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Feb 2015 · 865
First Time
Manqoba Feb 2015
& for the first time in a long time
My heart throbbed hard enough to break through the brackets which hold my lungs together
In order to reach out to the warmth of your touch
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Manqoba Feb 2015
& in that very moment
You looked deeply into my soul & said
"I will never leave you"

A million moments later those words have faded into whispers
Those exact words echo inside my head every night before I go to sleep
I replay them over & over again as I enter a state of drowsiness
Hoping to once again them clearly , in my dreams

Because a million more moments will soon arrive
& I am certain that those words will no longer be existent
& I will be left with nothing but silence & a broken heart
Feb 2015 · 800
Manqoba Feb 2015
I would like to get to know you better
I am intrigued by the abundance of beauty which your soul carries
To you I may be a stranger,
A face you have not yet grown to recognize
But I would find comfort in drowning in oceans,
Just to know your deepest secrets
I would find comfort in being lost in distant cities,
Just to be found by your eyes

I usually have difficulties when it comes to writing about individuals I may not be close with
But these words effortlessly flow out of me from a place so foreign to my timid heart
You inspire amateur poets to write in such an exquisite manner,
And it is all due to your perfected beauty.
Jan 2015 · 606
The night
Manqoba Jan 2015
I remember the night we were in Rosebank
It was cold enough for my light skin to shiver
It was cold enough for me to feel your warmth
The world was rotating at a rapid rate
Only the power of your beauty made it stand still

The night which seemed to go on for forever

Your hand in mine
We possessed the secrets to eternal happiness
The softness of your kiss
Created a spark which left the whole planet in flames
Slowly burning
Leaving the whole universe in awe
The sun
Too timid to make a return

The night which seemed to go on for forever

To the rest
This night will always be seen as an ordinary night
To some
This night will not have even happened
But I constantly get flashbacks of this night,
Especially when I ignorantly smoke a cigarette
Trying to reignite the passion once felt
Trying to set the planet aflame, once again
But these memories are slowly killing me
Piece by piece...
Leaving ashes which mark the emotions of nostalgia

The night which seemed to go on for forever
Oct 2014 · 612
Manqoba Oct 2014
what if the sun is too ashamed to rise in the morning?
will the world then understand the darkness which circulates within my mind?
maybe if gravity gave up on me
then i would float freely among the skies,
discovering the mystery which tomorrow holds in a bird's eye view
because i spend most of my days
skeptically trying to find comfort in the idea of being "okay"
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Manqoba Oct 2014
it is in the way she smiles
that makes every part of me believe in the sunlight
even though i have always been clouded by darkness  
even the angels are envious of her walk
the way she flirts with gravity leaves nothing,
but footprints which make the existence of a flawless soul
i look into her brown eyes
trying to understand her thoughts
but words are could never explain
the depth of her perfection
as long as my heart beats
she will always be the reason for its rhythm
and i just hope these words
are adequate to put a smile on her face
because just the thought of her name
brings a euphoric presence to me.
Jul 2014 · 1.5k
Manqoba Jul 2014
i kept running* from the thoughts constructed by her existence
i kept running from the echoes of her voice which linger within these dark walls
i kept running till i reached sunlight
only to discover that the memories of her are attached to my soul
the same way my shadow is attached to my feet
Jul 2014 · 993
Manqoba Jul 2014
i stand outside the house
the only thing keeping me warm is the view of the city lights
for they remind me of how perfectly we are capable of shining individually
but my deeper thoughts often recall how blissfully we were
when your hand was within mine
& how we would effortlessly outshine the moon when we were united
Jul 2014 · 592
Manqoba Jul 2014
My desires are met by the sweetest taste of your kiss
The sound of your voice brings about a heartbeat to my words
Let my embrace wipe away the tears caused by your heartbreaking past
Even the stars are envious of the beauty you possess,
Their twinkle is nothing but a shameful attempt to imitate the perfection captured within your smile.

Nothing compares to your love,
The love which has been found to be more abundant than ocean waves
I want to sink deeper
Drowning in the bliss which can only be discovered in your brown eyes.

No amount of pain compares to the feeling of not having you by my side
So I bleed
Knowing that your softest touch can heal the most broken soul.

Time will try to separate us
But it won’t matter,
The immortality of our love will linger peacefully among the gardens of paradise.
Jul 2014 · 412
Manqoba Jul 2014
Observing the imperfections of his life
His destructive thoughts cause tornadoes which lead him to emotional turmoil
His inadequacies are his heartbeat,
A constant reminder as to why he will never be great
His mind,
Like the flow of a river
Meanders through darkness,
In the hopes of reaching the seas of inner peace.

He enjoys the silence
The silence which listens
The silence which does not seek perfection,
But originality
The silence which does not crave understanding,
But admiration
The silence which for once,
Desires his presence.

As others fear to touch his skin
As others fear to listen to the words he speaks,
The words which dance in the wind
Is he non-existent
Or does he only exist in the reflection of his own?
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Manqoba Jun 2014
You faded out of existence
The ghosts of our memories haunt the planet we once lived in
I can still taste the blissfulness of your kiss
In my dreams
Has become a nightmare eclipse by loneliness.

Having withdrawals
I am an addict
Craving for your touch,
A drug that once enticed a state of perpetual euphoria.

Reminiscing about the conversations about “forever”
An ideology so foreign to my ignorant heart
Only You
Made me oblivious to the ticking clocks
They seemed irrelevant when I was lost (and found) in the mystery of your hypnotizing eyes.

Your soul
A magician in a simplistic way
Presented an illusion of “love”
For one
Fell for it
Without remembering that illusions are not meant to be real.
Jun 2014 · 452
Manqoba Jun 2014
Cold winter nights,
When I crave for the warmth of your skin
Our love drops ocean deep
And your heart is the treasure, and when unlocked joy is to be found within.

Without you, I vision a blurry future
You’re the lenses which magnify the beauty of a clearer future
I’ll be the provider of your every smile
I’ll be the comfortable of your every cry
In darkness, my hunger for you screams bright colors
Your love is the paintbrush that paints a picture that helps me get by.

Let the rain wash away your insecurities
I’ll be the sunshine
The sunshine which will highlight your beauties
I hope that the power of the happiness you give is never out of reach
And I don’t care if we die poor
The strength of our love will be what makes us rich.
Jun 2014 · 972
Manqoba Jun 2014
A city carefully structured by words
Each and every letter is an addition to the colors which contribute to a priceless piece of art
Each and every building is a reflection of a memory eroded by time
Birth of a civilization conquered by the rhythm of synchronized heartbeats
Echoes of timid voices are heard within the silent street corners.

It is a paradise orchestrated by simple chords of acoustic guitars
Reality knows no limit
It appears to be a dream touched by perfection
As an inmate, guarded by the blissfulness of our imagination.
The stars twinkling peacefully
Leading broken souls into intoxicating emotions.

A city which lingers a scent of hope
A city carefully structured by words.
Jun 2014 · 439
you are coming back to me
Manqoba Jun 2014
Tears of a drowning heart
Memories of a lost soul
Trying not to remember what happened in the past
Because you leaving me is all I can recall
Fallen off the cliff of heartbreak
You're no longer there to catch me when I fall.

Simply faded in front of my eyes
I was blinded by the fog which covered up all the lies
No more warmth in my arms
Just shivers like the winter cold
I can't stand to watch the realities of my nightmares unfold.

Maybe when the sky is blue
And the sun is bright enough to shine away my flaws,
I won't be oblivious enough to miss the beautiful day
Sometimes in life our dreams aren’t as close to reality as we would like them to be
But I'll never lose hope for the day that you come back to me.
Jun 2014 · 961
Manqoba Jun 2014
Trapped in mediocrity
Wondering whether my tongue will eventually taste the sweetness of immortality
Sometimes I hear the secrets hidden in the silence
Their words pass on tides of ambiguity,
Spoken to be understood by souls of superior beings.

I often sit by the bon fire,
And recite the tales of a human stricken by loneliness
The burning flames are nothing but a symbol of the liberation of the state of euphoria,
Which once brought warmth to the shivers of my flesh.

I fell in love with the idea of sleep
My innocuous thoughts dabble across oceans,
Trying to find the lighthouse which will entice happiness
Allowing me to eradicate darkness,
The darkness which has been embedded within the density of my bones.

The misadventures of a man attempting to break the cycle of mediocrity,
The mystery of his fate is captured within the sands of time.
Jun 2014 · 14.2k
Manqoba Jun 2014
the one thing that is always kept in the dark
there are a lot of rich people in this country,
but they don't care
the government promises jobs and infrastructure,
but they take our money for themselves undercover
the government promises education for all,
yet there are still many kids who are still uneducated
what the government doesn't know is that the lack of education and high crime rates are all related.

we live in a country which is so beautiful,
it really hurts me to see a father who is unable to put food on the table
it really hurts me to see people sleeping on the side of the road,
treating it like its a bed
it really hurts me to see people begging on the streets,
because they don't have the money to be fed.
I write this in 09 . talks about the poverty in South Africa
May 2014 · 1.4k
Manqoba May 2014
Trying so hard to impress other people,
You forgot to impress yourself
Won over the hearts of other people,
You lost the love you used to have for yourself.

You took the time and built your own prison cell,
Where the freedom to be who you are,
Has been chained up by society’s ideology of who you are.

Your ignorance to love has caused you to find joy in;
Breaking heart,
Breaking rules,
Even breaking the law
I know deep down you still want to be cared and loved for.

Pushed your innocence of a cliff
Evil grew you wings
It was round about the same time you flew away from everything you once believed.

Wrote a million pages,
About how drowning in an ocean of superficiality has set you free
Yet when I look deep into your eyes,
It tells me a different story.
May 2014 · 586
Moved On
Manqoba May 2014
I know you've moved on
But I still have those little feelings for you
And every time I close my eyes all I see are you're dimples when you smile
I threw my chance in the bin while I had it
That is one thing that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

My friends tell me it's just old feelings coming back
I will soon get over them
But how do I exactly do that if you're still captured by my spirit
My heart dived in the deepest ocean
Just to find you... My missing treasure
Still searching for you love
Intuition tells me I’m searching too deep
All roads to eternal happiness lead to you
But I can never reach you because the mountain to your love is just way too steep.

Just the thought of you
Takes away all the troubles of this world
If you really knew how much love I have you
Maybe the story of our love will unfold
Or maybe it's a dream because you are already taken
It's all good on your side
It's just me with tears and a heart which is broken.
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Manqoba Apr 2014
Caught up in a generation,
Where our strengths are attached to our egos
Caught up in a generation,
Where our insecurities are hidden behind the weaknesses of our hearts
Broken promises creates cuts in our memories,
And their scars are a reminder of who we no longer trust.

We run our mouths longer than we train our brains,
So we quickly get tired of our own thoughts
And the only source of hydration we seek is the validation of others.

Our tears are a reflection of how strong we wish we could be
We are haunted by our past,
And killed by our future
The present moment is the only time we are free.

Encouraged to be ourselves
Yet we are judged for being ourselves
Silenced into individuality,
Yet we scream for each other’s help.

Adolescents are rushed into growing up
And yet they fear growing old
We demand kindness and warmth
Yet our actions towards the ones who love us are cold.
Mar 2014 · 2.8k
Manqoba Mar 2014
i enjoy the silence. it calms the voices in my head down. i feel a sense of clarity, peace, and enlightenment. that is something that is lacking in this society, silence. everyone is trying to make their voices heard, and they are trying to prove how significant they are to others. but, all those things arent as important as the inner peace and acceptance you gain when you are sitting alone listening to nothing. silence doesnt seek for approval, it doesnt seek to be heard. it accepts you for who you are and the only thing desires is your presence.
Mar 2014 · 247
Just The Thought
Manqoba Mar 2014
Just the thought,
Of having you in my arms,
Sharing a hug,
Would provide me with happiness, never reached by any drug.

Just the thought,
Of my lips touching yours
I’d probably end up behind bars,
Because kissing an angel would be breaking all laws.

Just the thought,
Of writing you this poem,
About how I really feel,
I’m probably a fool,
Because I’d live a million years,
But I’d never have you.

Just the thought,
Of letting you go,
I never want to let it happen,
Because loving you is all I know.

Just the dream,
Of having you,
I never want to wake up,
Because I know none of these things will ever come true.
Mar 2014 · 445
Manqoba Mar 2014
Life is moving too fast
He's falling behind
He would share his deepest thoughts but no one would understand
He remain in his silence
With eyes that are greedy for a meaning
Heart that searches for happiness
But sometimes he wonders if this happiness is even worth reaching
He stares into the reflection of the mirror
He sees a young boy,
Innocent, but seen as a kid with many wrongs
Can't adapt to this monotious world
Maybe this is a mistake, it clearly doesn't look like this is where he belongs.
Mar 2014 · 628
Manqoba Mar 2014
I can hear the shouts of emptiness,
Brought by the whispers of the wind
Your loneliness is a snowflake,
Carried by the breeze of my embrace
Caught up in the scare of the darkness,
My hand in yours, leading you to comfort.

My love is infinite, like the blue skies
As you walk through the journey of life,
Let my words inspire you to visualize beauty,
The beauty which has been blinded by insecurities
I want to sink into your memories, like the warmth of a winter fire
When it burns out,
I want to be the ashes that last in your soul for eternity.

As you use the thoughts of tomorrow,
To escape the hell you’re experiencing today,
Let my kiss bring you the perfection of this very moment
As you feel the coldness of this world shiver on your gentle skin,
My touch will be the influence of warmth,
Burning slowly a place unknown
Known by you and I,
Today, tomorrow and forever won’t matter
Ignorance caused by the beauty of the love we’ll experience together.
Mar 2014 · 338
Manqoba Mar 2014
Your hand in mine
So close…
So soft…
The feeling of your love, comforted by your warmth
My heart beating your name.

Time goes by, you walk away
Leaving me as cold as I once was
The wind carries my broken heart
Far beyond the mountains
Into the caves covered with darkness and isolation
The hand that once led me to happiness
Now leads me to the sadness of the drops of the summer rain.

High above the sky
I walk on the smoothness of the clouds that your words devoted to never bring me pain when I fall
So peaceful,
You lies brought about ignorance which was so blissful
Now I’m falling, feelings meandering into waterfalls
Now I’m falling, into the depth of the river, drowned by the waters of broken promises.

I dig deeper
Trying to find the treasure of your heart
I dig deeper
Trying to find the meaning of happiness
I dig deeper
Trying to find the hand that was once comforted by your warmth.
Mar 2014 · 203
Manqoba Mar 2014
Mar 2014 · 1000
Be Yourself
Manqoba Mar 2014
Peaceful words
Let you thoughts float amongst the skies
Beautiful heart
Let the greatness of your actions inspire other souls
Endless possibilities
Let the power of your vision lead you to your goals.

Walk away from the pain and agony
Take the steps to eternal joy
It's your life don't let anything else take authority
Don't let negativity play you like a toy
Live a life you feel is worth living
Remove the doubts that are holding you back
Push until you reach the life you've always been dreaming.

Be out of your mind
Be unique and shine ,
Twinkle through the darkness like a star
Don't let people with judgmental words harm you
They don't even know who you truly are.
Mar 2014 · 715
New Beginnings
Manqoba Mar 2014
Lost deep within the dark forests of doubt
Searching for the simplicities of a perfected life
Fountain overflowing with the curiosity of my infinite thoughts
The thought of happiness has always eluded me
Troubles of my yesterday burning up in flames.

Drowning in the purity of clear waters
Carried within the tides of new beginnings
The flashbacks from the past are haunting me
Their voices glitter amongst the city lights
Each word shining brighter than before.

Give me the warmth
The softest touch of love
The comfort of the smiles of a heart that was once broken
The strength of the wings of a bird that has fallen.

Silence broken by the screams that once brought inner peace
Enhance in me the spirit to be ignorant to the cold winter days
The spirit wise enough to see nature’s wonders
Wonders which have been portrayed in its beautiful ways
#poetry #thoughts #writing #nostalgia

— The End —