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mark john junor Jan 2017
each unfolding hour
it's your warmth that sustains my heart
its that light in your eyes that rushes through me
fills all my dreamings with the colors of summers day
reach out brush back a wild loose hair from your face you smile
run my lips over the edge of your tender ear
whispering sweet somethings and silly nothings
just to hear your soft giggles....
we build a home in the field
run barefoot in the tall grass
feel the wind on our faces
tread on the moss covered stones
our world is the essence of our love living brave and free
undying flame of desires heart and soul
passion enfolded in your gentle hands
tender words felt from deep within
spoken while we are exploring each other
wrapped in each others arms
******* and play long into sweet night...
find you with waking eyes
morning light upon your soft skin
each unfolding hour to come with the warm day
we will walk hand in hand the dusty trail
to the mountain top
you'll read your french romance novel
and I will drift and dream head in your lap
you sustain me each and every day
run barefooted in the rain
hold you in the pure sunshine
softly run my hands on you
release my soul into your arms
forever loving forever loved

© 2016 mark john junor all rights reserved
mark john junor Nov 2013
bernie the cheese
collapsed at the side
of the road
his measured response depleted
he watches as she folds up
her neat and meticulously spelled words
plied on silver tongue into her rucksack
and through such ******* ******* of kings english
she entices him ever onward where
faint lines can be sought
and yet to be found
that echo the face of true madness
its laughing sweating continence
painted with watercolours and
can only be seen in the reflection of
a mirror reflecting another mirrors image

her face slowly releases its dire grip
and her eye looses it screaming aspect
as she finds herself alone on the ***** alleys cobblestones
the battered dumpsters spilling treasures for the divers to find
she begins to hum a beatles tune from '63
and fingers the lace shawl hiding her deformed mind
trying once more to capture that vast lost feeling from
girlhood that dances a
dubious little jig on her headstone of the heart
singing 'lookie here....look at whats buried here'
she remembers his face but not his name
he drove a silver buick with a skull painted on the hood
his blond features engraved in the notions
his words mixed with foul smelling chicken soup
he was a soup of the day in her salad years

bernie the cheese
chews on the charbroiled taste of his
blowup doll lover's lips and tries to say
the three magic words
'made in china'??
his own words spent he casts about
in terror for a phrase or two to quote from
the masters of deception
who gather round in long grey coats
sinister eyes on the fruits of his labour
their wooden faces warped by rain
their mouths only a dim perceived line of
mumbles written in childlike scrawl
on the backs of closet doors
we hide here because we cannot see
therefore we cannot be seen
you cant touch me because i cannot feel
they gift him at price unnamed some loose parable
naught more that glib reprise of his own perilous straights
his is the beast that labours in their stead
he is their human face
she is but the road they walk today
mark john junor Apr 2014
i will not adorn this
will not weave in images that would distract
will not fill the heart of it
with tender thoughts
i will let it speak in its own words
i will let it be true to its nature
i will let it be
a simple thought and emotion
a hearts truth
it is
i am desperately alone
and i desperately wish you were here to hold me
mark john junor Mar 2013
Our home once so warm and comforting
our home once so safe and filled with laughter
has grown dark and cold since you vanished
into the winter night

i stand here at the window searching
for some sing of you
but only the whisper of mocking cold wind greets me
i know i must follow you
track you thru the beast of blizzard
into the fires of unforgiving underworlds

Hours now
and my footsteps drag as bitter cold bites into my will
thru trackless ages of snowbound darkness
following your weary trail

where have you gone lover
why do you linger there
i have come to bring you home
our happy home

I will take but a moments rest here
beneath this once green tree
and take but a moment to recover my strength
take a moment to sleep in the cold blanket of snow

now that spring will come
to wrap my bones in green blanket
and speed my soul to the shores of distant land
i will dream of you lover
where did you go
why linger so long
mark john junor Jan 2014
we started out in a
in a parking lot
with no shopping cart
look at us now
appeal to her desperation
for a moment in her sunshine's bravado
she dose not think beyond the moment despite my effort
i drink her in
and she is such sweet nectar
it is thinly disguised that she is no
snowbunny as she pulls herself from my bed
her deep rich tan only flavours my desires
as i pull her back in
her thick musky taste so intoxicating
flawless in her unique beauties
we lounge in the sun's dying breath
and quietly marvel at the skyscape of colours
she places casual hand on my arm
and i catch breath
isn't to be read into
but see that allure inspite
and with that desire lingering plunge slowly back
into her subtle skin
into the long sweet night of her lips
once again i float the rational
shes as smart as sinfully beautiful
but with a quickness
towers of the absurd fall under pretender's preface
she entangles me with the most sinister of **** laughs
and we spend the night deep in eachother again
by now you are very weary of hearing how much i adore her...but i believe that if i said it in a million ways in a million languages a billion times it just simply wouldn't be enough
mark john junor Dec 2015
far out to sea
deep in wild woods
in the crisp dawn on the high desert
there are still places it can be heard
but it takes a heart to hear
it takes a labor of love

countless miles hand to the tiller
to find that brief moment
on the crest of a twenty foot breaking wave
as a nor'easter wilds the sea
when you glimpse it
in the stillness between heaven and earth

under the bewitching stars
in the anvil of desolation's wasteland
of high desert
on the cusp of the suns imminent rise
you can see it in the broiling fire
as the edge of the world itself burns
mark john junor Sep 2014
round his mouthful of bullet's and bones
he spoke of the woman and a box of gold
and as he opened the deck and began tossing cards
his version of what happened had him with
one foot in the grave and giving both barrels
she called him a hero
but he was just a fugitive of the hangman's necktie
the old sailor died quiet in the night
slipped away laughing in the company of
all the olde saints he loved so much
they will take him on home
so the truth of the tell rest with this man
with this soft eye hardened heart
with a mouthful of bullet's and bones
mark john junor Mar 2014
this days bread
not a boastful feast with veracious laughter
but the quiet sharing of bounty
between thouse gathered
the conversations saunters like a comfortable man
of evening stroll in the bordertown marketplace
stop to taste of its local cuisine
savour its exotic beauties
and subtle touch

with the world withdrawn to night
we all sit on the veranda
and our laughter and words
fill the space the small light provides
with a rich deep texture
and scents our hearts with
feelings of togetherness and comradery

one friend who young face
gives credence to his optimistic forebodings
eagerly leans into chapter and verse
of politic and its verbal knives
seeking to blame with wit
the narrow disasters of finance
we all love our friend dearly
and shush such nonsense
turn the face on conversation back
to her warmer natures

she is my woman's friend
and  she spent the night with us last night
in our bed
soon to leave for humanitarian mission
to some obscure world away
she sits in my woman's arms like they have
been with eachother all their lives
it is such beauty to see two women
in such comfortable ease as lovers
they are both a delight to me

our hours grow thin
as sleep calls us all one by one
and gives us one by one to such dreams
as may our collective loves may bring
this is the best moments of my life
and are enduring in my heart
as i too slip into slumbering
in the arms in these two women
in the arms of love
mark john junor Jul 2014
a mind is a treacherous thing to baste
but shes havin too much fun
runnin and gunning in the wild west of city streets
shes the star of her own reality show
but its never so real
she would have to think about consequence
never so real she would have to look you in the eye

she was a delicate beauty
now grown thin
stretched too far on the hard line
in the company of cold faces with dollar sings for eyes
she was a warm hand holding mine
when i needed it
never got a chance to return the favor
fore the streets swallowed her whole
a mind is a treacherous thing to baste
and she has slow roasted hers
mark john junor May 2013
with a watchers patience
he unfolded the chair
rusted to the doorstep
with fine grains of red
like a thousand fingers
wander till the cold dawn breaks
searching for my souls ease

your life is the slamming
of typewriter keys
to paint with crafted words the world you would dream
the world she would love you in
your life is the desperate holding at bay the hours evaporating
into a future you cannot
but fret over

like the wringing of sweaty hands
pacing the hall
small bald fat men
with neatly pressed brooks brothers suits
but fret over like the well greased
plans and carefully laid desings
of another mans futures past misgivings

i fought with all i had
i gave all my heart and soul
till my very bones ached
fought till i could bear no more
till i fell
in the first breakers of dawn
in the first shallow fingers of dawn
edit: last six lines were removed for continuity
mark john junor Aug 2013
the essence of its cage bound in place by shadow
and sour the milk of reason with her poison eye         
she sends him a picture of her                                                          
join me here                                                    
the polluted mind demands focus
he is pure now                                                          
the dawn is unfiltered              
and the scary voices are hushed by the awe                                          
the racing thoughts are soaked by the rain
and shivering hunched in the brick box                      
he awaits the power that              
perseveres through adverse and favorable alike                                      
he centers himself
but the voices creep back in on one by one
as the unfiltered dawn returns      
he runs outside trying to catch the author                
of the noise in his head                                          
make him cease this carnival of insanity                                                        
­this roadshow of the mad mad mind

he sleeps the hot silent day
in the brick box with the steel door
its safe there
the voices cant find him

as dusk settles like a layer of grey dust on the small
glass window set in the brick
his eyes come open like frightened small birds
desperate for escape from this narrow cage of a mind

they talk in quiet whispers            
better not let anyone know                                            
better not let anyone see                        
but you cant help laughing at the faces they make            
when the 'real' people arn't looking      
the things they do when the 'real' people wont know      

mud foot bare
in the greasy sun
fast load trace its birth in dust
the night is always full of echoes
so he only comes round in the day
where he can kiss the faded wall art
and wipe the tears away from his former years
with the music
the long and pure symphony of the souls
a simple phrase on the piano
how many souls like this are lost among us                                  
hidden by the natural appearance                        
he leans in and plants a soft kiss
on the image of her lips
reference to  (and poem dedicated to) stephen donaldson...great writer
mark john junor Sep 2013
habitat for angry things
his face is a contortionists *******
his fists flex through three hundred versions
of ready but are rendered immaculate by
the thought that binds him to this difficult maze
that there's got to be a way out
there is a light at the end of the tunnel

he suffers from smaller and smaller
versions of self esteem
and as that window slowly closes
his innermost thought is
that someone somewhere holds the key
that somehow at the last possible possum of a second
she will jump out of yonder shrubbery
and save the day
so rather than show the ever watching world
his apparent weaknesses
he will wait for her

reality is playing dead today
and all the goth girls say in
horrible unison
that your cute and all but
i don't date outside my species
could ***** Mae have been less cruel
she wont be coming to save anyone
not even herself

habitat for angry things
his face contorts with the simple pleasures of destruction
and dances with glee over the graves of the once defeated
but in the small hidden room of his soul
he sits in his discomfort chair
and works the meat of his sorrows
with a weeping
a terrible weeping
that fills the cathedral of his hearts broken dream

like a photograph folded in upon itself
one image is the end
one the beginning
but  only the blade separates

and that sound of weeping
that awful sound of weeping
that goes on for hours
that goes on for years
benith it is the sound of creatures
that defy
that are unspeakable
sharp little monsters of thought and feeling
that are contortions of rage
etched forever into his soul

he is buried there in the quiet cemetery
with his rages and sorrows replete
with his soul intact
forever to be in that small dark room
working the meat of his regrets
never to know the solace of her hand
never to know the freedom of forgiveness
it is in his hand
in smaller and smaller versions
mark john junor May 2014
the smoke spurned the fire and rose to flee
but she approached with her own deeper heat
like oil and water her thoughts and dreams
burn with a sinister hue
a thousand colors to her movement's
and each one blurs the lines of reality in the watchers mind
each one like an ocean in which
the unwary could drown

the nights difficult song twisted on
the dulled edges of her words laid with such cunning care
as she convinced him to stay
against his better steel eyed judgements
he did not hear the lock click into place behind
did not sense the ink drying on his fate
and still i sat there mesmerized by the nights song
and how familiar it was to my soul
one more round and let us toast vanity

her sister is perfections rose
and bathed in the soft nights otherworldly glow
beauty clings to her edges like acolytes
come to discover the secrets entwined
come seeing roads in the shadow
the two sisters separated by more than mere miles
separated by a lover they once shared
the bitter sister claimed
and the fair sister fled

he lay in the ruins
a carved stone in the midst of polished jewels
and i could not help him
i had discovered the nights song
and would never see daylight again
smoke had spurned fires embraces
rising to flee with thoughts to find some new life
she sells these dreams
a luxury in these lean days
mark john junor Sep 2013
i picture you reading this
sitting crosslegged
can almost hear your voice
caress the words
with your soft thought
with your soft eyes
were it to be
that i could be there
and ask of you
your true thought
ask of you for your unabashed view
that i could beg to understand
this human condition
for you see i have not known such as you
i have been denied
and i would surrender all that i am
all that i have
to know your mind
to know the tenderness of your heart
release me from this existence
this diabolical snare from which i am unable to escape
for it is the simple knowledge
of you
that is true freedom
but its more
it is all i have left
mark john junor Nov 2015
a snow filled winter wind rushes in my thoughts
but it is in the silence between our spoken words
where my heart caresses each line of her beauty
and swims in the heat of her eyes entwined in mine
where her heart desires mine
where spoken truths are just a
reflection of the deeper fires of our souls
and that ultimate truth expressed in our passionate embrace
becomes the living breathing of our souls

a snow filled winter wind drifts past the window
but like the world itself
seems so distant from us
cradled in my arms
the fabric of her clothes sweetly perfumed
dance tingling across my senses
her soft breath exhaled dizzying to my heart
her words soft warm wet fill my head

a snow filled winter wind
steady against a cloud soaked sky
spills into the very edge of my mind
as the comfort and beauty of our embrace endures
this is the truth i have sought my entire life
this is the promise that i so deeply desired
her eyes capture me and for a moment we sit gazing
we have saved us
we have found us
and the love and heat of our embrace
keeps the winter wind awaya snow filled winter wind rushes in my thoughts
but it is in the silence between our spoken words
where my heart caresses each line of her beauty
and swims in the heat of her eyes entwined in mine
where her heart desires mine
where spoken truths are just a
reflection of the deeper fires of our souls
and that ultimate truth expressed in our passionate embrace
becomes the living breathing of our souls

a snow filled winter wind drifts past the window
but like the world itself
seems so distant from us
cradled in my arms
the fabric of her clothes sweetly perfumed
dance tingling across my senses
her soft breath exhaled dizzying to my heart
her words soft warm wet fill my head

a snow filled winter wind
steady against a cloud soaked sky
spills into the very edge of my mind
as the comfort and beauty of our embrace endures
this is the truth i have sought my entire life
this is the promise that i so deeply desired
her eyes capture me and for a moment we sit gazing
we have saved eachother
we have found eachother
and the love and heat of our embrace
keeps the winter wind away
mark john junor Jul 2013
birthed in toxic soup
of nesscessity and lust's needs
her own words haunt her
with simple phrase pronouced
clear and heartfelt
sorrow fear hope lust love love lust

like her little ballerina musicbox
such an entertaining little toy
such a long daydream to wake in such a
strange place
with its strange names and faces so flush with anger
why are you here
snowbunny go back to your mountains
go back to cold serenity
and the dream that she could care
for a malfuntion like you

clear and heartfelt in the morning
are full of doubts and questions by nightfall

in her dream
they lay in candlelight
and speak in whispers
though they are alone
they are as one with love
they are as one in heart
she awakens in a trash littered feild
by the highway
wet from the long night of rain
the latter days of her sainthood
had faded

she wakes in her bed
and alls right in her world once again
for the moment

snowbunnys come to paradise
seeking new lives and easier living
in the sunshine state
but when they arrive
its raining
rainy season in the tropics
sunshine state is an advertisement
not a reality
nothing friendly
nothing real
"snowbunny" is what florida natives call the hordes of homeless and others who head down to florida every fall to avoid the cold winters up north.
mark john junor Aug 2013
soapbox man has
measured the moments
in the the small wood floor room
she dose a wet step soft shoe little hip swing dance
to music only she and god can hear
and to her soapbox man is god
as she slides slowly thru the dense air of his self contained contentions
in the the small wood floor room
its freedom to her
soapbox man has come and she is here
to get her fix
of his brand of guns to subjugate the dead
and iron fist rusting in a vacant lot brand of rule
its freedom to her

echoes down the bridge road between realitys
a woman laughing in slow motion
the tread of boots on marble
oddly distorted pieces of conversation
that are appended to soapbox heroes
who preach
that those not with us are against us
and should be punished for their cruel foolishness
this is not heaven
its a place that wears the face of grace on earth
it wears the mask of memories warm and kind
its peace and freedom to her
its a lie
this is the nature of the human beast
what reality we dream is pleasing
no matter how toxic

in the the small wood floor room
she dose a wet step soft shoe little hip swing dance
to music only she and god can hear
and as time passes
and it eats from within
she falls to the floor
and crumbles to dust
a fragment of humanity
on a pergo floor
and its freedom to her
for the guy i met in florida named freedom...nice guy
mark john junor Sep 2014
me and scarlet came down the coast
she sat window seat
pressed to the glass watching the world flow
from rocket ships headed to the skies
and beach bunnies romping in sunshine
what a strange world this place is
filled with magics and mystic tides

a Spaniard stood here with his wooden ship
like he had just conquered a new world
but time left him just a set of footprints in the sand
and away to sea once more went he
falling off the edge of the world somewhere out there

scarlet and me stopped in small town
shared a plate and a cup
sitting at the feet of a stone saint
holding his own cup so we poured him some soda
and laughed as we ran in the rain
what a strangely wonderful place this florida
a moonlight dream paradise
the far shore we had always dreamed
mark john junor Jun 2014
the night has a secret heartbeat
and dont cha know it beats a little faster
when shes near
dont cha know skips a beat when she speaks
and so do I

she wraps the day in lace
and calls out bold for tea and crumpets
she she she she she
and so do I
mark john junor Oct 2013
soft words never seem to be heard round you
no calm reason seems to get through
no soft shoe shuffle seems to do
so lemmie get it right
cause i dont enjoy this louder than loud
dont think its gonna get this done
i dont think being louder makes you right
you know im gonna have the words an facts straight
cause i dont think that talking over you
is gonna make you believe me
neither of us is that dumb
soft words and calm reason might be harder to do
but i sleep at night
and its a magic feelin when you can get a point across
without having to shout
when you get heard without having to scream it
oh what a magic feelin indeed
so lemmie slide on my john lennon sunglasses
and if it helps honey put on a tye-dye shirt
and lets talk this out
cause shouting ain't workin for me
mark john junor Jun 2014
tell me it was all a dream
tell me the beautiful wishing doesn't have to end
that a thousand years of golden kisses and
a universe of given completely to just being wrapped in your arms
tell me that the natural chaos of wrestling you in the pillows
surrounded by desires trance can go on forever
tell me that the spark like a fiery hunger in you
will be there to ignite me
i urge myself to my destination
to wake lightly in the salvation of your love
to wake lightly in the predawn and find you sleeping still
so i may kiss you awake
so i may be your dawn
as you have been mine
mark john junor Aug 2014
whom do you trust
solider, sailor, tinker, tailor....
what eyes see the meaning of the blind
what tongues listen...which lies
in the picturesque morning
beauty spins its deceptions with golden hued sunlight
weaves its hand puppet theatricals made of
fleeting wisps of smiles
kissing gestures weakly delivered
    solider,  sailor,  tinker,  tailor...
    they gather round the dead man
    some come to mourn the lost
    some come to rifle through his pockets
    some come to silently wait for their own fate
he sits in his worn chair
in a pool of lamplight
with a small hammer in hand
his spectacles on bridge of his nose
tapping tapping ever so gently the thin metal mask
the uniform of his mind shifts according to his lie
his tool is always the deceptions and misdirections
a sly smile...firm handshake...a signature style
'to whom do you trust' is a phrase that troubles him
her perfume lingers in the air
years have buried the cold war
but not its warriors
not their handiwork
     they dress the dead man for his burial
     with his decorations and platitudes
     with his shiny sword and neat uniform
     with honors they lay him
     with truths his secret they bury him
     why did he do whom did he answer
     to the tomb with his truths and lies
     to the tomb
he gathers the long coat
and the umbrella
walks out in london's chill spring night
to a bridge
and throws a small box into the river
long years after the cold war died
these men of shadows still play
these keepers of the gate still watch for hannibal and his horde
solider,  sailor,  tinker,  tailor
whom do you trust
(reference to John Le Carre's novel)
mark john junor May 2014
the cold dirt road on  the mountain
its holes filled with ***** rainwater
a broken fence to one side
marking the edge of her farm
the trees obscure any distance
just patches of meadows and dark wood
the summer song of birds gone to roost
she walks alone hands buried in her pockets
she was born on this mountain
she will be an old woman here someday

a ****** of crows feast loudly
on some dead thing in the tall grass
of the bright haze of the meadow
untouched by breeze and soaked in sun
they gather at the overhang of a dead oak
where beer cans and spent bullets lay
like corpse's of a battlefield lament
the burnt shell of the oak
leans dangerously against the field stone
covered with graffiti
she would wait for him here
the ****** of crows gave way to silence

her father was a good man in his way
lean and quiet with a dark look
but as her father goes to show
one man in his family's arms another in the world
the nature of a man changes when he
steps out his door
few know a man
sometimes none

she is a rare beauty small town girl
but as much as she dreams of the wider world
hard fact taught her nothing like home
the nature of the world changes when you
step out your door
few will care about you
sometimes none
she was born to the mountain
she is going to be an old woman here
few know the heart of a woman
sometimes none
(not what you think its about...but a cautionary tale never the less)
mark john junor May 2013
cast aside the lead mask
its narrow eyes saw too much of
the fountains of this age
saw too much of the creations
that have grown of its calling
it heavy hours show in the lines
on her face
grey shadows in her eyes
we spent all we had
we spent our lives and our futures
only to find that the peace that
we gave our lives for
had been traded away

cast aside the
the song of the drummer
his tune is rough and has no
words to revive the soul
has no mending for the heart
cast aside this utterance of hopeless drifting

frozen in the moment
its strange how the time passes
i remember that girl long ago
that used to tell me that each day that we pass thru
was written long ago and nothing we can do to change it
she was written to end her days
in the passenger seat of a buick
on pinebrook blvd at a hundred miles an hour
i think she should have been wrong

we all need a song to mend the heart
we all need to cast aside the masks
we all need to find a better way
than a hundred miles an hour on pinebrook blvd
must be going on thirty years since that night...still remember that smile she threw me as they drove away. some friends you cannot replace, she was one.
mark john junor Dec 2013
sorrow makes its way in
like an old friend bearing his treasured gifts
the photograph and letter
that you cannot bear to part with
he settles into your empty room
and sits with you in his silent way
while you grind your soul
slowly over the past and what you have lost there
he gently takes your hand and leads your heart
deeper into the rapture
of longing for what you cannot have
for that which is lost beyond redemption
she lay beneath headstone
in small Massachusetts town
fall leaves and now snow lay quiet blanket
on her resting soul
sadness bring you here in dream
from the miles where you lay
to stand unabashed weeping
in the cold dark of night
sorrow betrays you
but you cannot care
it consumes you
until you are blind to all else
until you are withered
lay down next to her and take your rest
none will blame
none see
but your old friend
mark john junor Mar 2014
winters day getting a tan in my yard
i can feel the ocean of the spring breeze
taste its intoxicating salt and sand on the air
feel its breathtaking beauty as the sea washes up on me
only a few hundred feet through that tangle of palms and
tangles of quick brush
lay wide open lush sands
and forever summers soft light
and the beautiful breaking waves

in staunch hand needed but the
deeply tanned smile on the old mans face
as he holds out a greeting and offer to run out to your skiff
but you'd rather swim
at last the days full face comes to bear

a hippie family roasts hot dogs in a pit fire
and you share some white wine
music plays from a transistor radio
that has seen better days
but this is the land of forever summer
and nothing can taint the smile you share
with your lover
nothing can touch the soul deep
expression of joys
mark john junor Sep 2013
under the stars
we danced the last dance of the night
to some slow tune
we danced the last dance of the night
just the two of us on the ballroom floor
with the ball spinning a world full of glittering stars
as the bargirl washed the glasses
and smiled at our soul to soul kisses
and as well bid her our fare thee well's
and walked cross the gravel lot
a breeze kicked up and unbound us
from reality
so we could sail home on a ship of dreams

i gathered her in my arms
and the world was light as air
we strayed along the streets
so quiet with slumber
and our shadows fell upon our door
like homecoming

she kissed me
and held herself there in my arms for a moment
as if to capture the fleeting moment
its frail wings beating soft and slow
and it is perfumed by her laugh
which is sleepy
and is followed by a trail of mumbles
like cowboys following the stars
like sheep playing in endless fields of fence
i followed them on down
and roped in the moon
set her in the bed
with its scent of roses and patchouli

she breaths softly here next to me tonight
bewildered that i should be so fortunate
to have such angels of beauty in my life
so we dance well into eachothers dreams tonight
with smiles for the
soul to soul kisses
i was born to be mushy :-)
mark john junor Nov 2013
on the banks of the
mighty south platte river
he lay prostrate to the twin gods
with his dogeared copy of deadbase open to his first show
and the touch sensitive sky full of magic colour
raise your arms and think that madness is only as
deep as your devotion
dances barefoot on the empty road to the crickets song
ain't it sweet ain't it strong

our friends lived in lean to and
city's of cardboard
at the rivers edge
in the cool of the railroad breezeway
but he lived in the brambles
and on the sandy beach
listened to the vastness of night
dances barefoot on the empty road to the crickets song
ain't it sweet ain't it strong

his voice still echoes in my mind
as he introduced fast fingers to the skin of sky
trace out the silhouette
of her form
near as he can remember
which ain't too near at all
but his words
resembles free form skull and roses
looks like habitat for the shady
but it rolls clean
and has a kind hand for the friendly face

he was  always up for a trek through the city sleeping
dumpster diving and sky laughing
always had little extra warm gear for a cold brother
always had something to chew on for
a hungry sister
always had tunes a flutter
ready to roll on the deck

one day came to the rivers edge
and brother was gone
we searched high and low
but time pass
and river flow
he never did come back
picture him somewhere
dancing barefoot on the empty road to the crickets song
ain't it sweet ain't it strong
((pretty sad spellcheck that dosn't recognise the word "dumpsterdiver"))
mark john junor May 2020
there are symphonies in the silence
there are forests of thoughts
to be had in the space between
when she storms out the door
and when the loneliness sneaks in
mark john junor Sep 2013
the spanish seaside town
as the sun sets
is golden to the eye
and warm to the soul
full of life
and beauty
did not seek this place
but fate sought it for me
she came out of the west
and i was captured the moment i beheld her

spanish goddess
her smile captivates
exquisite true beauty
in the glow of her laugh
with that one small gesture
she is pure sunshine
she is tender and true love
she heals the heart
and frees the soul
spanish goddess
her dark eyes a cage
of smouldering passions
and gentle fires of deep and true loves

spanish goddess
her smile
haunts me
such beauty cannot be contained in my heart
such absolute and mesmerizing perfection
cannot be beheld in such a small place
as one mans simple soul

spanish goddess
i am riven by you and nursed back by you
i am torn apart and mended by you
i am created and destroyed
all in the single moment i am graced by the sweet embrace
of even a mere glance with the touch of a smile of yours

spanish goddess
please please do not let me awaken
from this beautiful dream
let me be forever here
in spanish seaside town
at the setting of the sun
in the perfection of your attentions and kindness
with your beauty and warmth
that is heaven
in every sense of the word

spanish goddess
you have forever changed me
from a lost soul
without hope or direction
to the captain of my future
forever to seek safe harbor
in a spanish seaside town
forever more to thirst for your smile
for your laugh
for you
mark john junor Jul 2013
bold words are lettered in
handwritten phrases
on her wall
in blood red paint
tales of great conquest
tales of greater defeat
all woven with the same spanish thread
from a small villa north of madrid

he bears with him a golden box
in the secret pocket of his long coat
within are all the treasures
that could dazzle a young fair madiens eye
all the riches that could bend the back
of any petty flesh or metal merchant

with a careful flare and practiced theatrics
he pulls it forth to the awe of the gathering crowd
his trade-craft is the peddling of dark dreams
in a sleepless land
of giving just enough to tease into wishing
but never quite enough to persuade

as he himself was
all his work is woven from the same spanish thread
from a small villa north of madrid
woven to speak to the heart
with the rich deep earthen tones
found in spains muddy soil
woven to speak to the soul
with the heady lust of a spanish romance

the words on her wall
speak of her years with her one true love
and of their deep passions
and of how he had rode off to war
telling her he would soon return
and her long years waiting
watching the forever empty road
wearing her favorite dress
woven from  spanish thread
from a small villa north of madrid
no path in life can ever be retraced with hope of regaining what one has lost
mark john junor Dec 2015
a girl leaning on a post
her lips carve poems in december air
sunlight surrounds her like a song
i watch her from the window
entranced by knowledge of her soft soul

she is speaking quiet dreams
into golden sunlight
the softer lines of her form painted
in sharply bright colors
bluejeans tightly round her
hands stuffed in pockets
the jewels of her gaze
twin and soft
looking into the distant thoughts
that her heart feels

a winters day
and the warm crisp air
reminds of summer
filled with songbirds and breeze
filled with promise and intent
that spring will come
that her poem will be written in
summer skies once again
for Robyn C.
mark john junor Dec 2013
his unwashed clothes retain
their vibrant colours
'neath the streaks of dirt
he stands facing the rising sun
soaking in with rabid hunger its warm glow
pieces of sunlight through broken cloud
his fingers loose their frail grip
on his bag which tumbles to the soft earth
without a sound
it lay gathering its shadow like desperation
he utters a soft sweet single thought
into the breaking sunlight
heal that which you have left broken far too long
he cannot know if the silence greeting
his words is a denial or affirmation
bear the unbearable
speaking to the wind
he awaits answer
heal that which you have left broken for far too long
even the lowest creature
from time to time must shine
within the graces of
she walks up to him quietly as to not disturb
and begins to sing in a voice soft and low as whispered wind
to sooth his heart upon his sleeve wounded appearance
she had never seen one so close at hand
and studied his form and nature with care to detail
caressing the nature of what she beheld with her clear mind
this is the grace
this is the secret knowledge from ancient text
invisible incantation of old lore
this is the grace he seeks
heal that which...
mark john junor Sep 2013
the hand speaks with pen
the eyes speak with phrase of subliminal gesture
the soul speaks with
a power that defies mere words
a million years of a
art and written word
and we have not expressed

breath the solid logic
of your every day existence
see how your every step forward
is more than mere meat hitting the floor
breath the liquid nature of your mind
thoughts are malleable
but the mind can be broken
think on that kiddo
fore you drop the steel

make love to the rationalization
of your premise
you live to sense joys
but you spend your days seeking pieces of green paper
and approval of people you barley know
or stay there in the darkness
mark john junor May 2014
the wine had been spilled
its red stained the floorboards
its tattered remains hung on the air
a stale scent of wasted wines
and the echoes of a lovers spat
shouts in the sultry tropical night
and two sets of footprints leaving the concrete into the sand
two sets to the shore

the book turned face down
some french novelist from some ages ago
his light phrase danced upon the ear with pleasing turns
his notions gave her pause in the humid day
pat dry the damp on her brow
as the rich tones reached deeper than
some romantic notion and ****** song of the eye
some deep and dire need answered
by his romantic words
and the touch of her perfumed hand
on the door **** of the hearts secrets places
just that light touch is all
after all its a long day in the tropical sun
and theres the cooking to be done

i asked of her
if she would have loved me if she had known me
if we had been children together
if she could have cared for me
when i lived a dark man
in a dark place
she said but of course
she said that we shall be as children here in our ages
and i would have brought you light in that dark place
as i shall love thee just as dearly
you are the grapes of my wine
i am drunk on your taste in my soul

two sets of prints lead out to the shore
came together out in the wash of moonlight
on sandy shore
and lay as one in the forgiving light
and lay as one in the night
like spilled wine
intoxicating the soul
mark john junor Oct 2013
his loudspeaker thinking
shot through my eye
as he passes me in the crowded room
its over-speed thought process painted on his sweating face
he fingers loudly the moist pages of his life
wishing to replay the better moments
but just like everyone else
cant relive the moment
but you can live in
the pain of its regret for the rest of your life
if that's what you want
he's a follower of the herd
he sits with with them
and pantomimes their moves with precision

she sits in the exact centre
of the same corner each day
making notes of the coming and goings
and draws the faces
the funny faces
spiral notebooks full of faces
her glasses held together with scotch tape
her mind held together with
reruns of nineteen seventies sitcoms
and heavy medications
she is lonely but will never admit it
she watches him
and wonders

at the days end
she convinces him to walk her home
and together
they set out hand in hand
the sky and world around them a tourist picture perfect whitewash
he fingers her medicated mind
prying out the soft meat
looking for the dark stuff that tastes
like chicken
her misfire engines let him get only so deep
before her childhood memories
of a beautiful blue dress
and a apple pie brings enough
reality to his palate to end his fascination

they will end up married
because being misfit is better than
being alone
mark john junor Apr 2013
these hours are split
laughter in a circumstance shelter from the rain
with two strangers and the inner hungers
that brought them to this place
both would deny
but both look to me testing the waters
and the waiting for the silence to be breached
i lay back in the shadows
breathing the gaps between words
looking for scents of trouble or profit
ill-will or devious plot
dopegame logic would have me leap
but trust your gut is singing loud and clear
i make hot feet for a safer trail
this is not where i wanted this poem to go
but here it is
on my spoon cooking up
a jumble of words boiling away the impurity's
dawn is here and time i must be going
mark john junor Jan 2014
shuffled into the hallway
the laughing ignorance
stews in its bathrobe and cigar
at the edge of its own manicured lawn
with a pale eye it it calculates
with a thin cold lip it ponders
he makes his lazy way to his bed among the spilled leaves
makes his way to the comforts of eyes closed visions

the laughing ignorance proverbial
fool in ragged cloth dancing a jig
on a spring moon's grave
flowers in hand and wreaths of holly adorning
his head like a crown of soft thorns
his skilful laugh echoes across the barren field
littered with the passing of days
strewn with the formulations of nights bitter embrace
no mere words can delay or
mislead the way that darkness creeps into the mind
when alone with its own devices

done with his jig
he sits on the springs moons grave
and sips at the christmas wine
savoring its crisp life on his tongue
the laughing ignorance still wearing
the dancing fools leather shoe
is a hobbled prisoner of his laughing jest
no other time or place has room for his kind
for his pantomime of long lost victory's
on beachheads of distant sandy shore

his rancid eye calculates me
in all my rumoured mistakes
and he speaks to that dream not to me
so i will leave him here
standing in manicured existence
of his own sour pain
the fall will find him sleeping sweetly
on the spring moon's grave
and it will renew him
leaves swirling down as the world steals the crown
of the tree above
he will be a young man once again
renewed by the promise of maidens dancing
and the dance of winterlight on snowbound fields
mark john junor Oct 2013
the room slowly drains of sound
its stained walls are written
with colors of forgetting
undefined the light slips away
but other parts leak its slow invasion
thru the gaps in the window
the shattered glass is a harsh breeze
that narrowly projects itself into my head
the grunting pile of flesh in the corner
made up of shattered lives
moves slowly through the paces of leaving
getting dressed
getting the purse together
getting the mirrors reflections
and stealing them away into deep pockets
they bleed there
leaving her jeans wet in the solid florescent flicker
she is in the hall
spilled out onto the hard tiles
i go out there and rescue
small things that escape her clutches
pulling her back into the room
seeking her plunder
unleash her on the empty drawers
scrape scrape scrape
she re-enters the room
and begins to circle and hover
over when she believes the wallet to be
its a repeating process
that scrapes you down till
your ready to never open the door
to her again
stained as the walls
she is a decoration
mark john junor Feb 2014
she turned to me with an
ocean of sadnesses in her voice
a girls wish for simple truths without the tangle of tears
i tell her i would tear the universe apart
if it would stop a single tear from staining her eyes
the rough touch of her coat worries me but it keeps her warm
and i could hope for little more on the wider world
her spoken thought with such hurried courage
it holds more courage than i
and while she stands looking back at me i know
she turned in her leaving by her unfinished heart and its fears
she turned in her leaving by the things she wished say
asking of me what my mind held for her
i tell her that i am a product of my world
that i would not leave her if she were with child
that i would lean into the living to provide
that i would love her and no other
she cannot answer
and i am left in a falling rain
with just a image of her looking at me
with such meanings
that every moment i see a different world in the eyes
of the one i have loved
every moment see new lifetimes in her sweet eyes
with such meanings abound in the sunlight that
she represents breaking free of the grey of the world
i would give anything to stop a single tear from staining her perfect eyes
The long hours slip by
weariness clings to me
thoughts become frayed
like a flag that whips in a cold wind
you can feel it snapping on the winds-cutting edge
that sound...that feeling consumes me

Will I meet my end shredded by all
I have withstood
will the strength to endure
be my undoing
by resisting I can no longer resist

Like a soldier I stand fast my ground
Like an apostle of night
I strip and kneel at the alter
hoping not to be called upon to rise
hoping not to know
all I fear to know

Fear and Doubt
are the Twin Gods
who fight within every man's soul
the rack and ruin of their battle
lay wasteland to a man's vision
of what is and what could be

Hold that line
Stand Fast that hope
Let the symbol of your heart stand against the wind
mark john junor Dec 2014
she has stars for eyebrows
her phonetic smile says so much more
tightly wrapped in the grey gaunt gauze of daylight
eyes still closed
i wait arms breadth away for her...
to breath
to open
while mind touches upon her journey
while pieces parts of her epiphany are spoon fed
like chocolate grace into my feasting and willing heart
i am the succulent afterword
to her speech now uttered in its completion
...with its grand street ballroom
upon which we
all in our time of giddy laughter
need to dance like royalty or fools
...with its back alley rainwater
that washes away all those terrible yesterdays
i am the sweat mongerer who waits
for her sleeping to be roused...
transcendental she sleeps
with a soft drink
while i nourish
in the folds of her slumbering dreams
mark john junor Jun 2015
she gets nervous when a steady rain breaks out
he eyes jet across the grey sky
as her fingers grip a stranglehold on her
lace dreams
the rain cools the summer day
releasing its wet magics
to pool in the shallows
quiet in her revere she mumbles madness at the
sharp edge of afternoon
forlorn she wails in silent apocalypse
at the torn things that could have been
at the tattered flag of empire
which she grew up believing in
her sorrow knows no bounds
as her kinship to the trespassing moon knows no love
she will wait out the rain
hoping to heal
but knowing that only time passes
all else waits to be resolved in the crucible of dreams
the rain begins to ease
its liquid sound kissing the ear
as she moves into the remains of sunlight
she will survive
and so will her tears
mark john junor Jul 2014
aware of the hard tangle
i decided id better be off just cutting losses
picked up what she had left of me
what the vultures hadn't picked clean
and walked into the forevermore
but it felt good to have nothing left to steal
nobody questions your deal

found myself a stranger in a strange land
and nothing but a humble song to guide
nothing but the smile to provide
learn yourself the difference real quick
tween what you got and the next friendly face
and how long the two last
gone like a sparkle in the sun
but it felt good to have nothing left to steal
nobody questions your deal

gonna write me a new song to sing
one that wont lead me into the darker thinkin
one that speaks to the real road ya gotta travel
one that has lovers with loves to share
and all thouse who care
cause the real treasure is the smile uncovered
in the hands of a soul who really wants to know your name
i got nothing left of the old me
but it feels good to have nothing left to steal
nobody gonna question my deal
mark john junor Apr 2016
she set a polish to the brass pipes
with a careful hand she worried them
hours like a silent moving contemplation
she worked her way from one end of
the massive machine to the other
knowing every rivet
every dent and scratch
the hot steam leaving a sheen of sweat on her
the machines labored breathing filled her ears
alive to her she spoke to it
in a loving soft whisper
she felt the gauges and levers
with the familiarity of mother and child
knew its every creak and groan
with the heart of unconditional loving care
a steam engine is a living thing
a breathing feeling entity
a life of brass for bone
coal fire for a heart
it loved her as much as she loved it
mark john junor Apr 2013
pull the blanket closer
and stare unseeing into the flames dance
hope that shadows pass
hope that just desserts are served up elsewhere
dance with a practiced aire
out the way out the steam train
rollin like thunder
down to the gates of hell
but you got caught up by a celebrating hand
and its the eternity in flames
its the barrows of cold
that your bound

pull the blanket closer
cant find warmth in the words
that fill this page with gallows image
that fill your heart with cruel memory
and you look to the east
but no dawn ever approaches this desolate place
no hope will rescue you
no lover to find you this time
no warm soul to share with
the hours

and its on this
steam train rollin like thunder
to the gates of hell
that i find you sittin
waiting for judgement
dealing out a hand of cards
its aces and eights'
and a blade
that im gonna rob ya of everything you
ever took from me
im your special place in the fiery hell
thats your punishment
to meet me here and be beaten by me
mark john junor Dec 2014
she smells like perfumed soaps and spraypaints
i want parts of her reality in unnatural ways
steely-eyed bunny wabbits couldn't be more bold
as she is traipsing round the backstreets at a quarter to three
with a dogeared copy of catcher in the rye
just wants to be heard
just wants somebody to know how it feels
she writes it all out longhand on college ruled paper
a diary of an unkempt heart
her youthful rebel head filled with strong dreams
gonna make a difference
gonna get heard
so she stuffs all her worldly possessions
into a beat up backpack
long with bus fare and snacks
gonna find us some steely eyed bunny wabbits
and wrestle bright futures and rainy days from them
gonna get our fare share
this is why she is special to me
as she chases butterfly's in army boots
as she the navigates lovely night
(reference to: "the catcher in the rye" 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger)
mark john junor Jan 2014
its a daily bread
wolf it down with your daily grin and bear it softdrink
talk out the night till  you are a sleepyhead
and you mix and match your yawns with frowns
you carve it all out in your journal
little doodles illustrate the page
stick figure men battle
stick figure women try to look ****
and the bird flys free on a paper sky
the bird flys free
like the hopes that this will someway be you
in some incarnation of your
ever changing life spectacle
your ever changing detox from her poison pen tongue
be a bird who flys free on a paper sky
high above the noisesome stickmen
and such dire devils of nervous hands
twitch and fumble through compulsive motions
draw to keep the hand from being idle
draw to keep the mind flowing
and the bird breaks free
of the paper sky
and floats free in a realistic appearing world
in your sleepyhead dreams
paper birds deserve to be free too
just like you and i
mark john junor Nov 2013
i lay down to rest
after the long toils of the day
and as i slipped into slumber
a ray of sunlight did touch me
and within it i did perceive
a great host of marching souls
a vast column of men in ordered lines
and the cost i knew would be wrought upon them
the price of the free
the young and the old
the brave and thouse who's stout heart
the battlefield robbed them of life
looked into their eyes
saw there my brother father friend
saw the strong and the good brave men
marching off to defend hearth and home
and as this great host passed by
with a thundering din
of marching feet
i did stand with my head bowed
and tears streaming for the young who will
be entombed in the ranks of graves of the fallen
and for thouse who came back with their lives but
never to be whole in limb or mind again
for all of us
that such a terrible price must be lain
at the alter of freedom
lest we fall to the hand of tyrants
lest we fall to the hands of the
lesser men who create greater evils
we can only hope and pray that our path
has not lead us astray
that this precious blood was not spilled for naught
that freedom has been defended
from a terrible fate
((dedicated: for the men of both army's at the battle of st. john's bluff,  october 1st through 3rd 1862 between union and confederate forces in duval county florida...and for all the brave men and women of america's armed forces who have with stout hearts lain their lives on the alter of freedom.))
((corrected mistakes))
mark john junor Jun 2015
there are monsters out there
see them on tv
people killing people
people doing unspeakable things
and they make entertainment shows
with the stories of human monsters and the terrible things they do
make epic movies about it
maybe there would be less monsters in our world
if we didn't celebrate them
if we didn't have ten shows on television about killing
if there weren't all this glorification of death
maybe we should celebrate saving lives instead of taking them
find a way to celebrate beauty not death
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