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 Jul 2014 Margaret
God Bless
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Everybody now!
Don't let me brainwash you
Don't let me brainwash you
Don't let me brainwash you
Don't let me brainwash you
Don't let me brainwash you
Don't let me brainwash you
Don't let them brainwa-sh you
You can let them be you
You can let them be you and live inside your skin
your wallet
your house
your cellphone
inside your
your death
your casket
your hate
Hate gays
Hate blacks
Hate countries
no wait
don't hate them
they're alright now
we can appreciate the ideas
oh wait
that's not right
don't like them, now
and (so on) and (so forth)
c'mon, party people!
don't mind me.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
A breeze caressing my bare legs, a gift from the soft blue sky
it feels good to be full again, with a slight scent of red wine.
The gentle waves kiss the rocky shore, with the white foam rimmed water
they carry an essence of a long lost home, memories with grandfather.
And the sister I lost not so long ago, leaves her paw prints in the sand
because I know, no matter where I go, at my side she'll stand.
The only thing my heart seems to long for, a new kind of high
a buzz brought to me, by simply one thing
that look in his beautiful brown eyes.
finding love in new places, old place, new faces, old faces...
and I'm embracing all of it c:
 Jul 2014 Margaret
 Jul 2014 Margaret
if you sliced my throat and turned
me uʍop ǝpısdn
my fear
pour out
in liquid?
 Jul 2014 Margaret
I used to believe in God.
I used to go to church and say the prayers.
I used to sing the hymns and read the stories.
I used to have faith in a higher power.
I used to believe I would go to Heaven.
You never understood.

You never liked church and you thought prayer was useless.
You rolled your eyes at the hymns and laughed at the stories.
You put your faith in yourself, in your family and in me.
You said Heaven was on earth and right by your side.
I never understood.

I used to believe in God before you died.
Church held no answers and the prayers didn’t work.
The hymns couldn’t heal me and the stories annoyed me.
My higher power took my faith and threw it in my face.
But worst of all, worse than anything else, I knew Heaven was a lie.
Because the real Heaven was on earth, and you were torn from my side.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Wolf Irwin
Thoughts turned into feelings,
Pain turned into healing,
Processes of energy transformations,
Living experiences make the best revelations,
This interconnected web of overlapping realities,
Leaves alot of room for personal subjective fallacies,
Yet deep within the hearts of men lies euphoric clarity,
Words have no place here only clear sight of sincerity,
It's tough to understand this beautiful road we are on,
Life is beautiful the goal is to appreciate it before we're gone.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
 Jul 2014 Margaret
don't make me
don't make me pull the trigger
don't I don't want to please
I'm just
I'm scared
my hands are shaking
can't you see my han-
don't please don't move
don't make this hard
just stay still please
you're all insects tonight.
I heard a robbery down the road.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Taylor Bart
I want to be kissed in an art gallery

And cross streets without looking both ways,
Because we’re too busy,
Giving each other our own green lights.
(The sun was shining, and your smile was beautiful)

I smoke cigarettes as a metaphor
But I am not a book
Or exceptionally skinny
It still makes me feel romantic

I screamed at the top of a mountain,
And fell into my grave
All without leaving my bed.

I vow not to be a parent that looks the other way
And that punishes the symptoms
Of a sickness

Its hard not feel broken
When I can hear the rattling of my shattered insides

Its been a year since you died
I’m so sorry.

I used to draw.
I used to think beautifully.
I miss who I used to be, before I found myself

I have a whole world in my head
I am so much
I can’t wait to share it with someone

I’m not done living,
I have so much left to experience.
And I must find beauty in my distortions
If I’m ever going to make it out of here

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