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 Sep 2016 Little Bear
Chris Park
I tried my best this time I really did!
To start all over and try to feel happiness again.
But just like that, life dragged me down.
Leaving me  empty and useless
For what's a king without a crown?
A new beginning that came to an end
Trying to hold in the demons,
so my heart can finally  mend.

Yet I'm just a slave of a constant depression
a body with no soul,  dripping teardrops of perfection.
I hoped for a chance but I was just given a fate,
relying on the bottle and taking the pills for a date .

I'm racing my life down,
Leaving with traces of evil
Theres no point in trying
when your left with
a stitch and a broken needle.
A white egret, slowly treads on marshy land...picking food
unafraid, beside a big carabao that munches  grass...

...the tall reeds grow on their own, along riverbanks
........or on wide, unattended, sodden areas
no barbed wires control them from leaning, or sagging
they sway........where the wind goes.

Butterflies, dragonflies, birds
and bees in bright colors, hop on open blossoms
feasting on ripe seeds, nectar, and pollen grains.

and i, am wandering, flying, with these creatures,
perching on top of stalks.....even on carabaos' backs...
i am out there, in the open...swaying with the reeds
while dreams and inspirations spill over.
my mind roams reins, no bounds,
above, and  below....or, even sideways,
i inch, and feel my way
through the breathing,
...and the non-breathing...

i am a poet...i write what i feel...what comes to my mind
i follow rules set before me...though, i have
my own existing rules  inside me...born with me
an innate knowledge of my limitations
as a person, as a parent, as a writer;
what should...and what shouldn't be,
what to reveal...and what to conceal,
how it is to be compassionate...and
how it is to be indifferent.

i am a poet, still hearing my late mother's voice,
emphasizing..."amor propio" and "delicadeza."

an  invisible *** of fresh yellow daffodils,
lives on in my mind...a discretion ingrained in me
a kind of freedom, i opened my eyes to....


Copyright September 20, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Sep 2016 Little Bear
Is it better
to rule in hell
or serve in heaven
maybe rule in hell
but it already has a king
and a long line of successors
i'll just be a lazy servant.
o o o o         o o o o
           O                    O          

)(                     )(

Ancient   Song

Drifting all around

Maidens neath the waterfall

Steady is the sense of

Right from wrong

The Brave Warriors have come

We are here
We are ready

For anything


We stumbled but we didn't fall

We fell but we didn't break

We broke but we kept the faith

We lost the faith
But anyway
Here we are again

All YE

Lost tribes of  children and sad eyed mothers

Your fathers are off somewhere

The elders are already forgotten

Your gods are non-.existant

You are slaves


Hear !
It's the

Ancient Song

Drifting all around

Maidens neath the waterfall

Steady is the sense of  

Right from Wrong

The Brave Warriors have come
How do we want our children to live?
Must it be the same way as us?
Did we succeed in showing the way?
Or should we be seeking an alternative path?

Our planet is green, blue and kind
The air all around is fair and mild
The creatures beside us are full of great beauty
The earth is a miracle home to the trees

How do we want our children to live?
Must it be the same way as us?
Did we succeed in showing the way?
Or should we be seeking an alternative path?

Our industries build still more powerful weapons
The leaders talk of building up walls
The money men force us to pay higher prices
Whilst profiting daily from eternal wars

How do we want our children to live?
Must it be the same way as us?
Did we succeed in showing the way?
Or should we be seeking an alternative path?

Our seas fill up with plastic pollution
Our cities require that you wear a mask
Our reactors leak waste that will damage your baby
They frack the land brutally to quench their thirst

How do we want our children to live?
Must it be the same way as us?
Did we succeed in showing the way?
Or should we be seeking an alternative path?

The sun rises daily to show us our weakness
The moon weeps at night as we lie in our beds
The stars ask us questions to trouble our conscience
The galaxy waits for the next generation

How do we want our children to live?
Must it be the same way as us?
Did we succeed in showing the way?
Or should we be seeking an alternative path?
21st September 2016
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