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Sep 2023 · 342
Max Sep 2023
Not a poem. Just wanted to say I am alive I just forgot my password for so long lol. Will be writing more soon!
Aug 2019 · 376
Lines of Coding
Max Aug 2019

When you looked into my eyes
and said you'd never let me go.
Did you intend to throw it away?
You stripped me of my trust.

The lines of code in front of my eyes
keeps me from telling you of my hurt.
Its like a barrier freezing my body.
You took away my innocence.

I want to break free of this mess
but you keep holding me back.
You keep me from leaving your clutches.
I need to escape this before its too late.

You control my life
as if I'm just a puppet on strings.
"I'm not a toy to play with", I say
But youre too busy to hear.
So uh, I just escaped an abusive relationship of 2 months..
Jun 2019 · 331
Max Jun 2019
The last time i saw you was February sometime
I dont remember what i said
But i know i was bored enough to leave early

I regret everything in my past.
I wish i spent more time with you
When i had the chance

Now you were taken away
By the hands of death themself
And ill have to deal with the guilt

Instead of spending time with you
I chose to watch tv and pretend it was okay
I loved you so much.

I never showed it because i was stupid.
I know that now.
I wish i spent more time with you.

Now she spends her days sitting alone
Wishing you were by her side
But you were taken away.

She prays to have you back
To hug you one last time
But no one is listening

I blame myself for her pain for it was my fault
I didnt do anything, and thats why its my fault
I couldve done more

I couldve came over more often.
I couldve talked with you over the phone
You raised me for half my childhood

I wish i spent more time with you
For ill never see you again.
Youre gone for sure now.

Seeing you in the bed made me cry
I shouldnt hugged you everytime
But i avoided it because i was stupid

Now ill never hug you again.
My mom cries for your death at night.
My dad says youre with the angels.

I cry every night over you.
I cry for your life being taken away too early
Grandmother cries for you but doesnt let it show.

Last time she talked to me
She reminded me of the past
And she cried and hugged me tighter.

Sometimes i feel your presence.
I try to hold on to that
But soon the guilt overtakes

I miss you so much.
Im sorry i didnt try harder
Its all my fault.

I wish you hadnt passed away, grandfather.

Its all my fault. I regret not hugging him more. 4-22-19
Jun 2019 · 4.3k
Where have you gone?
Max Jun 2019
School ended last week
My days have turned bleak.
You said you'd stay in touch
But you havent texted much.
i hate everyone except the people on this website (excluding myself)
May 2019 · 229
Max May 2019
We met over video chat.
I thought you were pretty neat.
But then you stole my heart
And now it doesnt beat.

How dare you, with those ocean eyes
Hold my hand and take away my light
You made me feel so special
And now its always night.

I guess I'll be alone for ever.
Its what was destined.
You thought you were clever
I feel shunned.
Haha, that *Mad Hatter* poem was about my ex girlfriend, whom i dated for 7 months. This poem "Alone" is about that same ex girlfriend and when she broke my heart last year :(
May 2019 · 170
This is Sonnet
Max May 2019
We have to write a sonnet for English
My brain is empty because I am tired
My ideas are starting to vanish
If I had a job I would be fired.
I will try to make this poem neater
For I usually love poetry
Although my grades are starting to teeter
I will have to do better to be free
I understand that this will be graded
Even though i will be really sleepy
I guess, maybe, I should not have waited
Because of that i am really weepy.
But i guess today i will try my best
Because at least it isnt a hard test
Woops im gonna fail my english class ugh
Mar 2019 · 436
Do not exceed..
Max Mar 2019
The bottle has a lot of words
Like a flock of flightless birds.

It tells me not to exceed two
Just like my friends telling me not to exceed heartbreaks from you.

You tell me to take eleven
So that I wont go to heaven.

But I ended up taking thirteen
So that my vision turned green.

I started getting dizzy
And the world was going fizzy.

Which way was up, and which way was down?
My vision started turning brown.

My stomach started to ache
My mind started to break.

The tears kept falling
And i kept bawling.

The ground was so cold as I laid there waiting for oblivion
I felt like I was done.

I couldn't handle the colours no more
so I shut the door.

I laid on my bed looking at the clock
And glanced at the door lock.

I shut my eyes calmly
As my arms rested near me.

The clock struck one
And I was done.
Theres probably a lot of spelling errors
Feb 2019 · 438
Slow Loris
Max Feb 2019
In my past life I was a Slow Loris.

The voice is like a chorus.

The slow loris is nocturnal like mice.

I dont sleep at night so I can study, which is nice.

Slow Lorises are also slow walkers

Like me, they aren't slow talkers.

We have a lot in common,

Which isnt forgotten.

I was a Slow Loris in my past life.
I had to write this for my English class, sorry. Its cringey. Also hello, I'm not dead or anything I just havent been able to post anything lately cuz I had to do a lot of FRQ's.
Nov 2018 · 220
Speaking to the Class
Max Nov 2018
The boy stood in front of his class
The short story unit was ***.
The teacher had them do presentations,
For they all had to do representations.

The boy stood in front of random humans
The class looked like roman ruins.
Most people were gone,
Thank satan for that one.

The boy's hands were sweaty,
No he did not have spaghetti.
He was already forgetting his lines,
It was like in front of his eyes, there were blinds.

The boy was a stuttering mess,
At least compared to last time, it was less.
He sat down with his face bright red
He felt like he could drop dead.

But then the class started clapping.
The rest of the presentations were wrapping.
The teacher handed back their rubric
The boy felt kind of sick.

The teacher, with a smile, gave mine to me..
I had gotten a B..

(True story)
Nov 2018 · 1.4k
Dysphoria #2
Max Nov 2018
Dysphoria is like a flood,
Sometimes it makes you shed blood.

It hits you suddenly like a wave,
Sometimes, it puts you in a grave..
Nov 2018 · 253
Max Nov 2018
When I look in the mirror,
What do I see?
I see a 'girl' i see everything I'm not.

Wearing dresses to concerts
And makeup to parties
Why can't I wear a suit?

Being eloquent and fancy
"Dont mess up your hair!"
Why can't my hair be shorter?

Nails manicured to perfection
Painted a hot pink
Why can't they be painted blue..?

Its like tar
Sinking into my stomach
I can feel it weighing me down

I cant speak, I can't tell.
I can't get help for no one knows
How do I get rid of it..?

I grip my hair with both hands and pull
I can f e e l it tearing
I can f e e l my head bleeding
But i dont care because at least my hair is shorter, and at least some pressure is gone.

I paint with the silver and watch as my canvas turns red.
I make sure it goes across the stream and not with the flow..
I make sure to clear up afterwards.

"Why cant you be normal?"
"What's with the weird attitude"
"Its just a p h a s e"

I run home crying after school.
Its only 3pm
My parents get home at 5 pm

I go to the bathroom and grab my mom's medications.

I grab the silver, sharp-edged paintbrush.

I grab my journel and start to tell my story..

By the time my parents got home..

Their son was too far gone.
Hi its been a while since I posted a poem.. Sorry about that..
Jul 2018 · 508
Max Jul 2018
If the tears in my eyes aren't enough
To tell you to stop talking
Maybe you should look at my arms
And then tell me it was a joke

If you hated me that much
You should've told me sooner
I wouldn't feel this empty
And I wouldn't have this ache

If you hated my complexion
You could've helped me change
You could've saved me before I fell
Before i sunk deeper into depression

If you hated seeing me in public
You couldve told me, and I wouldn't have gone
You could've saved me before i cut deeper
Before I sunk into death's awaiting arms..
I a m f i n e
Jun 2018 · 177
Max Jun 2018
I woke up with a friGht
the darkness was starting tO bite
I wanted tO turn on a light
But I was too scareD of the night

As I lied in Bed trying to sleep
Im getting sleepY but I start to weep
Thinking of the day's kEep
It was like failing at a leap
Jun 2018 · 308
Max Jun 2018
The marks that line my arm
Were done in the topic of harm.
The lines that cover my wrists
Are kinda like long lists.
The wounds I draw on my skin
Are there to remind me I do not fit in.
Society is cruel to us.
Sometimes I wish to get hit by a bus.
But then the light flows
And the wind blows
And my idle remind me
That I am not a bee.
That I am not alone
And that he does not condone
People like me harming ourselves
Because we are not someone's elves.
And we can take a stand
And make a band
Of people against this negativity
Jun 2018 · 295
Today is not a good day
Max Jun 2018
Today is not a good day
I just don't feel okay
This vessel I'm in
Doesn't feel like my skin
I don't feel boyish
I don't feel girlish
I dont feel neither
And I don't feel both
I hate this day
Because I don't know what to wear today
Whatever I wear won't look good
And laugh,  all my friends would
Laugh because they don't know
They don't know of my woe
And that's why today is not a good day.
May 2018 · 200
Daily Assignments
Max May 2018
The assignments they give us
As a daily breifing
To never forget the logic we learn
So we can use it in future schooling

That doesnt mean we like them
For they give us headaches daily
Its the most boring part of life
I'd rather watch a bee

I'd rather play football as a pastime
Than write math down with ink
The notebooks we use are thick
And the textbooks are pink
May 2018 · 221
Mad Hatter
Max May 2018
I have this stupid grin
Plastered upon my face
My face is as red as roses
If only i could put them in a vase

You made the right decision
When i asked the question to you
You said yes to being my girlfriend
And that's all that matters, boo

I love you more than supernatural
I love you more than doctor who
I love you more than sherlock
I love you lots, and I hope you do too

I hope this never ends
For i cant take the heartbreak
You're too much to lose
My heart still has an ache

The smile stretched upon my face
Goes good with the tinted red
I'm going to love you forever
I'll text you all night as I lay in bed

I probably wont get sleep
But that doesnt matter
As long as you are mine
And together we make a mad hatter..
May 2018 · 202
Fix it
Max May 2018
Black and White
Yes and No
Right and Wrong

Those are the only choices according to people

You cant be Blue
You cant be Maybe
You can't be half right half wrong

Boy and Girl
Straight and Gay

You cant be fluid
You can't be bi or pan

Those are the only chouces according to people

Thats the problem with society today
You dont have the right to say
That that is not okay

That's the problem with today's society
You cant be a maybe
Or questioning your sexuality

Thats the problem..

Let's fix it..
May 2018 · 234
Max May 2018
Poetry to me is like a bird.
Once you start, you keep going until the end.
My brain stores my ideas daily
And they flow onto the paper like magic.
Its almost like therapy
All of my stress gets poured onto the paper like a waterfall
My emotions turn to ink, on a lined sheet of paper
Writing it is like a secret code
On the outside, it had one meaning
On the inside, it has another
A more powerful meaning than before

But sometimes, after a long day
When I dont feel okay
My brain has no more words in stock
Its called Writer's Block
The words won't form inside my head
Its almost like my creativity is dead
I look around the room I'm in
And I look for objects that I can pin
I try to find something wild
Something styled
When suddenly, it hits me

It calms me like a song of Jazz
I get a dash of zing
I start to write my feelings down
And search up inspiration on Bing
I look up through my window
To see the beautiful trees
I look up at the nighttime stars
And I see all the firebees
I find some peace and quiet
Within the blowing breeze
I find the words inside my mind
And they flow onto the paper with ease.
May 2018 · 225
The Popular Group
Max May 2018
The popular group

They are a distinct chatter loop

Starting new drama each day

Being snotty and say their parents' cash is their pay

Buying expensive things for the hell of it

Riding in the new cars, though just a little bit

Always talking in the halls

To avoid them, kids walk into the walls

The lesser kids are like prey

While they are like a manta ray

Always eating in information to be used

The info helps keep the lessers abused

And keeps the populars amused.

The popular group.
May 2018 · 322
Run Away..
Max May 2018
The red bleeds down my leg
As I drag the metal contraption as if im drawing with lead

The yelling is louder in my mind
Than downstairs with those kind.

The kind as in people who claim to be an adult
The ones who are nothing more than a cult

The cult of ******* parents who hate their kin
Hate them more than when they stub their shin

I'm nothing more than a mistake they tried to erase
By drinking alcohol and arguing at a pace

My friend tries texting my snap
But im too far gone to give a crap

I drag the blade harder, deeper than before
I suddenly become aware of the door

The door is open

Everyone is staring

Everyone is asking why...

What should I do?

Instead of saying, I turn my head away

I run away
Like all my problems before today

Eventually, given enough time, I'll push my friends away

I hope that comes sooner than later..

Because I dont know how much longer I can keep up with smiling..
May 2018 · 399
Class Speeches
Max May 2018
The boy stood in front of his class
The short story unit was ***
The teacher had them do presentations
For they all had to do representations

The boy stood in front of random humans
The class looked like Roman ruins
Most people were gone
Thank Satan for that one

The boy’s hands were getting sweaty
No he did not have spaghetti
He was already forgetting his lines
It was like in front of his eyes, there were blinds.

The boy was a stuttering mess
At least compared to last time it was less
He sat down with his face bright red
He felt like he could drop dead

But then the class started clapping
The rest of the presentations were wrapping
The teacher handed back their rubric
The kid felt kind of sick

The teacher, with a smile, gave mine to me
I had gotten a B..

(True story)
May 2018 · 291
Summertime Blues
Max May 2018
Summer is just a bunch of days
It’s kind of like a giant haze.
I hardly remember the first day of break,
For by now my legs are starting to ache.
The summer went by so fast,
Because it was such a blast.
But now the days are filled with sorrow,
For the last day of break, ends tomorrow...
May 2018 · 147
The Living
Max May 2018
Do you remember the boy from highschool? The one that was genuinely cute?

Do you remember the boy from highschool? The one that selectively mute?

He went through years of physical and mental pain.

He saw his parents as they walked inside the kitchen, just to get slain.

He remembers when his parents were alive, and when they had good times.

The only way to remember certain things was to make up those silly rhymes.

In 3rd grade, that boy got bullied every day.

All he did when he was shoved, was mumble "hey.."

That boy who would've been twenty this year, no one asked for the stories from his side.

So he chose the most reliable choice, suicide.

He is no longer part of the living.
May 2018 · 404
The Hero and the Villain
Max May 2018
The hero.

He wasnt

Worthless and expendable.

He was

Loved by the entire kingdom.

He wasnt

The villain.
May 2018 · 734
Max May 2018
You remember that girl, senior year? The one who had too many piercings to count? You assumed she was goth, but you were too afraid to ask for the truth.

You remember that girl, senior year? The one who showed up with bruises like it was show and tell? You assumed she got into fights with other kids, but you were too afraid to ask for the truth.

You remember that girl, senior year? The one who wore either all black, all pink, or all blue? You assumed she liked those colours, but you were to ignorant to ask for the truth.

You remember that girl, senior year? The one who never talked nor smiled? You assumed she was shy, but you were too afraid to ask.

You remember that boy, senior year? The one who spread rumors about the girl? You assumed the rumors were true, and spread them around like a wild fire, but you were too afraid to ask for the truth.

You remember that girl, senior year? The one who was there one day, and disappeared forever? Everyone assumed she transfered schools.. But they were afraid to see the truth.

You remember that girl, right?

The one who played piano and guitar?

The one with straight A's but pushed herself even harder?

The one who painted with silver, and it turned out red?

Well guess what..? If only you asked for the truth. If only you asked why she had piercings galore. She would've told you that she liked the pain.

If only you asked for the truth. If only you asked why she showed up with bruises and cuts. She would've told you she was being neglected and abused at home and at school.

If only you asked for the truth. If only you asked why she wore all black, all pink, or blue. She would've told you she was GenderFluid. And that they perferred the pronouns they/them.

If only you asked for the truth. If only you asked why they never talked nor smiled. They would've told you they took mountains of medications for their depression and anxiety.

If only you asked for the truth. If only you asked if the rumors were true. They would've told you the rumors were false, and to not believe them.

If only you asked for the truth. If only you asked why they left, for the gave you their number. They would've told you "goodbye.."

If only you asked for the truth. If only you asked why they tried to improve their grades, even though their grades were above average. They would've told you that their parents' expectations were higher.

If only you asked for the truth. If only you asked anything. Instead, you ignored the kid from senior year.

So. Remember the kid from senior year? The one who killed themselves after finals?
May 2018 · 192
Max May 2018
Are you okay?
The question is asked every single day.
No, not by myself,
But by the people who call me their shelf.

Are you okay?
Instead I get told, "get out of my way."
As I walk through the hall,
My eyes bawl

Are you okay?
I heard the girl say
She picked my books up for me
It felt like my heart was opened with a key

Are you okay?
Her eyes were blue-ish grey
She helped me from the floor
It was like that book I read of lore

Are you okay?
She asked as I took her to a café
For it was five years after
And i learned she was a crafter

Are you okay?
She mended my heart with clay
Her name was Kate
And she told me to wait

Are you okay?
She asked as she lifted the tray
For we were older than before
And we both needed help to pour

Are you okay?
They asked us as together we lay
We both knew what was coming
For was inevitable, the eradicating

— The End —