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May 2019 · 215
SJ May 2019
My friend once told me she liked this guy because of his hands

And I found it absurd that anyone would develop feelings over one feature, and not care about the rest

It wasn’t until you used your hands to cup the back of my neck the first time we kissed and I could feel your firm grasp pull me closer, and my insides exploded and my head buzzed with bliss.

And the first night you slept over, you fell asleep with your hand laid over my stomach and your fingers felt like a fire that I didn’t mind burning my skin.

The first time we got drunk, was the first time you played with my hair, and my god I was hooked, I’d drink forever if it meant you’d never stop.

And in public you’d hold my hand, and rub your thumb in little circles that left me wanting you more, no matter what you would never let me go, I was glued to you, and I honestly didn’t mind

When we talked about breaking up, you saw my lips quiver with fear, and you brushed over my lips with your fingers before pulling me into your lap and you kissed me like never before.

With your hands on my hips pulling me so close to you, leaving no space in between us. It was then I realized I never wanted you to go

Its now that, I finally understand why hands were the only feature that mattered.
- C.S.
May 2019 · 390
kiss me.
SJ May 2019
kiss me until I forget how terrified I am of falling in love.
Apr 2019 · 1.0k
Let us live.
SJ Apr 2019
I want to write about women the way I’ve always read about men. I want to write about women who are calculating and ambitious. I want to write about women who are smart and power-hungry. I want to write about women who are angry and bitter and full of rage. I don’t want them to be the villains. I want them to get to be flawed, to be the anti-hero, to be the grey in a sea of black and white. Let women be angry, let women be selfish, let women be greedy. Stop making us fill a neat little box in stories - women aren’t all either a perfect damsel, a beautiful heroine or an evil stepmother. Let us be.
Apr 2019 · 383
SJ Apr 2019
have you ever fallen in love,
with a voice.
just a few words.
maybe overheard in a grocery store?
or during you morning walk?
maybe it was crossing the busy intersection?
or perhaps on your commute to work?

It doesn't matter because you heard it, and now you're waiting. waiting to see the face of the one
whose voice echos in you soul.

come as fast as you can.
I'm waiting.
Apr 2019 · 244
All it took.
SJ Apr 2019
your smile.
that grin.
that was all it took to make my heart flutter.

your kiss.
those lips.
that was all to took to make me want you.

your embrace.
that warmth.
that was all it took to make me feel at home.

"i love you".
those words.
that was all all it took to make me yours.

but a lie.
those whispers.
that was all it took to make me doubt you.

and a broken promise.
a shattered heart.
that was all it took to lose me forever.
maybe i should've never looked into your eyes.
Apr 2019 · 891
Nobody told me.
SJ Apr 2019
nobody told me that to fall in love,
i had to fall apart.
that i needed to cut away pieces of me until i fit perfectly into your arms.
that I had to sand down my rough edges
so my hand could fit into yours.

nobody told me that to fall in love,
i had to lose my favourite parts of me
to be yours.
that i had to chip away at my passions and desires to make room for yours.
i had to follow your dreams,
there was no room left for mine.

nobody told me that to fall in love
i had to become someone i didn't want to be.
sacrifice every moment,
give it all to you.

but what was most important; nobody told me that this wasn't how love was supposed to be.
you should have told me that losing myself would hurt more than being alone.
Nov 2018 · 3.5k
SJ Nov 2018
Sit up straight
chest out
Legs together

you'd look prettier

Brush your hair,
tight bun,
no stray hairs,
you'll look sloppy
no Man wants a girl like that

you should eat less
no Man wants a girl who eats too much
don't eat that
that's the reason for your stretch marks
you'll get fat
don't be fat
No Man wants a fat girl.

don't wear short skirts we don't want to see that...cellulite

...she's too skinny
"she looks anorexic haha"

Ew pimples,
dark circles under your eyes!

"Why are you wearing make up?
I only like girls with "natural" makeup",

don't wear that red lipstick
you'll look like a *****.

"Dude she is such a **** look how short her dress is"

"She's such a *****, show some leg, you're not a nun"

"She should loosen up, take a few shots, she's so up tight"

"Look at how much she has had to drink, she's so loose"

Men don't like girls who...yell
Men don't like girls who...swear
Men don't like girls who...drink
Men don't like girls who...smoke
Men don't like girls who...wear too much
Men don;t like girls who...wear too little
Men don't like girls hard to get
Men don't like girls who...are too easy
Men don't like girls too much
Men don't like girls who...don't eat
Men don't like girls who...are too clingy
Men don't like girls who...don't give them attention
Men don't like girls who...
Men don't like girls who...
Men don't like girls who...


I am a WOMEN.
Nov 2018 · 1.2k
SJ Nov 2018
The house was perfect
No matter how small.
Forget the broken window,
The stain on the carpet floor.

The explosion of toys over the floor,
The tea parties,
Cubby houses,
And Zombies at the park.
The urgent rush to tidy up
Before mum walked in the door.

Stories with Dad
A run-away lawn mower,
Bruce the shark.

On Christmas mornings,
When we would wake up,
To find map,
Guiding us to the treasure

In this house, I learnt what having a brother was like,
lots of cars
lots of trucks
lots of blocks

Where I learnt to walk
And talk
And laugh
Where I discovered the power of words,
The importance of doing your best
Taking pride in your work.
Treating others with kindness,
Not putting yourself first.

All the memories,
Echoes of laughter
The photos of a happy family
Like trophies on a shelf.

Clocks ticking,
Moving fast
Too fast.

Until one day,
We outgrew the house,
Small was just too small,
Where would we find space,
For the things that needed a place?

So, we packed up and left
Shutting the door
On memories and expired dreams
That weren’t around anymore

But we set off,
To make another house of bricks,
a perfect home.

— The End —