terselip diatara bintang
kau dadakan hilang
tak 1 pun kata kau anggap perlu kau beberkan
mulutmu rapat terkunci
mungkin penjelasan itu hanya bisa ditemukan di air luka hatimu yang dalam

Sini duduk sebentar
biar kupinjamkan sepatu heelsku
malah tak perlu kudandani kamu
tak perlu busana merah muda mencolok
kamu sendiri sadar kamu banci,
maksudku pengecut

Tak sudi kusebut kamu banci
banci saja lebih jantan darimu
mereka berani unjuk diri depan dunia
gagah gigih tampil beda mencolok
meniupkan asap rokok ke muka komentator

Ada udang dibalik batu
ada busuk dibalik hadirmu
kau pergi karena kau anggap tak ada lagi gunaku bagimu kan?

Dalam senyum sumingrah kuucap syukur pada Bapa di sorga
sebab benalu sepertimu tak pantas ada disini
jam pasir telah dibalik
segera akan habis waktu permatamu
biar gelapnya malam yang menghajar pancaran sinarmu yang menjijikan

Lelaki benalu kesayanganku habis digerogoti nafsu keserakahannya
040719 | 00:23 AM ditulis saat mau tidur, sehabis pulang nonton Spiderman Far From Home bersama kawan-kawan. Thanks to wejangan singkat tapi bermakna dari kaka pito, emosi tersulut parah "Itu artinya dia cuma butuh lo sampai sana." begitu bodohnya aku baru bisa liat segalanya secara jelas sekarang. Jauhkanlah benalu-benalu dari orbitku, ya Bapa di sorga. Syukur kepada Allah.
Megitta Ignacia Jun 2019
tiny little tablet
with water you dissolved
as you fell to the surface of my tounge
my taste buds cried out
it lingers on

tiny little tablet
works like magic
rides out water into the stomach
travel through the blood stream
my body absorbs every molecules
ease the pain, heal the hurt

tiny little tablet
tiny little baby dose
can restore a full sized human body
you're so small
yet so powerful
drowsy starts to kick in
good night
210619 | 8:24 AM tumbang kemaren ahirnya ugd juga. Trs abis diuap dikasih obat kecil-kecil, begitu ajaibnya obat sekecil itu bisa nyari dan nyembuhin penyakit di tubuh manusia. God is good.
Megitta Ignacia Jun 2019
"Dear heart, how do you feel?"

Many times,
you still haunts me in my dreams,
maybe that was the closest I’d ever get to seeing you.

your absence randomly gives me stabs of pain.

But light slapped me,
"Dear heart, how do you really feel?"
Realization came & hits me hard

The real thing is
I'm done painting some false reality of words I wish you said.
I'm no longer trying because I’m tired of hearing you’re busy.
Those days, do you know how hurt it felt to stared at your phone hoping it would ring as you promised to call only it didn’t? your job is always more important.
I wish you know how hard I tried to stay committed to you from 10000 km apart.
How my faith would be tested
again & again,
but I decided to holding on to what we had
I was 110% yours.
You're always too late & never there.
My soul relieves it's over
because I cannot bear the insecurities, doubts, uncertainty.
I can finally let go of the pain I've got used to.
I'm happier this way.
I will not allow me to be victimized by the nostalgia.
The past was never meant to be resurrected.


But still,
I hope you got flashbacks of me
when you drown yourself on work;
the one thing you think more important than me;
your escape from the crazy things around you,
yes, keep running
clock is ticking, quick
work harder be busy
you don't deserved to be this stress bae
those sadness you keep hiding has turned you become a monster
******* and irrationally mad

It's so you
Your pain has turns into numbness
then the numbness turns to rage
then the rage turns to silence

And when you switch off the computer,
the pain will creeping up
inside your heart remains  dark and dingy,
take a piece of me with you in your heart along the way.
120619 | 11:39 AM  demam & sakit kepala dari berapa hari kemarin moga-moga bukan dengue fever ya. Sulung - Kunto Aji playing on background.
Megitta Ignacia Jun 2019
You're Vincent Vega
I'm Mia Wallace
Plunged the needle to my chest
Adrenaline injection it is
Significant other or a guardian angel?
Baby, you're my 24/7 bodyguard.

You saved me
You saved me
I thanked God, He sent you
I don't need Marsellus Wallace anymore
Completely healed
This immidiate
This instant.
060619 | 18:35 PM di office, lagi hari lebaran hari kedua, bentar lagi mau makan ketupat bareng keluarga kecilku di bali. Tuhan maha baik. Akhirnya kuserahkan diriku pada dia si scorpio yang satu ini :) fully committed now
Megitta Ignacia Jun 2019
my mind is a simultaneous contradictions
never a clear black and white
wrong and right
passed the daylight my mental agony is back
vicious cycle of fight
who will win
unnecessary anxiety or liberation of heart
back and forth
filled with guilt, doubt, confussion
motive: platonic intimacy restoring my balance

is it though?
is it platonic?
feels downright impossible to argue if I do not feel anything
these rush of joy everytime you're near
how I don't want anyone else to ever touch you

tonight when the moon is up
we'd escape with eachother again
310519 | 23:01 AM coffee shop Samakami, "ya terserah kamu kalau kamu ga percaya, kamu yang milih buat ga percaya."
Megitta Ignacia Jun 2019
Nama             : Megitta Ignacia
Nomor induk: 2011120001
Mata kuliah   : Kamu

No |  Komponen      |     Nilai Hasil Belajar
1.)     Inisiatif                                 A
2.)     Kehadiran                            A
3.)     Kesetiaan                             A+
4.)     Komunikasi                         B+
5.)     Kejujuran                             B
6.)     Kepedulian                          A+
7.)     Kesabaran                            C
8.)     Disiplin Studi                      A
9.)     Keterampilan:                     A
         - Membuatmu tertawa walaupun garing
         - Memasak & delivery makanan bagimu
         - Membersihkan kamarmu

Catatan: emosi belum cukup stabil, agak suka mengeluh, namun independent, bisa diganggu selalu mengusahakan ada ketika kamu membutuhkan support.

Extra credit: pelukan & ciuman terhangat
010619 | 16:30 PM ini lucu-lucuan aja.
Megitta Ignacia Jun 2019
pure, white, sweet scented.
powerless, remain silent.
after dark, you showed yourself.
010619 | 15:54 PM, preparing exhibition.
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