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mark john junor Feb 2014
the nature of this night
spreads its thin harvest upon my table
a gruel and water porridge feast
with the fanfares of her jaundiced hand
many more lined up with eager grin
for the warmth of paupers kinship
thin blanket wrapped round our shoulders
snow gathers at feet
she captures the moment on paper
the image of all of us gathered like when we were young

the grandiose illustration
with its brilliant colour fanfare with
jugglers and wine swilling laughing men blinded by drink
chorus line of female dancers who wear costumes of the hundred years war
lead the assault on the last bastions of the ignorance of bliss
all descrying that we can ill afford to be sleeping
while empires are built in our namesake
the so daintily shod soldiers whos feminine wiles misunderstood
have taken over the dancehall beneath us
and have taken up song
the grandiose illustration
caught by her pen on sketch pad
has leanings to the Marxist revolutions
and philosophys of the rhetorical
but in the end we join them and
drink the port sing the song

a thousand years of tales to be told
in the eyes of a single girls sweet thoughts
epic landscapes filled with noble men and storybook girls
the grandiose illustration
shows the two of us on the beach
with the sun racing down to touch the high towers of miami
and fill the laughing joys of thouse who toss and
tumble in the breaking waves
the nature of this night
in one small corner of the illustration
a simple window with the shade drawn
that says goodnight
mark john junor Nov 2013
the distance runner
pockmarked by moral delemias
and riddled with horrible christmas thoughts
gasps for clean air by the dust laden causeway
a sewer pipe lets loose nearby
and in the summer night air
the soft sound of its water
eats at the mind
with its worm infested intents
he gathers such little strength and lurches forward
at uneven gait
his eyes wide in seeking
fortunes of night like the safe
beauty of streetlight
but only the graffiti laden concrete of the rivers road
greet his every wary footfall
the unutterable language of its scrawled messages
baffle his mind
something deep inside his ***** speaks to of
loose girls chewing bubble gum
and talking in mystical rhymes
seeking their own absolution in the comfort of
someone's arms
after a immeasurable distance he slows to a crawl
and falls to his beaten knees
he must pause this headlong flight
must face the  delemia of surrendering
give up to win
his rubber mouth repeals only the
best of his words
their soft blow to the iron grip of madness
is little more than whetting the whistler's  thirst for strife
so he tries to hold back his tongues footloose gambit
but failing he simply watches his words tumble misspent
to the dusty ground
mark john junor Oct 2013
the traceable lines that
lead me here
pattern the sky
above the remains of a streetlight
its bent frame
shattered glass
cannot detract from its
deep and careful meanings
it speaks in its silent decay
of nights when teenagers stopped
beneath its orange glow
and kissed goodnight
before curfew
forced them home
it used to give a pool of light
that would be safe and warm
it feels like a home
mark john junor May 2013
this desperate fleeing will come to naught
these poems the last mutterings of madness
the last paper to take flight in the cold black and white photograph of morning
her smile dripped with fetish
but the strong fingers of her words
worked at the lid of my mind
prying lose the harbored fears
and delving into the sweet meat

her own self portrait
is languid and driven with heat
curved back with intonations of lust
but benith its lurid covers
one percives the desperate clawing fingers
and ever hungered never sated eyes

my own photograph
lay out on the floor
stained with age
and torn along the edges
but benith its neat posed glib humor
one percives the
small room ages ago
where hope still endured
that room now vacant

i go
probably to my demise
a last black and white photograph
cast careless from the aperture
of a childhood's camera

everything we thought we'd be
never amounted to enough
everything i though she would be
was just as barren
as my lurid dreams
mark john junor May 2013
dark carnival of night lures me
its woman lay spread with stained fingers
her smile wide but vacant
her thoughts far away
from the words that escape her tainted lips
they are free to roam happy places
while her body becomes a temple
to sublime brackish waters toil
to dark things that never leave

this hour is marked with
drawn shades
but is it so far from the homes i dwelt in before
fear always at the door
incessant knocking pleading to be let in
hope never answering its phone
the endless busy elsewhere signal
the hunger of a heart
that has never even tasted another's wine
that has never known the depth of warm bliss

empty hours
waiting lights off
breath held by the window
peering out the edge
at the empty dark street below
for the call of a voice that would have saved
for a face that would have been
but never was
mine to love

i have been up and down this road
know its every misplaced stone
know its very shadows
and i have begun to perceive there
is no escape
there is no dawn coming
there is no escape
mark john junor Jun 2013
obscenity isnt always
in the words written or images sketched
but sometimes in the hearts and minds of
thouse you look within for it least

sometimes the images
overwhelm the idea within them with their simple verse
and he must hurry behind and clean like a proper butler
dusting and polishing to meet the standard
making a home for the love felt
a true home for the misbegotten

but these come thundering out of the dust and noise
hard and swift on massive waves of
untamed emotion
like the sudden shout of peril of the last watchman standing
knowing his warning falls to deaf ears
but he must fulfill his destiny and creed
to be the only one who could have stayed the downfall

but within the sweet reprise of finding
is the void and capitulation
as if the celluloid heroine
steps gently from the screen to the empty room
your weeping occupy's
to comfort as only true royalty of worth can
as only dignity's angel can

you are left with your own cage of
your own doubting thoughts and tread-worn dreams
while she journeys onward with her own
on a cold mist strewn road
far to the north
in some unforgiving land of harlots and liars

the end of this night approaches
bearing its regrets
gently in its arms like comfort and peace of mind
can be purchased with well wishes
and happy thoughts

the last solider limps slowly away from the battlements
wailing his souls song of friends fallen
and blood that never should have been spilled
over such foolish proposition
as words spoken are equal to those written
as such an expensive toll should be paid for some rich mans pocket
overflowing and wasted
mark john junor Mar 2022
lesser forms of sunshine
each a design dreamt long ago
each a blissful madness of joy
they invade the room through the open window
while the shadow of a man recites "Hamlet"
in a cold gravel voice
a prince born of such a bold pen
such a tale forever told yet again

"Hamlet" reaches the end of his nonsense verse
no tragedy of princes can tell the whole tale
there is always the love so long restrained
that bursts all the inhibitions and makes
the world all about her

a prince born of such a bold pen
such a tale forever told yet again
penned by figures clouded in mysteries created
a name that is known to every house and citadel
speaking to a world he never could imagine
all these centuries later
his words still stir
* William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602. Wikipedia
mark john junor Sep 2013
it was a dark night
when suffer and his baby brother set out
to make a few bucks at some kinda quick
somthin or other
like a thousand times before
down easy on the farm
always been that way
just gotta figure the way to cut
the bean close to the fat
an squeeze the soil for the pound
and its always
owing someone
owing everybody
cause the ends never have met
an never will
but a shotgun brought it close a time or two
so suffer believes he will take it on with tonight
see if he can straighten out what never been right
it was a dark night
slow and easy in the town
like it always has been
everybody knows everybody's name
and everybody's game
so it wasn't much of a surprise
to find suffer and his big baby brother
walk on into the five and dime
pullin out guns and robbing the register
and old man jenkins pulled his six shooter
and put five of em baby brother
one in suffer's leg
he promptly fell to wailing
his baby brother was gone
now hes gonna face the 'lectric chair
all on his lonesome
all on his lonesome
cause he was named to suffer and that's what hes gonna do
gonna burn in that ole time hell
like they got there in the good book
yea gonna ride the lighting
cause suffer been a loose cannon too long
and they don't like that
in this slow down an easy do it town
so he's gotta pay
always been that way
the ends never meet and never will
but no matter you
go to the good lord
with apologies in hand
dressed in your sunday best
like a good boy
finally suffer your gonna be a good boy
pushin daisy's in a summer sun
pushin till the lord calls you on home
for humbolt and his kid brother...friends of mine from long ago and far away..."dont pass out here  kid, they will steal your pants." so true that kiddo, so true :-) humbolt and his baby brother both pushin daisy's...come to a no good end like they always said he would. he was a friend of mine, and a good kid.
mark john junor Sep 2013
the breeze holds forgiveness
it holds childhood happiness
that had me chasing dragonflies in a summer sun
it holds every lover i held hands with
and all the giving loving conversations
we shared in warm afternoon light
the breeze holds hope devotion and desire
all in its easy soft embrace
that gentle summer breeze
iv spent lifetimes there
with people so precious to me
that even this little thing we once shared
is love to me
summer breeze
mark john junor Dec 2013
light as warm wind
she lay a single kiss
like an offering to some lost goddess
of love and fertility
like a prayer that her years were not spent
that she could still be loved
i took her then and there
strong in my passions for her
strong in my desire and loves for her
she tells me i am her shield
but she is my soul
i sink my pen into the heart of this thing
but try as i may i cannot begin
no words contain
i see more in her every day
and marvel at beauties in her
that beguile and ****** my senses
i want her
i love her
the rain has swept past us
and she curls up against me for warmth
and i become drunk with her nearness
there in the deep of the evening
when she looks up into my eyes
and i see how long her road has been
and how much it means to her
to have a man who is more than
just a fleeting whisper
just the proverbial ship passing in the night
i see in her
what she sees in me
true lover
mark john junor Jan 2014
from the cool recesses
of the dark house
came her soft words
as she sought out some rational
meaning to endless day
as she sought some way to capture the world for her own uses
to shield her from the harshness of the unfiltered sun

the world outside the house flows
but inside the stillness of inky shadow
leaves one creeping across the carpet
disturbing the dust in the shafts of light
watching it swirl in the whims of breeze
so finally you come to rest at the edge of light
and mesmerized you loose yourself in the expressions
the day makes out of the small spaces
between your every moment

this shaft of light near me moves and
falls to the floor in neat lines along
the bright surface of cream tiles
like a face revealed one empire sad eye at a time
as day shifts so dose the light
it slowly walks to the walls frozen clock
its silent face dusty with regrets
and strolls finally from golden sunset to
the distant cry of night
leaving us still in the silent room
with the images of majestic time
and feelings warm with passing smiles

she once again calls out
from the cool recesses of the house
pleading that day be returned to her
she was cheated of her share of its warm light
and now desires it with a lazy lust
she wishes to sip its cool wine
she wishes to adore its colourful dawn
and its heavy air before thunderstorm

i await the dawn
so i can retreat from this theatre
of the incarnate dream
so i can breath again of the summer like air
so i can forgiven again
so i can be young again
in a shaft of sunlight
beneath the summer trees
mark john junor Sep 2014
summers end is here
greet the drowsy break of day
with your brightest smiles
greet the sunshine with the love
it brings out in your heart
its lovely here neath shady tree
sit here with me
taste the beautiful breeze
that carries carnival wonders of summers day
that carries the promise of beautiful tomorrows everyday
come with me and lets go dance in the sun
let me live in that smile your bring
let us both live in summer's fast day
summers end is here
want to spend it with you
my dear one
mark john junor Jan 2016
immortal in my heart
are the moments with her in my embrace
lost myself in her tender loves
her unspoiled gaze is the home iv sought
all my life
the warm seasons of my heart
belong to her
like two summer suns together we live as one
forever in the beautiful illusions
of summers everlasting days
and deep pure nights
as one we live
as one we breath
this eternal love
this gift sweet and dear
mark john junor Dec 2013
circular pathways
but some grinning thief
has made off with every aspect
of direction he could pry
off the roadsings
so the soft hand normal Joe's
all just pile up in a corner looking worriedly
at the passing crowds
hoping to catch some mental relief
for their moral delemias
and tickets to ride the soft ride
they are the nine to five crowd
and its hard for them to digest all
this street kid lingo
all this dark of night dumpster dive

she squats in the road to pass gas
and pick her own pocket for its
semblance of change
the hover kings stand round and
keep a wary eye on her proceedings
after all its only natural
they are depending on her for cash flow
but all she has managed so far is to
get tears flowing
she thouse one of thouse break
your hearts over and over kind of faces
she rescues the normal Joe's sends em on their way

the sunbelt in winter
and after all the barnburners
have packed up their stainless steel plastic wear
and formed a caravan of semi's headed ever south
into the industrial lights of miami night
it comes down to people like her
and her very human open hearted approach
to make this day worth living through
its her rough but realistic hopes
that make this day worth believing
changed title
mark john junor Nov 2013
the hard face
sunburned remnants of a man
allways loudspeaker for his intent
announces to the empty room
of his arrival
his field of landmines eyes
wander the crowd in the empty chairs
looking for the face
that will conquer or capitulate
looking for the ever present weak link

most days you can find her
in some park feeding ducks
some real some not so much
dont really make much difference these days
most days you find a smile in her heart
all of em real but not always so quick
most days nothing changes
but sometimes everythings gotta go
and she got no fear putting it on the line

he walked the carpet hall
with the framed pictures of three piece suits
and the victories they had over the outside the line desperado's
sunburnt remnants of a man
he walks with his shadow upright hand in hand
he walks in the darkness of the bright sun
looking for a face in the crowed emptyness
looking for someone that will conquer or capitulate
hes looking for her
but shes looking for you
cause she loves you
and the kitten you carry on your shoulder

most nights shes on the hood of her plymouth
drawing pictures in the dust of the road
sketching echoes out of the nights song
most nights shes driving a backroad with rockabilly
smoking her speakers
most nights you can find her in your arms
but not tonight
not this rainswept night

where we goin
why should this kind of thing happen
why take from someone never done you wrong
why do such things
is it any wonder you never see my face no more
is it any wonder im far away
most of the time
most days im ok...sometimes miss you more than even i can describe
mark john junor Sep 2014
hot sun creepin long
be hours for cool evening comes
so we got to hang on for just a little longer
we just gotta *** down this mountain side
just gotta forge the steel
just gotta make it one more day
little further is all i can say
blind to all but the road its hard to tell
little further is all i can say

that night we rested in the lea of a shade tree
cookfire making shadows leap and play
while his soft song breached the stars and river too
so strong a soul hard to believe anything could lay him low
that night saw the truth of the man
had so much to give
but had no love in his life
had no destinations
pity thouse who live without love
thouse who live without hope
that night i saw the truth of the man
a good man who life had cheated

when dawn stirred me
found him cold in his blankets
he had passed away in the lonely night
so i buried him there by the beautiful river
there by the lovely gardens
found no beauty in life but i hope
he finds it in the everafter
saw the truth of the man
a good man who should have had
but had been denied
so i buried him like a king
in the beautiful gardens
by the peaceful river
mark john junor Jun 2014
the folded man
sat creasing the edges of his wallet sized heart
and stared off into the romantic night
full of lovers embracing
and others who silently wished for a hand to hold

he waited for her soft footsteps
but she just sat in her bedroom mirror brushing her hair
thinking of some boy from long ago
sundown was just that kind of girl
trade your temptations today for the empty promise of yesterday
she will stay here another season
maybe he will pass this way
maybe the storm clouds gathering will go away

the harlots all dance with unacquainted tenderness
not all embraces are done with joy
call it a sundown's choice cause its a bad one
and the gambler brushes dust off his neat appearances
each detail of his solitude lie must be cared for
lest it crumble and expose hes just a green kid
from illinois
we all put the best face we can
some just take it too far

she went to the picture show
and looked for familiar faces in the crowded hall
but the folded man had already slipped away
with one of the harlots
who will make a pretty bride someday
everybody gets a second chance
they just may not want it once they get it

she brushed the ashes from her clothes
they fell like thin snowfall on spring day
a last taste of winters hand
out of the burnt shell of the dancehall at dawn we came
the thick smoke splayed out on the thin wind
wound its way past catching the dust and
making the sunlight a dull brown
she looked at me with tears for eyes
asked me to take her from this place
everybody gets a second chance
they just may not want it once they get it
(her name, what the hell was her name...something childish like tranquility)
mark john junor Jul 2014
if i sit perfectly still
if i hold my breath
i can almost picture you here
my heart captivated
but nothing compares
like being next to you
in all the sublime scents tastes sounds feelings that
that flood my senses when your here
you are an ocean of existence i swim
that place where the heart blooms like springtime's kiss
you are light as air
filled with flowers and sunshine
your summers joys and sweet romances
you are timeless
from the moment i set eyes on you time ceases
like deep winters night safe in the arms of love
you are a woman
the only woman that has ever been
will ever be
you are....perfect
if i sit perfectly still
if i hold my breath
and close my eyes
i can feel you
and you feel like sunlight
mark john junor May 2013
let me into the stream of humanity's mumblings
this emotion thick on my face
my words live
fill the pages
yet i remain an empty vessel
a  winterbound torn down dark amusents
of self sabotage
strife and the wonderful treasures

the sweat pours
like an announcement of desperation
breathing in gasps
it would ease my sorrows
it would ease my soul
weary of the day
lets gather our wits about us
to make safe passage thru the
oncoming silence of darkness

your odd socks gather in the corner
along with half a dress
and a broken stroller
the child sleeps silently

headphones clears
battered noise
fire ignights
the long years unwind before me like a grand sketch
subtle and deep with mystery
unfinished portraits of long forgotten friends
surge forth like a strong breeze
and catch my sails
carry me forth into distant times
where something was shared
and a face comes clear...a place
lenny...the yard..
September nineteen seventy six...
a young striving for mastery...but it was because of....
but the sea is an unforgiving lady
and before i can see
what lay there
the memory fades
mark john junor Apr 2014
the pale glass window
dusty with the passing days
reflects a shard of the sun's dust devils
and all i could hear was the small sounds
that creatures of the darkness made
as they thirsted

i walked in the grey dust
and the bitter taste of the miles of desert
was in my mind like tears
i walked on because i knew not what else to do
because the wind shifted the leaves
was it not faith in a madman's way
would it not suffice with the kindness of...
the wind shifted the leaves

the midnight flame flickers in the echoes of the cold winds
while i etched the papers ivory face with
all that which such as i could devise
and as i slipped into a fitful dream
the miles swept me onward
into the darkness
into the dark dreams that live there

the pale glass window
dusty with the passing days
reflects a shard of the sun's dust devils
and in that brief light
i saw a face
against the grand design
against the backdrop of years
but the dust swallowed it
like all my other dreams
and the dust devils are all that remain
my only companions
in the darkness
mark john junor Nov 2013
slip into spectacular visions
of the wonders the world has shown me
sunsets on the open sea
sunrise on the vast silence of desert
slip into the hearts song
hear the universes true vision
finally see what i have spent
a life's age seeking
I see it in your eyes my love
iv sailed seas
walked deserts
climbed mountains
travelled my share of road
I'm home at last in your arms
I'm home at last in your heart
lay with me lover
let me swim in your mind
run in your heart
fly in your soul
mark john junor Dec 2013
the penmanship of her soul
is slanted
and focused on yesterday's sunlight as it fell
through dusty glass to land
in warm silence on the burnished wood
and teacup
the aroma of mint tea
mixed with the subtlest tastes of her perfumed
soft skin
the penmanship of her soul
is slanted
flows over the page of her day
like silk on sandpaper
but her smile endures
even as she decays into the sand
which created her
she writes her thought
on the sunsoaked sky
and that ideal
is one of warm loves
i wait for the time to pass
and somthing to be revealed
but time is a twisted path
and shows nothing of its passing
except the turn of day to night
and so as i fall to sleep
i read between the lines
of the smile in her eyes
and reach for her hand...
mark john junor May 2013
it was the picture perfect
image of summer
sunlight slanted in thru filthy window

the air was heavy with
an approaching thunderstorm
a distant lawnmower roared to life
the slow breathing of a suntanned beauty
soaking in her rays

the thunderstorm arrived
the wind was swift and with a rush of thoughts
i delved into suntanned beauty
and she into me  
early morning
the rain ended
suntanned beauty had a name
but in the years it has faded from me
like her face
but i still care for her

It felt like late summer and as the sun set i thought id be there forever
her scent lingered on the humid air
but she was gone
like me
never to return to our homes

and as the evening dying rays touch the
faded words on the gravestone
the thought behind them comes to life as i never could
nature study woods.
edit: three lines added at the end.
mark john junor Sep 2014
greyhound station
quarter to three am
in the rain
she is sitting on the bags
playing a vampire movie on the kindle
the screen lights her up
as she leans in close for the big wedding scene
run my hand along her dreadlocks
stopping to eye a new bead
thats her...a new little treasure for my heart each day

she leans on my shoulder as we
sit in the very back of the bus
bare to the warm night air
while dave matthew's sings to us
a little ditty from his long ago
has such a style don't he
she whispers a kiss onto my cheek
slips into dreamin

miles run past breathlessly
just an ebb and flow of u-gas and jiffy ****
just a parade of kids playing by an endless river
right outside this dim window
shes sleepin softly
i'm so awake to how i feel
to how much she means to me

where ya going mister
where ya headed
i point ..."thata way to the bright future"
so full of promise
so full of joys
with her at my side i can do anything
with her i am superman
mark john junor Jan 2017
the polished hand of admirers heralding a new poem
they have come so often to rub their eyes on your ink-stained page
leaving behind papercuts of emotion with which they grieve
for the words you spread on their sweaty palms
the polished hand of admirers...
wet with anticipation of the latest beachside laughing clown
he is a walking breathing cataclysm written for her comforts
written in adoration's delight and true loves of her tender hand
she lay in amongst your pages on the bedspread
like a spilled wine **** to the tongue of sensibility
like a spilled wine that intoxicates and leaves
watch her swaying hips fade away into darkness
she will bounce and glide on another man's stripper pole
if you fail to call her back...
the polished hand of admirers heralding your waking thought
muted cheers as your pen makes wicked strokes on empty page
like a dancing blade carving your wooden words
till they sing like beauties breath on cold still air
till she is your warmth wrapped so delicately in your twisted bedsheets
she mutters a cough as she puts flame to cigarette
and smiles at your attentions
she is a living poem
that you write ink and page
the polished hand of admirers will never see
how pure simple ***** girl is so intoxicating
how lush and enticing her gyrating beneath you really is
the polished hand of admirers like you go to bed and sleep
while your dreams are of her dancing swift and sweet
theirs are the dreams of pens cutting on page
like a dancing blade carving wooden words

© 2016 mark john junor all rights reserved
mark john junor May 2014
i love that sound
a wind walks by and stirs the trees
that rushing breathing sound
the leaves make as the branches are swayed in the wind
i love the many voices of daylight
a lawnmower and childrens laughter
birds chattering
a small plane boiling overhead
pulling a sign for some event
i love the sound of summer

i love its taste
ice cold soda when your sitting on hot pavement
the texture of a overcooked hotdog at a ballpark
i love the taste of
your lips while you are sunbathing
sweat and sunscreen are an ****** mix
i love how summer tastes to my mind
it feels young
it tastes free

i reach up with incredible grace
****** the contrail from that jetliner far overhead
and tie it into a ribbon for your hair
there you go my lovely
you are a young french princess of the world
i love your taste most of all
you taste like love to me
mark john junor Oct 2014
shes as beautiful as sweetest sin
wicked as any girl has ever been
***** girl with the naughty naughty nightie
mark john junor Oct 2017
the horse racing to greet dawn
coated in sweat cold winter night
chases his riders desperation into the pathless night
chases his kindred's dream
to fly across the trackless predawn light
to be swifter than the wind
to be as effortless as the burning sun
to be as fast as dreams

pushing himself
he knows his rider must flee
knows the men with knives give chase
know he will perish with this rider
if he does not reach the dawn before them
if he does not ****** destiny from them that chase
pushing harder and harder
mile and another mile, another mile

his thoughts are for the lazy pasture
that he calls home
for the dance of sun and hooves
the cool cool water on a hot day
the sweet taste of fresh oat and meal
his mare beside him
the colt they had borne
his warm home so many miles behind

now he races along the
breaking edge of dawn
each stride his weariness ties to master him
yet his riders desperation pushes him onward
now he races against his mortal endurance
now he races against his dying breath

the men with knives seem immortal
they draw ever closer
the danger of them grasps at his every stride
the horror of them breaths on his tail
now he races against his mortal endurance

beyond any thought but to flee
as the dawn breaks, he slips into darkness
stumbling he fights his way forward
fighting to take another stride
rider and fear forgotten now
as he falls to the cold earth
but his spirit runs faster than wind
but his spirt swifter than dreams
his spirit free now
to a forever pasture of peace and sun
a horse will run itself to death for the love of its rider
mark john junor Jul 2014
two young lovers
spreading blanket neath the mysterious stars
lay side by side
stare up at the unfolding wonders
hand in hand
love expressed makes heartbeat faster
love expressed nourishes soul
live for that long kiss
when world melts away
when stars don't shine near as bright as she in your eyes
when your heart and life is on fire with
natural desires
there in on the edge of a sea of stars
sailing into joys you've waited a lifetime for
shes so good to you
dose things that set you afire
swim in the madness of her arms
tossing and turning wild ride
swim in the delights of her smile
tonight is all that matters
everything else is just a dream
mark john junor Jan 2015
she has tail-lights for eyes
see her leaving all the time
but you cant wait to try her on
just for a good time
till you see
there is more to that reality
no home
no warm place to go back to
she has tail-lights for eyes
see her fading away all the the time
into the darkness that is your pasts
mark john junor Aug 2013
bright colours of thoughts
feathered into the blankest eyes
they diminish along the pathway
between spoken and heard
between felt and cried outloud with a rage of tears
she corners what she feels
and wrestles with its slippery torture test
to express even a peice of its vast horrible face
even a small portion of its library of secrets
she hates it
she hates him for leaving that suitcase of fear
that closet of humid mutating hard rancid evil touching memories
she begs in a soft scared whisper in her sleep
that someone please help
all I can do is wake her
and hold her
while we both cry
she for her broken life
and me for my inadequacy to help the woman I love
mark john junor Mar 2016
sunshine and the bicycle move as one
threading a narrow path among the leaves
fast as wind light as feather
the asphalt flows underneath me
pushing me forward and further
past yet another sequence of streets
past yet another world for me to glimpse
leaving me as young as the man i used to be
filled with the promise of what i will never have
sketch the tale in my heart as the miles melt behind
fair haired and overflowing with joys unabated
that is what i could see from my seated adventure
faster and faster on my shiny machine
leaving behind the people and places of the past
looking forever for that bright future
in the palm of my hand
mark john junor Apr 2016
all things in my life
comes back to this love
comes back to this moment your hand in mine
warmth in your eyes
comes back to all the hours in
each other's arms talking lovin' dreaming
talking lovin' dreaming
so my love wont you tell me
tell me why would you worry 'bout that girl
tell me why she is even in our world
all things in my life are you
everything i know and love is you
i am sure that we have something that
nobody else will ever know
something the world will never be
i know that cause i see the way you look at me
i know how it is to be in your arms
all things in my life come back to this love
that we live everyday
so my love why would you worry about that girl
tell me why she is even in our world
in your arms talking lovin' dreaming
talking lovin' dreaming
mark john junor Sep 2013
the long day
has given itself into evening
she and i lay in eachother's arms
beneath the traces of stars
watching the lights  of passing ships in the sea
listen to the waves rock our skiff
taste the salt air in our every sense
and slowly the rest of the worlds  fades from view
to just us
as our soft talking drifts through the hours
she caresses my arm and laughs
i breath her hair and all the scents  of her womanhood
and  i feel like i could break with all the love i feel inside of me for her
like a window to all the hopes and dreams i ever had
telescopes into one moment

any moment she and her hippie girlfriends are gonna
roll in with sandwich's and green tea
for the hungry masses
and smiling they will pass the time talking
and laughin with young voices
and my neighbor catches them in watercolor
a bright flowing device and masterpiece
his old fingers dart over the canvas
and you can feel the sunlight in his images
you can hear the sweet laughter

we wander long the back street
with the open air market
they are callin out in happy voices
in the strong trade winds
and don't cha know that its so easy to forget all your troubles
and leave the whole world behind
here in the ocean breeze
here under a tropical moon
they all end up sleeping in a pile on the bed
i slept there too
one hippie chick is living on a carnival ride with lifetime
supply of cotton candy
a couple of hippie chicks
is nothing short of
well....everything you could have ever wanted
rolled up on your bed a tangle of dreadlocks arms and legs
mark john junor Jun 2013
she weaved a tapestry of notions for me
on the lower level of grand central station
it had rained that night
my jacket retained its damp warmth of summer storm
we ran down the long ramp
past the times square express
to that bench
where she sits tonight
weaving dreams
and avidly talking to friends
by the track where we used to catch the train
to that sleepy little town with the apple orchard
and blueberry farm
near hartford

we had wandered all night along the wet humid streets
and talked about everything under the sun
and a few things over it too
just holding hands and walking
laughing and whispering

i was a young man
you were a young woman
we had the world at our feet
we were everything to eachother
under the sun
and a few things over it as well

tonight she weaves a tapestry of notions for me
in the lower level of grand central
while i rock my childs crib in the bahamas
she talks to her friends
who allways are sitting just there
tho they have all long since gone
her imagination they are allways there
the notion is that no matter where you go
you will allways be loved
for my two friends in hastings-on-hudson in new york....i hope my sudden disappearing didnt disturb your plan :-)
mark john junor Dec 2013
the smell of pancakes
drifts me into dream
and in the golden sunday morning light
sketches possible futures into the wood floors deep surface
and my eye wanders that thought
as time passes slowly
the girls chat over the days events
and my mind catches edges of dresses
and the soft curve of ankle
as she barefoot's to the grass in the yard
giggling her sweet heart to the summer like december air
placing the tray of treats
just beyond the reach
and entices me to rise  from my writing
and join them in this fare
need your strength for bed baby she teases
and runs her lips along my earlobe
i turn to meet her tender kiss
and taste her strawberry's and cream
taste of her deep waters love
and know that i need search no more
that time passes slowly
but it cannot pass slow enough to hold me
in this wonderful moment
with her presence in my senses
and i regret time for this
for i know it will pass far too soon
mark john junor Jun 2014
she forgives the notion
that her photographs are images
to her they are epic tales
to her they are living creatures with lives of their own
they speak to her
worlds full of life and motion
they jump up and get personal with you
still life breathing in motion implied
a girl with dreadlocks moving against the
trees in background
you can sense her laughter
you can feel the warmth of the sunshine
taste her sweat and perfume
epic tales to be told silently to your eyes
beautiful thoughts captured still life
growing in the heart
taste of her dreadlock beauty's hand
(we have co-authored a book of poems and is currently sitting on an editors desk...has been for four months)
mark john junor Apr 2014
her maudlin ******* clad emotions
moved across her vivid motion face
she paused to fumble with the settings
but her steam engine heartstrings are
trying to re-write themselves

like a derringer she carries both smoke and fire
concealed in her compact chrome adorned form
i kiss her deeply with adoration
i kiss her with loves longings
she denies such things have realities
she says that its only the oily taste of aftersex with an unclean woman
that is real and good
i cannot wish away her versions of reality

she caged her fingers
with pewter rings in the shapes of skulls and dragons
but the real danger lay not in her blades and devices
but in the lingering i would do admiring her
so used to the vestibule of her carnal delights
i would venture no further
into the amazon jungle of her forbidden fruits
and i would forever one of her
treasured trophies in the neatly appointed sitting room
with the ticking clock and chipped fine china
with the blurry photographed crying faces
and a carpet adorned with images of plagues rampages
death is no mere stick figure
with some wicked blade
he's a carpetbagger selling cheap potions
in the twisted carnival of life

her thick tears are slow to escape her eyes
as she looks off into the oncoming night
and the face of the unbearable
her maudlin emotions vivid to me
as my hand holding hers in empathy is to her

she decorates the flawed image she sees in her mirror
and with mock flair unleashes herself
into the alleyways silence
she turns back to me and without a word
pulls delicate fingers across my cheek
in a gesture almost intimate
smiles and walks into the shadows

she is a figurine in the circus of night
a danger of delights
a mouthful of wonders and razors

she walks slowly back in
the thick grey of dawn
her step weary
her gaze downcast
i hold her in my arms trying to restore
but you cannot fix what was never whole enough
to get broken in the first place

i kiss her deeply and with gentle adorations
she looks into my eyes
and remains unseeing
this is not how love is supposed to be
mark john junor Aug 2014
the skilled craftsman
he labors pen on page in nights silence
the names and faces of his students
vividly painted to him in small ways on each page

the girl with her flourish of drawings
in the margins of her work
a bird delicately drawn to appear to be dropping
the words onto the page
in amongst her arguments that shakespeare was a charlatan...
the young man from the morning bell
who dose not write as much as he carves and hacks
his words into the dull instrument of the page
crafting it in his way to resemble the angry face he wears within

this quiet man
he learns too
from the patchwork quilt of humanity
that passes year by year through his world
some shine brightly
others faded away into obscurity's cage
see him sitting in nights silence
pen in hand
a master craftsman at his labor of love
(for my brotherman kristian...get well kid :-) ..........)
mark john junor Feb 2014
fled the sun in favour of treading moonlights path
shes become a carpet bagger of the
nights flourishing kingdoms of alleyways
and the treasured dumpsters like sodden jewels they contain

she reeks from the cast off of the popular masses
but it is sweet perfumes to the forsaken
hollow eyed wanderers lost in the maze
of concrete and steel
she lips a sacred song in her temple of night
and keeps a wary eye painted to the ever shut door
the unexpected is the road dogs creed
and she allways got a little something extra
stashed away for the hungry and quiet

ribbons decorate her torn dress
they are fine silk stained with coffee and beans thats our girl
the highest quality in the lowest company
shes a rough house princess with a heart of gold
she wanders me down to the tear-drop inn
rents me a bed to lay up with some pretty dreams

pulls out of her designer jeans a folded and creased copy
of nineteen fifty three complete with greaser kids and hot rods
left me there dreamin i was the tough guy
leather jacket and Indian motorcycle
and she was my betty boop candy sweet smile girl
in the quiet halls of the tear-drop inn
with a sadsack companion picking dreamers pockets
for the smiles to be found
thats our girl
thats our sweet sweet girl
covered in the romance of the hard road
trackmarks and ***** dustbins
the likes of her we may never see again
mark john junor Jul 2014
with tears for ink
soul for a page

whatever became of the days
when the words flowed
fast and furious like a
wildfire burning in the soul
pick up the pen
pen to page
its too soon after midnight
but little choice left to me
i must speak
must put pen to page
once came natural as breathing
it will come once again
like going home

with tears for ink
soul for a page
mark john junor Apr 2015
frail light shines in this
midnight place
a deep feeling of peace clings to the air
a resting of sorrows
an end of troubled journeys
a place of forgetting

the dove comes to sing here
and the song is of tomorrows never changing
is of sleep that devours all the bad dreams

grey this haven
like pearly dawn crept near
that lonesome journey taken
parted from all ever known
to walk neath these beautiful trees
to walk this paradise of quiet passages
dream now your fondest dreams
dream now of loves tenderest kiss
the dove has come to sing you to your slumbering beauty
she waits there for you
at the crossroads of the lonesome journey
mark john junor Apr 2014
in that golden light
in that rose glasses moment
it really is all there is
it really is all you'll ever need

she was there too
familiar to the song
and comfortable to the dance
lace and silver jewels
pretty perfumes and mysterious candles flickering
she was no stranger to this little world
where the magic is all that matters
and that can only be from the heart

watch her dance now
see her freedom in her open heart
and the love she gives to all
watch her captivate
see how she looks to the rising sun
with a longing that the night
deep and magical never end
its thunder is effortless desires
its depth are songs that the heart holds dear
never let it end
just one more dance
one more time in her arms
spinning like stars on the edge of night

i still see her there
magic in her eyes
tender in her touch
she was with me
she was with me
that night
that moment
mark john junor Apr 2015
summer come now again
kiss me in your special way
give me your beautiful way
give me that open hearted day

summer come now again
save my sleepy head from these dreams
bring the dead winters snow away from me
give me that open hearted day

summer come now again
with your daisy chain nights
with your lazy plain dawns
give me that open hearted day

summer come now again
with your vagabond starlight
with your afternoon delight
give me that open hearted day
mark john junor Oct 2014
waited all these years
for that special smile
feel like i cant wait
but ill just bide my time
cause i know your smile waiting for me
waited all these years
don't be long
want to see that smile like sunrise
rising up for me
you roll up that joint
and we will sit and talk while you smoke
in the late day sun
feels so fine
lets see that smile
rising up for me
mark john junor May 2018
the muse of her daytime mind
cast in paper and plaster
burns in effigy of her wandering heart
directionless tones seep from beneath her lip
as her hot eyes scatter place to place
in the neatness of arranged stuffed animals
who neither claim or deny
just gather dust like a memorial to the passing ages

the 8th muse sits entwined
in the onslaught of the forest's burning desire
to grow unchecked by man's hand
to grow despite the sea of grey gripping the sky

her bland flesh
in pastel colors
just clings to the rain
running like makeup under tears
and the handcrafted sketches
of paper-thin smiles
are but a foretaste of masterpieces to come
she will find her own Sistine Chapel
for her soul to wrestle
she will find the word redemption
and know its meaning to the core of her soul
© 2018 mark john junor all rights reserved
mark john junor Nov 2016
burning a flag is also a symbol, a symbol of freedom in the face of tyranny, a symbol of protest against a nation whos people have come to believe no longer represents their interests, or openly try to curtail their freedoms (like burning the flag) is a symbol to our military personnel that they have gone out to fight for freedom, so that we here in america can have the right to express ourselves without fear of reprisal. the flag is the personal symbol of every american's right to speak and be heard, and if burning the flag is the only thing that tyrants and their willing followers will hear, then i am a proud american who will burn an american flag to protest this tyranny
mark john junor May 2013
the face turned into the haze of the sun
and in the corner of its unseeing eye
i perceived the nature
of these truths
its in that turned face
its empty gaze cast over the far distant landscape
we all seek to sate the thirst
for a sweeter wine
unleash the mystery of self
unlock the untamed within

its smooth plastic features
hides nothing
but some would say that only reveals that it hides all truth
in its pastel faceless features
that we all see ourselfs

in its pastel faceless features
i see all my loneliness
all my shared joys
all loves all sorrows
all my years struggling against the tide
mishap and perchance
its in that man made  face
that we perceive the distance we must travel to find ourselfs
the trials we must endure to discover the truth
behind our own eyes

coiled in its depths are the answers we all seek
after all isnt it that simple
we create the troubles we seek to destroy
in its smooth plastic skin
she finds comfort
free from the fear of another's unpredictable madness
she can explore her own illusions
and that too seems sure
we destroy what we live for

on the beaches of my puddles
and in the forests between my lawn
and the kitchens back door
of my childhood home
the ages have worn away the questions
that once kept me staring off hopeful to the dawn
trying to decipher the meanings
from patterns of a gods casual breath

and so here i linger
these lifetimes later
waiting for the answers
that an inhuman human face hides
pastel kaleidescope
of the turned face
the barren night filled with wishes
and wishes filled with regrets

its pastel tones
haunt the night
its dark mutterings
play along the road that she bicycles on
whistling a girlhood tune
as she fades into loss
the light in her eyes gone forever
sometimes answers are the last thing we need
mark john junor Dec 2015
the best of my yesterdays
is where i sleep
the smile that returns to me
is from the loves i knew
the sunlight a little crisper
the joy a little clearer
when i was a young man
in those years ago

look back
and see with clarity
all i know now
and all i thought i knew in my yesterdays
wisdom written on a new page
but to look back and read what was written
is to know the man behind the face in the mirror
is to know the child i once was

my heart traces
the the road i have traveled
the loves i have known
picture book of faces and times long past
we all linger there from time to time
recall the best and worst
recall world we made in this life
the best of our yesterdays
the person behind the image in the mirror
mark john junor May 2015
old man feeding the birds
he stands slightly bent as he casts
down the bits of bread
that the birds milling around his feet
devour with soulless eyes
he casts each piece like a sacrament
like an uttered prayer
his large brown coat soiled by winter
now hangs on his springtime frame

old man with his bag in hand
walks slowly along the fence line
the rubber of his shoe squeaking like a
small animal
he is amused by the thought
he feeds the birds once again
after all that is what old men do
they die slowly and they feed birds
they walk in silence like a tomb
casting bread upon the waters
like a prayer

old man feeding the birds
what old man dose not dream of younger women
what old man dose not wish he was young again
so the birds feed upon his dying wish
with soulless eyes
watch him walk into the city of night
with nothing but his loaf of bread
and a newspaper full of yesterdays stories
walking the fence line between heaven and hell
on his way to feed the birds
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