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Dec 2014 · 1.8k
darker inks
mark john junor Dec 2014
she is a rendering in darker inks of lighthearted subjects
the eloquently illustrated surrealistic seduction of the heart
demure yet ravishing sexualization
the ideal of beauty offering itself up like a sacrifice
at the alter of some wanton hedonistic temple to gods of lust
she looks up at me from her practiced good girl gone naughty dream
and tells me that she wants me
wants it all to be perfect
like in the paris magazines
wants it all to be crafted in perfumed perfection
near to goddess as human can be
she is rendered in darker inks
but i am captivated by the lovely
entranced by the beautiful
enraptured by the perfection
as only darker inks can be
Dec 2014 · 684
winters heart
mark john junor Dec 2014
darkness withers the heart
but for some that thrill is life itself
unseasonal to her tenderness but she is drawn to it
to her mind it was the tempest she sought
a desire too strong to deny
she derided him for his winter heart
magic he would say
liar she would cry
but she would never turn him away
never deny him his pleasures
dire and dark a man with his winter heart
bright eyed she opened herself to whatever he desired
passions flame burns quick
untill all she is and has is gone
Dec 2014 · 539
bones of the eternal sea
mark john junor Dec 2014
stillness fashioned from the bleached bones of the eternal sea...
heart fashioned from the indecipherable night...

all the madness of
her young breathing heart distilled
from the rushing growing lusting living giving loving longing wanting
found in a single tear of her fondest fare thee well....

unyielding to forces of nature
his will easily overthrown
by a single touch of her honey sweet lips...
he thinks about her and surrenders...

found her on a beach of wood
washed up on an
evenings tide of chellos and champagne
her fragrant lace done up in a knot
lay in a tattered heap
thin bittersweet joy
all too fleeting
irreplaceable perfections kitty
Nov 2014 · 681
a resplendence knight
mark john junor Nov 2014
leaving my destitute pocket
filled with her own dusty words
she is a  student of the unnatural behaviors
so its no surprise to find her on hands and knees as
she rakes the barren carpet between us
for the scrapmetal shavings of my many colored beast
as it sweats profusely in the close quarters screamfest of my mind

personally i give the carpet a once over for conversational pieces
a resplendence knight of such shining armor
i search for deeper meaning in the darkest depth of her laundry bin
cause know i could just as easy be the reviled stain
as i am the cardboard king
my broke down chevy just another hunk of detroit steel
so she and i wrestle into the night over the tea kettle cast off's

lay me down by the river
where the wild boys go
where the summer birds sing sweetly
in the thicket and in the sun
while the waters flow swift and clean
cool to the hand dipped in by traveling man
close your eyes neath shady tree on the sandy banks
let yourself slip into thinking
of the long ago
of the far away
the remembered faces come back like a tender song only the heart knows
the remembered years that fall silent like snow in the hearts darker places
these strings that bind you to your desires
are one in the same as thouse that tie you to your fate
kind or cruel
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
pinky swear
mark john junor Nov 2014
i followed you along the silent train tracks
in the dark cold rain
stepping on photographs of sunshine
watching the world wash away the graffiti of possibility
cause you promised
you pinky swore
that we are a heartbeat away from love
that we are in the way of knowin what the heart dreams
i followed you into the winters night with romance on my mind
you never told me that i would have to leave it all behind
i still believe we will find love
still believe because
you promised
you pinky swore...
Nov 2014 · 369
minds eye
mark john junor Nov 2014
just thought id say something
before she gives up
before she surrenders
to all the darkness that hungers for fresh meat
my own road is stained
just barley doin my own version of living
just getting down to a rhythm to the madness
why ***** it up
why get down with a harder road
'cause i cant silence that quiet place in my heart
i cant shut off the place in my minds eye
where i can see the consequences
so i reach out my hand
no real trouble at all
just a moment outa my time
but i can feel it make changes on her sea's
i can see it making waves in her uncharted
join me
grab a hand
there is a world full of people who
need even just a hand to hold in the dark of night
Nov 2014 · 358
mark john junor Nov 2014
i was so perfect thouse years ago
my heartbeat loud as thunder
my thoughts bright as angels wings
time drifting up on me
now i cup a tear fragile in my old hand
now i bear the bitter news dry as old bones
but that sunshine is filled with beauty
that breath of breeze bears whispers of romance
all i ever wanted is only in my hand
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
into the fabric of life
mark john junor Nov 2014
my heart is a child
holding a bead
weave that onto a necklace with your finest golden threads
weave my dreams into the fabric of your life
can you do it without breaking me
can you do it without making me silent when i should be singing
turn me on when i'm cold and alone
make the stars shine tonight
can you make the stars shine for me
can you take my breath away without taking hope with it
can you be the only one i see
can you be that fragile whisper that is home to my run away train
be the place where my heart stops
skips a thousand beats
one for each delicate smile i see in you
my heart is a child holding a bead
can you be the one to weave me back into the fabric of life
be my rainbow
be that smile that saves me
Nov 2014 · 918
the cards dealt
mark john junor Nov 2014
back to all the yesterdays
back to the stack of love letters
written in night's sorrows
to all thouse lovers left behind
back to simple truth of it
back to the one true heart and the knowin
back to your beginnings

play the cards dealt
play like you love the game
even though its the hardest thing you've ever done
play like you believe that romance is a means to an end
that the heart can be brought and paid for
like your true heart can be one of them
cause they will hurt you if you stand apart
if you show your true nature
so play like you love the game
play the cards dealt

it will be in the moonlight
of some none too distant night
you will come upon another soul that sings
come upon another heart that breaths like you do
and you will know
see the truth in the lovin
that its more than some hearts game
that its more than some adventure in the sheets
you will know the hearts song
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
beautiful sadness
mark john junor Nov 2014
there in your midnight afterlight
there in the stillness of your nearness
you softly took my hand and shook loose yesterdays dream
you found me in every way left me without a word to say
timeless in your rose printed dress endlessly you kissed me
gently take me back where you discovered me
there leave me without all these tears of loosing you
there in your midnight afterlight
in the stillness of your nearness
without all this beautiful sadness
Nov 2014 · 541
sex's butter
mark john junor Nov 2014
awkward girls delivering their spoken thoughts
like hand written love notes
perfumed hopes cherished brightly
one of a hundred that stand at the edge of reality
and in the near perfect unison of dropping lovely invitations
to the magazine advertisements man who is supposed to
sweep them off their feet
the manly man who has button down eyes
and a wrinkle-free shirt
to him ***'s butter is romance

her temperature dog
haunts her lonely steps
with a eager wag of his ratty tail
his pleasant eye wagers that she will return him for the deposit someday
its for the girl who has everything and a box of candy too
its not in what you have but its measured by how much you reject
***'s butter tastes salty sweet
she has a sidewinder viper gently cradled in her arms
calls it the child of her destiny

***'s butter is her bed and breakfast
an empty conversation
like a small hole in my mind
spilling its useless phrases to be swallowed whole
in the tepid sea of her eye
her hollow laughter two tables away
suddenly as it comes it limply dies away

alarmist by nature
she crafts a tale of woe
to suit her mind
but that tale is an empty eyed charter boat fish
that lay barren and objectified on her dinner plate
basted in ***'s butter with a twelve inch whip...
Nov 2014 · 548
royal palace
mark john junor Nov 2014
the royal palace in the mountain's shadow
with the ***** so subtle
in the sweetness of knowing what it is to have her in the night
beautifully wrought dreams wrapped in her delicate hands
but the dream most desired is in the simple truth of her smile
the honest beauty of her open heart
the long night gives way slowly
as dawns stain spreads across the cloudless sky
birds once again discover voices
the world rouses itself like lumbering giant
i creep out the motel door
while the ***** lounges in a salty mix
of cheap perfume and chemicals
the morning light leaves little doubt of intentions
it reveals all too much of ill conceived
shuffling faces show weary hearts
make peace with your yesterday's
gather your baubles with more than casual delight
for they are all you will have to show
for this nights sweaty labors
for this nights strange paths
but now that morning has come
and i creep out the motel door
i know the way i have come is forever gone
and i now must plunder new palaces under a distant sun
Nov 2014 · 538
the passionate knowin
mark john junor Nov 2014
a beautiful ballad plays
one of memories
one filled with loves tenderness
if i could follow it on down its fabled road
if i could live the song and its beautiful places
walk with its colorful characters as they laugh together
be the young lovers once again as they discover that first kiss
if i could stand for but a moment where the singer stood
see the beauty of the passing days
feel the passionate knowin eachother
you can hear it in the guitar playin
hear it in the softly sweet words
oh to walk there a moment
to breath that air
to be there
if i could be the song
Nov 2014 · 509
grease monkey supplicant
mark john junor Nov 2014
the lackluster heart
is a careless companion
his tarnished love is a thin man with hungry eyes
loved only by her mad mad mind
with a clean beauty to her that shines
the sour bread is bitter wine
his own madness stifled his tongue
painting its masterpiece of literary eloquence in utter silence
a neon glitter mona lisa written for the ages
like a grease monkey supplicant for the siege engine that is his heart
the lackluster heart tinkers with his noble endeavour soul
seeking that sweet music perfection you see in all the magazines
hand in hand with the dream come true girl and her saltwater jewels
she is dragging sacks of christmas cheer  
decorating the avenue with beautiful things
its that time of year
the lackluster heart is uninspired
but he's handsome and thats all that matters to her
Nov 2014 · 923
a woman reading
mark john junor Nov 2014
we sit in quiet reflection
she reads her french romance novel
i do the times crossword
i pause to sneak furtive longing filled stares
my heart nibbling at her earlobes
the nape of her neck in the soft light
her perfume lightly on the air
the sound of her turning the pages
passage of time
as she shifts in her seat
she sips her tea in a dainty way
unaware i marvel at her very presence
the utter beauty of a woman reading
the sensual and lovely way she holds herself and the book
one hand casually playing with a lock of her hair
her moist lips moving as she reads
her form curled into the comfy chair
i love women
they are such beautifully mysterious creatures
they are the center of all wonderful dreams
so full of terrible mysteries
so full of such beautiful light
a woman reading in her comfy chair
is such a beautiful sensual thing
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
oceans of silence
mark john junor Nov 2014
her eyes are oceans of silence
let me drift there for a lifetime of moments without care
let me know what its like to drown in sweet beauty
let me live the quiet life in her heart
and delve into the silken smooth wine of her voice
while i let her lips ****** me
why am i so lost without hope of her
why must i know this idyllic life in her arms
the sugar of her heart is salty and bittersweet
but oh to taste her presence
perfumed and subtle
soft skin
her eyes are an ocean of silence
bathe in her perfect perfections
lay in the cool waters of her sweet heart
live the quiet life of her
Nov 2014 · 585
next heart's song
mark john junor Nov 2014
there are days when the words come
like fevered friends grasping at lapels
urgently telling the tale with gasping breath
other times they come like a sweet river in the sunshine
they flow like bright beauty
the words can ignite you or ******
like a simple phrase sweet to the ear
like her playing her guitar
melody brings the heart such joys
the concept brings such beauty
just a fragment of song
but in it i hear night caravans on high desert road
i hear autumn sunshine laying on soft grass
i see all the creation possible to me
so play a little longer
let me hear another summer day
let me find the words to my next heart's song
let me see the beauty in you
Nov 2014 · 450
in austere grandeur
mark john junor Nov 2014
in the forever of waiting
in this silent place where darkness has hold
in this palace of night bound dreams
where i lay in the stillness of inky shadow
waiting on the beauty of dawn
for its glories and its forgiving light
but it seems like it will never come...
there are just shadows of night
passing slowly in austere grandeur and eloquence
shadows of night that speak silent languages of the road
speak to me of places forgotten with strangers faces
of roads traveled as consequence of misgivings
but all that is just shadows of night
that speak to me silently...
i wait in this palace of distant voices
they whisper the promise of secrets yet untold
they promise to uncover all delights
expose to sight all the things the heart desires
waiting for the dawn
and its beautiful light
waiting for loves tenderest kiss
waiting for my life to begin
Nov 2014 · 2.1k
love letters in sunshine
mark john junor Nov 2014
she waits for me
in the warm sunlight
she calls to me
in the beautiful night
she sends love notes in the breeze
filled with her longing
filled with the bright beauty of together forever
she scatters her devotions along the river of my dreams
fills my heart with such comforting joy
fills my world with her beautiful soul
love letters written in the sunshine
adoration written in birdsong
she waits for me
on a springtime's beautiful sandy shore
waiting for my long winter to end
don't worry my love i will be there soon
and we can run brave through the rain hand in hand
and never ever let go
we can be together forevermore
wait just a little longer my love be there soon
and we can watch that sunrise together forever
(twenty one years lover and i still
dream you in sunshines sweet kiss)
Nov 2014 · 492
her self portrait
mark john junor Nov 2014
she sat in the beautiful sunlight
with deeper wishes in her eyes but
her young heart dances to the sweeter song
so she asked me to hold her hand
till the darkness had passed
now shes hot on the trail of true creation
down to earth with all natural heartfelt ways
bends me round her legendary smile
and while writing a freehand verse of sunshines laughter
she paints a lifesize version of
tomorrow's beautiful sunrise into the eyes of her self portrait
she is knee deep in the mud of inspiration
the persistent sunshine of the soul lights her way
the enduring hope of a hand held guides her path
its beauty can be seen in her self portrait
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
miami gardens
mark john junor Nov 2014
fat monkey's with beady little eyes
wander back and forth along the kitchens edges
licking their lips and hungrily kneading their hands
while i tend the pots and kettle
wearing my best low rent apparel
and listening to only the finest of garage grunge
its miami gardens in springtime
and all the pretty people are strutting the boardwalk
looking for backwater bargains at cheap motels

she is here with me in her barley there bikini
fashionably perfect in all the politically correct ways
its perpetual summer in miami gardens
all the sour hearts on the phone making travel arrangements
the snowbunnys are out in force this year
can't step one foot to a western wind with treading on some ugly mug
but they are oh so friendly
don't you want to cuddle up with some furry little monster
its wintertime in miami gardens

she strips down to her birthday suit
and the monkeys start getting itchy in
their mohair leisure suits  
its hard to get comfortable in your own skin
in the land of picture perfect bodies on the sand
so lets all sit down to eat
share a meal and a mile of road
maybe we can find enough in common to keep out the cold
thinking about miami gardens in spring
Nov 2014 · 404
vanishing song
mark john junor Nov 2014
she lay in the vanishing sunlight
vulnerable and beautiful
she was as lovely as dreams
she gave herself to me with her heart full of desire's dark romance
with her heart full of the magic of love's tenderness
it was then i knew at long last what it was to be loved
she played a fragment of her song
its beauty like a setting sun on a deep blue sea
and then i knew what it was like to breath once more
like i never knew what it meant to be alive
until her song played
until all my sorrows had vanished in her arms
so she played her song for me all night
it was sweet as a tropical night wind
full of promise and beauty
like this daydream of her soft hand in mine
warms my heart
till her song vanishes
Nov 2014 · 15.2k
loves intimate kiss
mark john junor Nov 2014
they say shes waiting for me
they say that shes there
with loves tender embrace
with loves intimate kiss
softly waiting for the mad rush of my day to end
waiting for me to come home to her arms
but for now i'm just a tinker
down by the ***** river
lost in the back roads and shadows
dragging behind a fat sack of yesterdays
building better dreams for all the pretty people
filled with longings and desires
but ill make it home to her someday
where she lay in the peaceful moonlight
where she waits for me beautifully
filled with such tender desire
with loves intimate kiss
ill be there in her arms
home at long last
never to leave again
she is all iv dreamt of
she is waiting....
Nov 2014 · 345
choose the words
mark john junor Nov 2014
verbal *****
her words spill the lines of decency
she skates round rational reason with a wicked grin
waylaid by sharpness of her cold wit
put up a defense of heartfelt loves as your intent
but you know its not enough
there can be no sanity when its her vanity at stake
so you fold up your loves and blessings neatly

she all too gladly provides shackles for your heartstrings
with victory's rainbow secure in her cold hand
wild eyed you watch it all unfold
like nobility captured by the whim of poverty

her words fill you with noxious ideals
till she thinks your on the verge of surrender
you still choose
to live with an open heart and open mind
that darkness may spell out a pretty song
but its you in the end who writes your own heart's poems
if you trust in the beauty of the caring
Nov 2014 · 626
kristen stewart
mark john junor Nov 2014
kristen is a magazine girl
beautifully portrayed in the glossy pictures of fashion
wonderfully articulated on silver screen
down to earth girl with a wickedly beautiful presence
thouse green eyes are simply magical
in paris fashion lace she is delicious
but her beauty is best illustrated in t-shirt and jeans
down to earth girl full of life
she shines in spite of hollywood
standing beautiful in sunlight rather than limelight
dreamy poet and artist
weaving her hearts light into beautiful visions of ink
legendary magazine girl
kristen stewart is one of a kind
Nov 2014 · 577
we were heroes
mark john junor Nov 2014
for that moment
in the rush and heat of the crowd
under the television cameras and brilliant lights
there was camaraderie and purpose
there was the beauty of belonging to something bigger than
something grand and bright with promise
stood shoulder to shoulder against the powers that be
made the man back down
comrades in arms shouted the chants
held the line
for that moment we were heroes
we were heroes
but now a swift year has flown by
and the struggle no longer makes the five o'clock news
the cameras and crowd is gone
but you linger
because you want it all back
want to hold the line shoulder to shoulder one more time
chant and raise hell for the cause one more time
we were heroes
but its all faded
down to loud rebels in quiet coffee shops
down to the faded glory of 'remember when's'
and old photographs
(november the fifth)
Nov 2014 · 678
mark john junor Nov 2014
the dog in the neighbor's yard
trots his little path between the two fences
over and over....back and forth
the grass is threadbare when he runs
spends a moment hawkishly staring out one fence
at the world going by
angry barking at a cloud
then trot to the other fence to see what has
transpired there
a rain begins
he trots back and forth
leaves begin to fall
he trots back and forth
the wind gets chill
he trots back and forth
isn't my life such
sitting here at my fence
looking out at all of you
trotting back and forth looking out your own fences
trotting back and forth
in our own little universes
i only got one thing to say...."woof"
Nov 2014 · 485
where i write
mark john junor Nov 2014
the quiet place where i write
breeze swept field and shade tree
in the distance mighty towers
construct of hammers and hands
down by the ocean and its mighty ships
the scent of open water stirs the soul

this quiet place
where my heart builds little worlds
magnificent noble creatures come to wrestle
with a deeper sea of dreams
this quiet place where
innocence still laughs undaunted by the world
when my pen can speak its heart
unchallenged by the weary day

this strange place my heart goes to put pen to page
a place of memories both real and wished
a place where all could have been and was
this quiet place
crepe paper constructions of grand dreams
christmas tree tinsel lions chasing dawns wicked approach
where innocence still has the heart
to take joy
to take joy
Nov 2014 · 462
the northern most house
mark john junor Nov 2014
drinking in the beauty of fall afternoon
chimes carry your souls song lightly
as you travel the autumn road to
the northern most house
that lay in the silence of the chill air
a windy sunshine had beat
upon its door all day
now night has crept forward to lay siege
darkness crouched at the window
with all its implied intents
inside its rooms
shrouded in silence
you sit in the near darkness
rubbing a free hand on the surface
of the mosaic floor
it forms an image of a woodland in spring
it forms an image of the promise of rebirth
the thoughts of a windy sunshine linger on your heart
here in the stillness of the northern most house
waiting for first light
not knowing what it will reveal
waiting to find out what you will be
the promise of tomorrow
or the tears of yesterday
its quiet in the shadows of the northern most house
where a windy sunshine will
beat upon the door all day
Nov 2014 · 882
the incomplete poem
mark john junor Nov 2014
red fragments of plastic litter the
sandy soil at my feet
i gather them with one at a time
while my soul searches for a song to impart
my pen grows strange in my hand
its words have a feel to them
foreign deranged

the phrases float disjointedly
they refuse to knit into a poem
while my mind is troubled by a scattering
of autumn winds
the red fragments arranged randomly
on the small backyard table
sunshine illuminates each with precise clarity
the fragments are my poem
and i shuffle the pieces back and forth
trying with a maddened mind
to knit them into a beautiful bird
but they only keep forming the ugly face distorted
they keep moving of their own accord
to form a jagged edge
i breath and **** at my coffee mug

the red fragments thorny in my head
they have sand clinging to them
and bits of the brackish water that
the nights rain had left for me
these words are incomplete visions
mere phrases like incongruous men walking
random paths in a field
when two meet they shout their ideas
at eachother and part company full of
suspicious glares
a draft of this randomly worded madness
flows from my unwilling pen
the red fragmentation
of the incomplete poem
Nov 2014 · 476
creepy girl
mark john junor Nov 2014
she is a blatant caricature in loud technicolor
her presence shouts ****** innuendo  
alluring with dark undertones
her past shadows her every word
like clouds passing over a weak sun
she is the road untold but by the few hardiest of souls
her skin tangles his mind
as she watches him in the rearview
runs her hand through her hair repeatedly
he is mesmerized by moist lips parted  
around phrases dark and foreboding
the cool calculation of her casual appearance
he is sleepwalking a dangerous dream
he is a dramatic parody in shades of pastel
a sorrowful tale told hesitatingly full of doubts and fears
full of the gentlest of loves
weak and stained he stands in the fell shadows
waiting for her rusty razor blade kisses
she has him
like clouds passing over a weak sun
and he loves her for it
Oct 2014 · 759
ole' tookie
mark john junor Oct 2014
tookie winfeild was a friend of mine
from way on back down the way
back in my river days
mean old man with a heart of gold
ugly old geezer with a silver tongue
ole tookie could talk a mile a second say nothin at all
ole tookie was as crazy as a jackrabbit in heat and twice as slick

used to see that ole codger strolling on the avenue
with some young honey on his arm
carefree as sin and twice in its debt
yes sir...ole tookie was a friend of mine
back in the day we ran that river
like it was our private playground
mean old man with a heart of gold
ugly old geezer with a silver tongue
both barrels for the lookers
and a bottle of shine for the sippers
yes sir back when i was young that river was ours

they found old tookie winfeild up on the river
frozen to death in the dead of night
took to drinking up there by his lonesome
and shouting at the moon
aint no good ever come from no crazy man
least thats what they say
but old tookie was allright
in his own crazy way
mean old man with a heart of gold
ugly old geezer with a silver tongue
he was a friend to many a poor boy
down the old river way
Oct 2014 · 661
better butterfly's
mark john junor Oct 2014
she builds better butterfly's from the dust on rusting pipes
they fly in the starry sky while i cry
in a panic she paints them into a panoramic
but butterfly's recognize their own limited size
so they build their own chicken coop in my soup
Oct 2014 · 463
mark john junor Oct 2014
winter day
the cold burns
the music in my brothers room is loud
so i walk downstairs and outside
to the garage
and stand silent in the bitterness of winter
angry that i cannot have loud music
angry that i am not my brother
my heart thunders in my chest as i read the written phrase
this was madness in its infancy
this twisted place
i called home
this paper thin disguise
that hides us all
from ourselfs
she looked at me
but i could not see her
i could only see what i could not feel
this paper thin disguise
ugly and distorted
Oct 2014 · 540
the light
mark john junor Oct 2014
close to sunset and a chill wind starts
but the light that warms my soul comes from her eyes
enticed out of sleeping memory by
this falling shaft of sunlight in my backyard
as i rake some spilled leaves
a lifetimes of summers memories rushing back to greet
with their own legends their own grand tales
spirit flys like a summer bird
with open wonder at the beauties of a world below
in the clouds where nothing but sunlight can touch
these lifetimes of summers daydreams all bid fare thee well
and one by one lay back to dusty memory
closing eyes to dream once more
of thouse days in childhood
and that moment running out the front door
with the whole world to play in and a whole day to do it
that endless freedom and joy that childhood gave
my life with her is like that
its close to sunset
but the light which i endure by
comes from her heart
Oct 2014 · 554
a hand to hold
mark john junor Oct 2014
she talked to me with a sunset of sorrows in her face
tried to reassure but to no avail
she just needed to hear someone care
and you really cant blame
hard enough to find a hand to hold
in these cold days

she kicked open the door
and erupted out into the cool night air
with loud proclamation of innocence
but the few took notice
hard enough to find a clean slate to start over with
gotta make do with rewriting your own dark history's
put a few smiley faces in there for good measure
aint nobody keepin' score

she leaned back
in the passenger seat waiting to see where
desperation was gonna take her
so she pushes the apprentice of shadows
who was waiting for a loose maiden to rescue
for an escape from the dullness of the day
cause its hard enough to find distraction in your own head
from the long road and tricky questions
so she will latch onto his madness for a while
cause its better than being alone
Oct 2014 · 435
winters shadow
mark john junor Oct 2014
rainswept morning leaves me
in a soul deep stillness
where my mind wanders the reflections of my heart
the sorrows that held me captive
the dreams that set me free
the hopes that i cling to when darkness threatens
the love that sustains me

the rainswept morning
full of winters shadow displaced by
the last vestiges of summers warmth
the fall colors washed out and dulled by the grey skies
my mood melancholy as the day

the remainder of photographs litter the
wooden floor where she had sat in blue lace perfection
flawless and lovely
where she had with delicate beauty been legendary
while speaking in her silver screen dreamy voice
had created creatures to cavort from thin air
she had taken ashes and made worlds i could only dream of
i now regret this room and all that it could have spoken to me
but now cannot

shadows of yesterday on the transitory sands
of this strange paradise
within these blurred images
are the places in the soul where
grey dust gathers as a parched illustration of times passage
an image of abnormal life lived vicarious
hands i only dreamt of holding
smiles i only wished to share
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
your presence
mark john junor Oct 2014
natural light falls with
such beauty through the autumn leaves
sets the heart ablaze with reminiscence and wishes
the day filled with brilliant color and life
makes my heart as carefree and light as joy itself
the crisp air with its winters foretaste
the autumn afternoon gives me wanderlust
my thoughts beautiful with your presence on my mind
if i could only live my life within these moments
so my heart dances with warm visions
of our precious time together
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
her headstrong face
mark john junor Oct 2014
she gave me her headstrong face
left me feelin outa place
left me feelin like i had lost the space cadet race
then she pulled off her designer wares an i knew it wasn't the case
her mind is a frown
like its pervaded by a sad clown
like she is plundered holy ground
she just sits there open eyed without a sound
she gave me her headstrong face
but i just could not replace the shattered mind
no matter how unkind
fathead weak in her thoughts
ill at ease to where i had been brought
i just stood there mumbling
while her fingers did some bumbling
big wet smile on her face
left me feelin outa place
like i really did loose the space cadet race
kissing her headstrong face
Oct 2014 · 363
brief breath of time
mark john junor Oct 2014
beauties measured in the
moments felt as years spent gazing with
desires awe at your delicate smile,
your bright eyes and overwhelming intense beauty...
would it be for a moment that i could know you as
my heart has in this brief breath of time.
Oct 2014 · 459
precursors of darkness
mark john junor Oct 2014
the quintessential beautiful day
but there is shadow etched in the patches of light
there is taste of misgivings in sweet afternoon air
the heart sketches its dreamscape
but distant thundercloud ripe with storm encroaches
but it is the image that intrudes
a vision from the inner mind
that sends precursors of darkness into my perfect day
an unsettled mind always creates dark creatures
to hunt down and haunt my best moments
why cant i leave myself alone
why must i hound my own footsteps with these dark tidings
the vision that creeps into my heart
is of the girl i left in the mountains
and what joy she would find here in paradise
if i had only
if i could only
would have...should have...didn't
why must i hound myself with all the possible things
she wouldn't even lower herself to talk to me
and i just beat myself up with desires to rescue her
she should be a forgotten bad dream
she should be forgotten....
the quintessential beautiful day
but all i can see is the tombstones of sorrow
and the paths not taken
it will change
it will change
with time
i will leave this dark girl behind
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
kara's flower
mark john junor Oct 2014
her eyes invest in me the truths of her fragile heart
she wished to know happiness and freedom once more
she leaned gently against the window frame
her eloquent beauty whispered gently on my eyes
she gave me a soft sorrow by declining the offered flower
my words like autumn leaves gathered dryly at my feet of clay
my intents pure of heart stumbled weakly
as i tried to explain
that a breathtaking glimpse of her had found me
she was standing subtle and alluring in sunshines vivid light
highlights in her hair a golden hue like a regal crown
lost in the imagery of her smiling moment
lost in her radiated gentleness
that engulfs like silent fierce seduction of your heart's better natures
you only think of heartfelt wish to see her joy
you breath and live to see her smile
you will love her presence like summery sunshine's kiss
you will adore her silken voice like moonlight dance upon water
the offered plastic flower but a token of adoration
a bauble cast with noble intent
for a fine young goddess
(for morning book kara... :-) a really nice girl and nice friend)
Oct 2014 · 463
heart shaped wishes
mark john junor Oct 2014
she moves sleepy-headed in the bed next to me
and in the stillness of the mornings dim light
her hand finds its way across my chest and like an idle dancer spins
nonchalant circles of heart shaped wishes on my skin
her lips draw next to my ear and
with a soft wet sound give a tender
lesson in the beauties of her naughty delights
the first tentative kiss in the tempest of her seductions

she wraps herself up in my arms
a gift to own darker delights
and caresses my eyes with her own
the soft texture of her gaze thick with passions and desires
deep with her heart touching mine
and in that gaze i feel her soul moving as one with mine
as our kisses melt us

she pleads with her hands all along my face
and down along my body
she begs and teases the flickering desires
of our heat that rise like the fires of a thousand suns
and with delighted sounds from deep within her
as she explores and plunders
as we dance in the tangled sheets
she finds again the desires that go hand in hand
with her hearts loves
that go hand in hand with her hearts dreams

timeless times later
as we lay entwined in the afterglow of our love's hot tempest
and with such a tender and timid voice looking deep into my eyes
tells me she loves me and no other
i brush back the strand of hair that
has fallen to her sweat bound brow
and kissing her gently
tell her that i too love her and no other

this is no ordinary love affair
this is one soul romancing another with every carnal delight
with every souls true treasure of loving embrace
this is passion
she is my dreadlock princess
i am her poet in shining armor
this is how love was meant to be
(i wrote this a while back)
Oct 2014 · 554
mark john junor Oct 2014
she is alabaster and brine
she is a faster lairs line
unwind her spooled mind
memory a keepsake in hand conquers a trinket lost
eat mandrake to the root but what the cost
unspoiled her thoughts broil in her head
steam from every seam
salty her groin but she declines the offered coin
she will reap the bliss of your salty kiss
as you bite her short hair she will sing a country tune so fair
she is alabaster and brine
a master of wasted time
(a bit naughty, a bit nasty)
Oct 2014 · 388
december's desert
mark john junor Oct 2014
stop by the side of the road
and sitting scarecrow's style cross-legged
waiting for the sunrise
waiting for the swift silent desert world to unfold
come sit here a silent sentinel with me
wait for the swift sun to beat its hard feet upon the ground
wait for harsh winter's hand to be rescinded
for the cold night to recede
here in the desert stillness
come sit here cross legged in the dry sand
the air itself holds its breath in anticipation
you can feel the heavy hard excitement moving
in the clouds overhead
burnt dry by the anvil of the sun
love the sand on your tongue
wait here with me  
scarecrow's cross-legged style
on the sands without a sea
Oct 2014 · 490
mourn the poems
mark john junor Oct 2014
a page is such a cold place
pen has a sage who delves for inner face truth's
the page entrances with silent mocking
word thought dances just outside the blocking
the sage thirsty now craves sweet success
but only digs graves in the sheet of paper white
mourn the poems never born
sorrowful worlds in the words
sage now sleepwalking
his empty words never talking
an attempt at a technical piece, didnt work out so hot
Oct 2014 · 1.4k
eternal summer dream
mark john junor Oct 2014
an autumn songbird gives voice to the luxurious late day
beautiful its song caresses the ear
all natural world breathing as one with your heart
as the sun itself kisses you tenderly
as if saying farewell to you and the day
and as the sun slips to the horizon
you close your eyes and can feel heart take to wing
with the autumn songbird playful in the crisp air
feel your soul breath and soar among the clouds
floating in the warm breeze of
that eternal summer dream where
everyone is forever young and in love
forever happy and filled with wonder
the autumn songbird fills me with her song
fills me with the strength of possible beauty that the new day promises
fills me with the peace found at the heart of kindness
so will you join me
rejoicing her song
will you take a moment to breath in
the wonder of late autumn summery day
mark john junor Oct 2014
shes as beautiful as sweetest sin
wicked as any girl has ever been
***** girl with the naughty naughty nightie
Oct 2014 · 817
we were men of shadows
mark john junor Oct 2014
we skipped stones into steel boxes
we sheltered pretty songs from dark nights
we were strong as the sun
we were men of the concrete woods
hammer in hand we smashed stone
hearts in mystery we broke natural laws
gave voice to the unspeakable
made us stronger men
stood on the boulevard and saw the world fall
we brushed back the lace curtain
stood in the pitch black and watched moonrise
with younger eyes and it made us men
wills entwined striving to conquer
striving to find
we were men of shadows
we were men of light
as we skipped stones into steel boxes
and struggled with our demons
we were men of shadows
stronger than the sun
(for stuttering phil and all my other old friends)
Oct 2014 · 2.2k
up the graveyard road
mark john junor Oct 2014
fragile heart she lay ruptured in my lounge chair
grey faced i mumble a few parting words over her
before i lay out the finest bone china
all the makings of tea and biscuits
all the fixings of ******
with the sounds of the snapping of necks
sharp wet sound fresh on the air
she was here to mourn her lover-boy
gone astray
i was here to see the deed done

i was the grey faced hangman
come to get his pennys
in my song you can hear the rope snap
in my heart you can feel the fall from the gallows
and my hangman's noose swinging in breeze
has its own peculiar creaking sound that sounds
like love to me
i was the grey faced hangman
that knows no sympathy
come now you wicked ones
sing my song with me

grey faced i lead the procession
up the graveyard road
the overgrown and thick summer feel to it
claws at the senses
but i keep walking stiffly
with the sound
of snapping necks ringing in my ears
its my song

he had cried like a child as they carried him to the gallows
he had begged and wailed
but my hangman's noose had claimed him
cold comfort awaits
to the tomb they cried out with joy
to the tomb with the scoundrel
while she lay weeping her lost lover-boy
and while grey faced i cleansed the world
of scoundrels like him
while grey faced i silently mourned
for i had run out of rope
(a little halloween for you)
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