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752 · Apr 2018
I am an artist
laila shaaban Apr 2018
I am an artist.
I never chose to be but as long as I can remember art was near,
There was no first meeting, no awkward first impression.
It was always right there.
Art is a part of me, a quality written in my biology it’s my personality.
I can’t escape the urge to create,
To illustrate the beautiful picture in my mind,
To encapsulate feelings, project ideas, perfect a masterpiece.
I am an artist I paint;
I paint in hues colors and strokes.
I paint in words sewn together as delicate as a feather,
Yet as painful as a healing wound.
I cower every time I hear them being read aloud
Because these words are windows straight into my thoughts.
Leaving me feeling vulnerable, that’s why some art is unutterable.
Best portrayed using a paintbrush.
Coating the canvas with every color of the spectrum and every spectrum of emotion. Watching the pigments flow with no resistance,
A brush sweeping softly or with deep solid strokes
Always flawless because creativity can never be mistaken
It only awakens new perspectives perfected by the artist
Portraying her ideas precisely.
I am an artist because losing my self in art is my passion,
A distraction, imagine the endless horizons.
Art is the closest thing to magic,
A paintbrush the closest to a wand,
And an artist the closest to becoming an enchanter.
748 · Apr 2018
every moment is a Miracle
laila shaaban Apr 2018
We are living in a miracle
Visible to only those who take the time to ponder, wonder.
To those who come back from wonderland in a trance
High on imagination creativity would never miss a dance
A chance to set the soul free
As carefree as could be
Every moment was a miracle, mystical
Through her eyes everything was possible
The world was enchanting.
She wonders, wonders of everlasting stars
Of the way we fly through space with nothing but grace
She wonders of the pure unadulterated joy in a baby’s smile
Reminding her that it’s all worthwhile
That if you open your eyes and admire the butterflies
Painting the skies you start to realize
Every moment is a miracle beautiful
The evidence is indisputable
Every creature irremovable exceptional
Every snowflake exclusive
Every second elusive
Every mountain valley and stream
The air that we breathe
Thoughts that lie beneath
The blood in our veins
And the complexity of human brains
Explain the fluidity of humanity  
Every atom is a miracle
Enchantingly subtle
So take a step back slow down
Look around I promise the world won’t disappoint.
laila shaaban Apr 2018
The sun shines through the thick canopies of tall trees,
While the autumn breeze rustles the leaves making you feel at ease.
As the honeybees buzz by your ears,
And the crickets chirp without responsibility,
All in perfect harmony with the calming birdsong
All happily singing along creating a melody often mistaken for stridency.
Long blades of grass swaying in the gentle breeze dancing to the rhythm beautifully. Climb the tallest willow tree and look out towards the swirling sea,
And admire the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline
No matter how many times its sent away.
The enchanting ocean with the blue sky above
Adorn by the soft luminous clouds
Which can only be seen through the eyes of a dreamer
The clouds are to the sky as creamer is to coffee watch it flow,
Doesn’t it make you feel happy?
The way they are perfectly imperfect, intertwining together.
Just like the trees,
Which can be bent in several ways yet still look better than any architectural design. The grass is never leveled
No tree is like the next, this one withering, and this one growing.
No two hills are identical
Yet every atom is a miracle,
Every creature irremovable, exceptional.
Each helping in their own way completing this cycle we call life.
Amidst all this chaos lies its beauty yet customarily dismissed.
With realizing that Nature is enticing and mesmerizing,
With realizing that beauty surrounds us.
By keeping our hearts free from hate and our mind of worry.
By living simply and scattering sunshine.
Happiness will only be a heartbeat away.
423 · Aug 2018
embrace it
laila shaaban Aug 2018
What happens when we suddenly realize that our life isn’t meant to be lived in sync with the sunrise,
rotating clockwise,
ticking in unison to the heartbeat of the masses,
carefully outlined on spreadsheets govern by assumptions,
jumping to conclusions,
never leaving room for options.
When we realize that sometimes life takes you by surprise,
on a magic carpet ride where eyelids are lifted,
where clouds part, revealing blue skies,
a new high, uncovering lies,
where stars seem incredibly near and dreams so tangible so real so close to reality you want to jump right in.
Where clouds beg to be painted
And reaching for the moon is habitual almost spiritual.
And worries are perishable and words ever-so lyrical flowing together effortlessly. Where laughs are celebrated and intellect rewarded.
Where moving counterclockwise is normal.
Life gently moving by at your own pace giving you time to embrace the sea the mountains the streams, to snorkel, have a look at the coral.
To watch sunsets and sunrises.
To be excited about building new connections,
learning new lessons,
asking more questions.
Scraping perfection and embracing human faults.
Because there is no such thing as the end of learning,
nor is there such a thing as settling.  
Here we welcome opportunities, greet ideas, acknowledge change.  
Recognizing that our limits are further than we think
And our potential extending beyond the horizon.
Set no limits
Settle for nothing
Radiate sunshine, love, and intellect.
And never forget,
You are more than you perceive.

— The End —